Topic: Lookout for X  (Read 18026 times)


« on: September 11, 2017, 02:54:44 PM »
So, after some hunting I encountered this issue.
Often, when following tracks, I am getting to involved into tracking down the animal that I dont notice the animal I am tracking on the edge of the screen. Which results in animal getting spooked.

If that problem is not exclusive to me, I would like to suggest a togglable option.
You set a toggle for elk, as example.
As soon as elk appears on your screen you get a confirmation dialogue similar to when animal stumble uponyou during some work.
After confirmation was received, toggle turns off until called upon again.
That would remove the problem of not noticing that sneaky game on edge of screen behind the spruce tree.


« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2017, 11:41:48 PM »
It's definitely an issue I run into a lot. Especially, because you can see an animal when you zoom out (ctrl -) so one is tempted to keep yourself zoomed out, but then tracks are a lot harder to see. So you either go in and out a lot, or squint, or miss some opportunities.

What I'd like to see is a simple animal icon (could be customized to animal type) that shows up on your portrait the same way listening waves do -- indicating the direction of animals you currently see). If you can see the direction of sounds you've just heard, it only stands to reason you could see the direction of things you can see.


« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2017, 02:52:18 PM »
Ah, yes, the barely visible on zoom out tracks.
Especially if it is raining.


« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2017, 02:47:22 AM »
Something like this would be useful for quests too.  Having to march back and forth through villages (L)ooking at every single person again and again, trying to find that one guy to turn in your quest is both boring and infuriating -- especially since he moves around constantly.  And if you're told to look for a guy "northeast of here" and there's multiple villages where he could be, it's just easier to ignore the quest instead of waste two or three hours of real time trying to run down every single person in every single village and still never being sure whether you might have missed someone somewhere behind a tree.

