UnReal World

UnReal World is a unique low-fantasy roguelike game set in the far north during the late Iron-Age.
The world of the game is highly realistic, rich with historical atmosphere and
emphasized on survival in the harsh ancient wilderness.

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Hall of Fame
...into the far north we shall take you --
-- as far as we can by the means of computer role playing...
UnReal World screenshots
These screenshots are from upcoming version 3.30 to be relased in late February.

Bear hunting party has reached and downed the beast.
In a Seal-Tribe village there are people to interact with and goods to trade for.

The winter is coming. A settler and his livestock can see and feel it.
A fellow hunter disappeared on a rainy night. His tracks were found, along with wolf tracks too. The trail was easy to follow, but he was found too late.

Armour coverage screen.
Oh, autumn! The field alone provides lots of food for the winter, but those berries, mushrooms and herbs in the nearby forest are also waiting to be harvested.

Retrieving nets at a lake with Kuikka bird population.
Wintertime elk hunting with the help of a loyal dog - and trusty skis.

Dead month, some snow on the ground already, and unfinished cottages. Keep swinging that broad axe and you may survive.
Bargaining about a few desired necessities to be able to continue self-sustaining lifestyle.

Scouting the terrain from top of a cliff on world map. It's spring but the lakes are still partially frozen. It's vast wilderness but a few settlements come into view too.
A flock of forest reindeers is encountered at nicely open heathland. An accurate bow shot brings one down immediately, but the hunter craves for more.

Trapping site proves succesfull. A badger has dropped into one of the trap pits. A hide to tan and meat to smoke.
Not every tribe is friendly and the brave wanderer gets overpowered by Njerpez warriors in their camp.