Topic: Re: Village items cannot be paid for without being yelled at. 3.63 (stable).  (Read 9371 times)


« on: September 12, 2021, 03:28:52 AM »
    1. I moved all the village items to a building.
    2. The items kept the (unpaid) label after dropping them off.
    3. I picked the items marked (unpaid).
    4. I talked to Akseli the Sartolais woodsman.
    5. In the trade window I selected as many (unpaid) items as I could as payment.
    6. Akseli accepted the items as returns.
    7. When I talked to Akseli again or any other villager about paying for the remaining (unpaid) items in my inventory, none of them ask me to pay for the (unpaid) items.
    8. If I try to leave the village with the (unpaid) items, I do get yelled at by villagers demanding that I pay for the (unpaid) items.

After loading the game you’ll find the (unpaid) items at the character’s feet.

Save game
« Last Edit: September 12, 2021, 01:22:49 PM by d2shr6o8av »
Hoarder of hungry dogs.


« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2021, 07:44:46 AM »
It's been like this for a while, the game remembers which items you pick up so that you'll remember which ones you wanted to buy when you come to the village next. You can leave the village without penalty if you leave the unpaid items there.

When you give an unpaid item to a villager, it's saying you don't want to buy it after all, and the villager might hang onto it for a while rather than setting it down for sale again, but you will probably find they've put it down if you leave the village for a while.


« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2021, 01:25:31 PM »
I edited point #7 to make it clearer.

7. When I talked to Akseli again or any other villager about paying for the remaining (unpaid) items in my inventory, none of them ask me to pay for the (unpaid) items.
Hoarder of hungry dogs.


« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2021, 12:46:00 PM »
oh, sorry i misunderstood you. Thanks for making it clearer


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« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2021, 10:18:03 PM »
    1. I moved all the village items to a building.

It's likely the result of this. The game, and villagers, try to keep track of the items - what's carried and what released - but excessive transporting, especially if it includes villager requests to pay, can apparently break something in the debt data. What actually happens and where remains unknown since to find it out we would be able to reproduce the whole drill as exactly as possible.
It's quite impossible to track things backwards from the savegame. Some item ownership related data is surely messed up there, but at what point and why it happened is super tricky to find out.

The best advice is not to do this. Moreover, it can seriously lower yours characters trading reputation as hesitation and repetitive picking and dropping of unpaid goods doesn't please the villagers.
- Sami | UnReal World creator


« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2021, 03:11:20 AM »
I'll bookmark this so I don't report it again.
Hoarder of hungry dogs.


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« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2021, 03:23:12 PM »
I'll bookmark this so I don't report it again.

This has been reported few times earlier, and I guess will be reported in the future too.
It's tricky to think about easy fix as the gameplay moves prior to bug triggering can be so varied and not easily and reliably recalled.
If one can come up with a good pattern to follow let us know, but it surely takes time even to try reproducing the issue.
- Sami | UnReal World creator