Nettle fibre

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Nettle is a useful wild plant used also as a source of fibre. In UnReal Language the word for flax (pellava) originally referred to nettle plant which speaks about its importance as a textile plant. Nettle fibres can be extracted and spun into yarn by using TEXTILECRAFT skill. Nettle fibres specialtiy is that they can be extracted also directly from fresh plants. For this reason it's used when there's urgent need for spinning short yarn quickly.
Nettle is commonly used, but not as largely as linen, for all sorts of clothes. Some say that garments made out of nettle fibre are more beautiful than the ones made of linen.

Nettle fibre is a type of material, derived from nettle. Nettle-fibre clothing is derived from this material. Nettle plants found in the game, Urtica dioica, contain the same type of fibre as linen derived from flax.


Nettle fibre can be made by player characters through textilecraft, but currently it can only be used to make yarn. Clothing made from nettle must be bartered for by trading or otherwise acquired from NPCs.


Nettles can be processed relatively quickly into simple yarn through textilecraft. Nettle clothes are lightweight, but lack durability and protection from elements and attacks, so more protective pieces of armour or clothing should be worn alongside them. Footwear or mittens cannot be made from nettle fibre.


Nettle-fiber clothing articles and other nettle-fiber items in the game.

See also