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Messages - GrimmSpector

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Gameplay questions / Re: Does snow depth effect npcs combat abilities?
« on: April 26, 2023, 03:21:44 PM »
My best run of 357 days just died to a Njerp who was dodging every attack I did, while wearing leather shoes in waist deep snow. I had ski's and ~110 lbs on me from what I remember, not realizing there was a war camp on the west end of kaumo lands.

My question is does snow depth effect npc combat abilities? does it effect the players? I never got a message saying something like "the snow makes it hard to attack"

How do you find out about war camps? :-o

Gameplay questions / Re: Master Fisherman can't catch no fish!
« on: April 26, 2023, 03:19:33 PM »
Yesterday my fishing net delivered a fine catch of 3 roach. While paddling back to shore I realised I had a rod with me so I dangled a roach on the hook and caught 14 bream.

My skill is still under 60 but since the start of winter, it is now 1 day before midwinter, I have about 150 pike, salmon and trout dried in my cellar plus the dozens of other fish meals I have eaten. Bait is the answer, even spoiled raw meat or fish works, there is a thread here somewhere detailing research about what is best to use.

I wish I had your luck, I unwisely started with like 28 fishing, it hasn't risen at all, I almost never catch anything in nets, and fishing has so far just been a waste of bait with a rod.

Gameplay questions / Re: Snares need yarn now?!
« on: April 26, 2023, 03:16:35 PM »
I don't think you'd be able to make a snare from withes, as that's just a somewhat flexible twig without any ability to make a slide knot.
As for leather, I would guess a leather cord might be too thick and stiff to really function well as a snare. Birch bark similarly isn't supple enough to make a suitable string (I'd guess it might be similar to trying to make a snare out of cardboard).

The lightest lever trap is aimed at the same game as the snare and doesn't use anything you can't just collect by spending efforts searching the surroundings (although twigs can also be harvested without tools).

It can also be noted that the behavior was the same in 3.72.2 (and probably was introduced when yarn was introduced).

Birds can get caught by a light lever trap?

I have no bait for birds sadly, and I haven't seen much other wildlife where I am :-\ too early to forage wild plants as I started in spring, and am only 15 days in, and short on food.

Gameplay questions / Snares need yarn now?!
« on: April 26, 2023, 02:32:16 AM »
Using 3.80 ... why the heck do I need YARN for snares? Snares should be trivially easy to make, but I have to wait until I'm in a season where I can harvest and then ret plants and have access to them to spin yarn to make a snare? Instead of using a withe, or some birch bark cord ... or some leather? What the heck!

Gameplay questions / Re: Hunting Bears
« on: April 15, 2022, 03:39:01 AM »
I think a cave would make a terrible base cuz you'd always need a torch or a burning fire in it to see what you're doing.

Actually, though it's a good amount of work/boards; Once you set flooring, those areas remain illuminated.

Oh, well that's quite interesting, I've had my own cabin be so dark I couldn't do stuff in it without a fire or torch lol so that doesn't seem any worse.

Gameplay questions / Re: Hunting Bears
« on: April 14, 2022, 01:51:12 AM »
Winter bear fur that people have gotten suggests they're not removed from the game world, I recall somewhere even seeing that it was the warmest fur value you can get.<snip>
I cannot argue with your logic & that is how it works in real life I get that. I do not think it works that way in the game is what I was saying.
Seeing something of winter fur does not mean these animals stay in game world (in caves or elsewhere) and realistically change furs.
Programming it that way would be programming unnecessarily realistically in my opinion. Having said that as I mentioned above I was only speculating, I could be wrong...

What's the point of caves then?
Caves exist in real life so the developers put them in the game. That alone is a reason enough in my opinion as it makes the game world more believable.

As per Privateer, animals and treasures both can exist in caves and I have seen both in my limited experience.
I have also seen Njerp (human. raider-from-east.) in a cave so be advised there is always an element of risk when exploring a cave. What I have seen the most in caves is 'nothing'. Empty caves, in my anecdotal experience, is like 95-99%.

Having said that I only use caves as free pre-(naturally)built temporary shelters when it is raining/likely to rain. Other than that, personally I do not find 'exploring caves' that interesting or worthy of the time investment these days and have not done so extensively in the first place. A more experienced UrW cave explorer might chip in here in the ratio of finding non-empty caves...

