Topic: Caves  (Read 14629 times)


« on: June 05, 2023, 08:07:07 PM »
So ... I thought I read somewhere that bears move in to them in the winter sometimes, but every cave I've come across I put a bear deadfall trap over the entrance, and never once have I found a bear in one, plus I kick it down and enter the cave every so often in the winter/spring, and look with a torch for a bear and also still find none. Do bears not do this? Am I wasting my time? Where else would it be best to put these traps? Can they only catch bears?


« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2023, 11:02:49 PM »
Best spots for bear traps are where you've seen the bear or it's tracks. Elks can trigger the trap too. Reindeer and all the rest are too puny to trigger the bear trap.

I've bumped into lynxes and Njerps in caves more often than bears. I have killed 1 bear in cave in last 3-4 years. Wounded adventurer quest spawns bear pretty often, hopefully during drying/winter fur season :)


« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2023, 03:28:02 PM »
Best spots for bear traps are where you've seen the bear or it's tracks. Elks can trigger the trap too. Reindeer and all the rest are too puny to trigger the bear trap.

I've bumped into lynxes and Njerps in caves more often than bears. I have killed 1 bear in cave in last 3-4 years. Wounded adventurer quest spawns bear pretty often, hopefully during drying/winter fur season :)

I ran into bear at the start of this playthrough literally immediately, but haven't seen any tracks since unfortunately!


« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2023, 05:18:44 PM »
Never seen anything except Lynxes, Njerps and (small) treasure hoards in caves. Also re. the traps, I have never tried it myself, but haven't people used these for seals?
« Last Edit: June 18, 2023, 05:20:34 PM by Matti-patti »


« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2023, 06:34:05 AM »
I think the main culprit for "bears & caves" comes from the "The Great Man of the Forest" task on the Advanced Game Course.
The task mentions caves as a place for finding bears, but I think the task text hasn't been updated since the caves used to be multi-level dungeons sprawling with 2 and 4 legged beasts.


« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2023, 10:09:53 AM »
I have caught seals with bear traps by placing them at locations where I've seen seals. However, this was before the latest modification to traps (where animals can pass through traps of the "wrong" size, rather than being blocked by them).


« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2023, 11:40:20 AM »
Sometimes a bear will be spawned into a cave tile when it's being generated as you enter that tile for the first time. This could be considered as a random event. But I never noticed that wandering bears tend to inhabit in a cave according to the season. Things which came to me is, that if there is no news for the first time you enter a cave tile, there shall be no more news for good.


« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2023, 04:32:40 AM »
From what I've seen bears don't move into caves at winter time. I think caves are generated with bears in them and they hang around the area or sleep inside, but I've never had a previously empty cave, or a cave I made empty, get a bear.

Also in my experience you're more likely to find nothing, treasure, or a person than bears in caves for some reason.


« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2023, 10:55:22 AM »
Reindeer and all the rest are too puny to trigger the bear trap.
As of 3.82, reindeers actually can trigger a bear trap too. I've caught two of them this way. However, didn't remember exactly, were them big or regular size.
Biggest Russian UrW fan


« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2023, 03:46:05 PM »
Reindeer and all the rest are too puny to trigger the bear trap.
As of 3.82, reindeers actually can trigger a bear trap too. I've caught two of them this way. However, didn't remember exactly, were them big or regular size.

I've had wolves, baby elk, and baby reindeer go into bear traps as well as seals.


« Reply #10 on: November 04, 2023, 06:51:15 PM »

Whe catching some other animal than bears, fur gets damaged?


« Reply #11 on: November 05, 2023, 10:20:18 PM »

Whe catching some other animal than bears, fur gets damaged?

Blunt generally doesn’t damage hide, but if the impact is hard enough, and causes fracture with bleeding (as in open compound), that can damage hide too, especially hits to shoulder, thorax, abdomen. Skull, face, neck and legs are less likely to degrade the skin quality.