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Revision as of 04:42, 11 December 2018 by Petike (Talk | contribs)

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Basic Info
Type: Plant
Known By: '
Region: Eastern, Western
Terrain: Cliff, Pine-mire, Dry
Cultivated: '
Edible: Yes
Growth Information
Sprout Month: Seedtime (May)
Growth Time: 65 days
Harvest Date: Hay (July)
Wither Month: Dead (November)
Harvest Information
Harvest Tool: '
Produces: Heather flowers
Food Information
Carbs: 1
Fat: 0
Protein: 0

Heather is a kind of herb, often found near cliffs and and pine mires. It has distinctive pink flowers.

Though it withers as late as Dead (November), heather can't be picked after its flowering period. Even though it can still be harvested after it's stopped flowering, threshing results in no useful parts.

Herb effects

When boiled, heather is an:

When applied to wounds, heather is an:

  • antiseptic

Heather in game text.png

Herblore Information on Heather

Real life context

Heather is probably based on Calluna vulgaris, or common heather, a low growing shrub commonly found on hills and moors, with purple, pink or white flowers and a pleasant scent when crushed.