Note that you can use a cave as your home base. As there are naturally built 'walls', it cuts down the construction time (&material) cost by a huge percentage.

But every other furry animal has a winter fur and a normal it's already programmatically in the game.

I think a cave would make a terrible base cuz you'd always need a torch or a burning fire in it to see what you're doing.

Gameplay questions / Re: Hunting Bears
« on: April 13, 2022, 01:19:34 AM »
What's the point of caves then?

 There can be animals in caves, I've seen lynx before. They make great homes, and very, very rarely there could be treasure stashed.


Gameplay questions / Re: [Spoilers] Meeting the Forest Spirits
« on: April 13, 2022, 01:19:08 AM »
Staying ON the Ants Nest was the key! Only took an hour or so waiting. I ... think ... that the spirit blessed me!

I wonder if anyone has any uses for dried berries made through this other than as fish bait?

iirc the Dried berries have a change to the spoilage so that they last much longer than normal berries. That was the intent at the time.

Yeah, they just don't act like berries anymore, generic food no use in recipes or herblore.

I really can't figure out the bow issue, want that working bow!

Gameplay questions / Re: Hunting Bears
« on: April 10, 2022, 12:52:24 AM »
Heard they winter in caves, have put Bear traps across every cave entrance I can find, almost back to Spring now, no dice.<snip>
Where did you hear that?

What I know is there is a 2.5 year old NEWS entry, listed in game top level directory, inside the news.txt file, as follows:
Version: 3.60 (beta)
Released: 15-Sep-2019

fixed: bears active and awake in the winter.
Now they hibernate during the winter as they should.
As you can see, it mentions the hibernation but not the location or the detail of hibernation mechanic.

This is speculation but I am guessing hibernation in this game's context probably just means animals are removed from the game world.
In other words, it probably does not mean bears going into caves to hibernate there and eventually walk out at the end of hibernation period.
With this suspected background, what you did is logical in the real world (i.e.: what goes into cave will eventually walk out of cave thus a trap outside it makes sense); in the game world though, probably bears magically spawn on tiles rather than walk out of caves so traps in front of caves have no particularly high chance of trapping one.

<snip>What's a good way to track one down?
Bears are everywhere. Just cover more ground, you will eventually find one. If you go north, east, or northeast you will probably have higher chances of spotting one but you do not have to go any particular part of map to spot one.

Won't help with your current game but a tip for later: when you are starting a new character, increasing eyesight would help spot more.
More info on eyesight physical stat is on the wiki, here:

Winter bear fur that people have gotten suggests they're not removed from the game world, I recall somewhere even seeing that it was the warmest fur value you can get.

What's the point of caves then?

Gameplay questions / Hunting Bears
« on: April 09, 2022, 01:11:44 AM »
Heard they winter in caves, have put Bear traps across every cave entrance I can find, almost back to Spring now, no dice. What's a good way to track one down?

Gameplay questions / Re: Elk Horns
« on: April 07, 2022, 10:21:16 PM »
Bulls and some cows have horns.
Elk/moose have antlers.

Horns do not get shed. Antlers get shed annually.
Some antler growing species only male have them, moose/elk. Some species both genders do, like reindeer.

Ingame, antlers are not shed. Maybe the bull moose are busy elsewhere?

Must be so this winter. Whenever I see Reindeer it's usually a group. Chased them to my settlement, and I'd accidentally left the gate open and they ran into my gated area, and I ran in behind and shut them in and killed them lol

Gameplay questions / Re: Missed paying companion
« on: April 07, 2022, 10:20:13 PM »
If you go visit the village/settlement you hired him from, you can then give him his payment.
They’ll comment something “better late than never”.
If you don’t pay them, you might not be able to hire him or anyone from their home location.

I'm not sure I remember which settlement it was lol, but I guess I'll have to try to find them.

Gameplay questions / Missed paying companion
« on: April 07, 2022, 01:50:34 AM »
What's gonna happen? I couldn't make it back home in time to grab stuff to pay them with, and was chasing down a reindeer, and when I made it back home they were no longer with me. Gonna kill me in my sleep? Just can't find them.

Gameplay questions / Re: How to burn down wooden buildings?
« on: April 07, 2022, 01:02:03 AM »
Crap, didn't know this, woops. Gonna burn down my whole farm when I go to light it up to fertilize.

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