Topic: [3.84] Stone axe cannot be rehafted - not sure if bug or feature  (Read 3959 times)


« on: June 02, 2024, 05:27:52 PM »
Hi, I think this might not be a bug, it might be a feature. But it's not mentioned in news.txt, so I wasn't sure if it's intentional or not. When a stone axe haft breaks, you don't get a sharpened stone axe head, you get a regular stone, which cannot be rehafted.

This makes sense to me because maybe the stone head is also no longer sharp after all these trees I've chopped with it.

Code: [Select]
Worn haft of your stone-axe breaks!
The stone drops on the ground.
Huh? It's not possible to haft stones!


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« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2024, 06:33:18 PM »
This is intentional, but yes, a bit confusing. Maybe some explanatory messages should be shown when the stone axe haft breaks.

Hmm. And as the sharpening of the heads is coming up at some point it's soon a relevant question how many trees one could actually cut with stone axe before it gets too dull. As they now keep good for as long as the haft, now it may be even a bit exaggregated.

- Sami | UnReal World creator


« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2024, 10:30:15 PM »
I don't know how many big trees I chopped with it, but at least 70. And of course I made them into logs, too.