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Double Ender Drildos

Double-ended dildos can be a great way to enjoy playing with a partner or on your own. Just make sure to keep track of which end you use for which orifice and avoid quick swaps to avoid irritation and infections.

It can be difficult to operate a double-ender properly, but with a bit of patience and a little communication you will be able to find the ideal position and rhythm. Use plenty of lubricant to enhance your enjoyment.


Double ender dildos come in different sizes, ranging from small to extra-large. They are ideal for couples looking to try double penetration or even anal playing. They can be used to stimulate the perineum for foreplay. Select a model that has a vibration setting for added pleasure.

It is recommended to use a condom on both ends of the dildo when you are using it with your partner. This will prevent STDs and STIs from spreading to your partner. It is also essential to clean the sex toy after each use. You can achieve this by using a lubricant which is water-based.

When selecting a double-ended dildo think about your partner's preferences and their comfort level. Also, think about the size. A small dildo is the best for anal penetration. A larger dildo is better for vaginal sexual relations. A large dildo is also perfect for pegging.

The shape and texture of the double-ended doldo is equally important. Some are made of an unporous material, which makes them easier to sterilize. This is an excellent choice over porous sex toys such as PVC, jelly rubber, and vinyl, which have thousands of tiny holes that can harbor bacteria inside the toy.

The cost of a double-ended dildo is another factor to consider. Look for a dildo with a reasonable price but still provides good quality. You should also make sure that the dildo you purchase is free of phthalates. This is a must since phthalates have been proven to cause a myriad of health problems, including nausea, headaches, and cramps.


Double-ended dildos are great for adding some excitement to your solo game. This kind of sex device is popular with lesbian couples. It's a good option to simultaneously penetrate the vaginal and anal areas. If you're new to this type of toy, it's recommended to get some time to practice.

You can also use the double-ended dildo along with a partner to discover new ways of feeling and positions. For instance, you could try a scissoring pose in which you sit facing each other and slide the dildo between you. This will allow you to enjoy anal penetration, while maintaining eye contact.

A double-ended Dildo Double Ended (Https://Saucegarage61.Bravejournal.Net/) could be used to peg. You'll need to put the dildo between your vagina as well as the anus. It can be difficult to place the dildo in the right position but it's worthwhile once you have it. You may want to add lubricant to this toy depending on your preference.

It's also essential to choose a dildo with no pores. Porous toys may harbor bacteria and can lead to infections, so it's better to avoid them. Instead, choose silicone, glass or a metal dildo. These toys are simple to clean and are less likely to harbor bacteria than a PVC or jelly toy.


Double-ender dildos are available in a variety of styles that can be used alone or with your partner. Some come with built-in vibration options, while others come with remote control options. In addition to different vibration patterns, some dildos come with multiple intensity levels for the most sexual experience.

Make sure the material you choose to use is safe for your body prior to using a double-ender. It should be free from phthalates, PVC, vinyl, jelly rubber and other harmful substances that may harm the vaginal or anus. These substances can cause swelling, pain and even damage to the lining of your genitals.

To use the dildo, apply lube to both ends and insert it into your abdominal or vagina. The second end of the dildo may be used to massage your partner or stroke them. You can also use it to stimulate the clitoral region. For the best double dildos results, use a water-based lubricant for this type of play.

If you're engaged in a couple game it is crucial to communicate and have consent with your partner. It is also crucial to check in with your partner throughout the process and to inform them of how you feel good or uncomfortable. This will allow you to discover a comfortable position and rhythm that is suitable for both of you. You could also try the face-toface position that is a traditional couple play position that can be extremely sensual and intense.


Double ender dildos are one of the most sensual and thrilling adult toys available. They permit simultaneous vaginal and anal penetration, a feeling that many couples find stimulating. They come in many different designs and textures. Be sure to think about your partner's preferences when you select a double ended dildo. For instance, they may prefer a curving shaft or a realistic look. The material used to make the construction of the dildo can affect the flexibility and texture.

Some dildos are constructed of flexible plastic, which allows them to bend into C-shapes during use. Other dildos are made from glass which is a soft and firm material that feels good on the skin. Glass dildos can be chilled and heated for an additional feel. Some dildos can even be made from body-safe silicone, which is a material that is not porous and is easily cleaned.

The ideal double sided dildoes-ended dildo for you will depend on your style preferences and the type of couple playing you enjoy. Begin with an authentic model that appears and feels like a real penis if you're just beginning to learn about daddy-dos. This is a great option for beginners as it's easy to use and stimulates your G-spot. For a more intense experience you can try a sexy, glass do with a curving shape, which is perfect for stimulating your G-spot and P-spot. Make sure you choose an dildo with a secure length for your anal and vaginal canal, and always use plenty of lube.