Topic: Problems with finding a cave  (Read 5824 times)


« on: May 06, 2021, 11:02:06 AM »
For the first time ever I got a cave indicator on the F6 map and thought this might provide shelter for my first winter as I have no metal axes.

I jogged towards the spot zoomed out and at one point the programme zoomed in and said I had found a cave on a mountain but I could not see anything that looks like a cave or cave entrance. The F6 map showed I was not quite in the centre of the cave marker, that position matched in a pine mire fust SE of the mountain.

I found a couple of screenshots on the fora showing people in caves but have no structure even similar. The wiki says the entrance is always at the east end and you need a torch to see anything inside. Does this mean I will not see the cave until I go into to it? I tried walking into every east facing rock wall and either walk to the west, get asked if I want to climb or am told it is to steep to climb. It seems from some early screenshots that caves might appear as black holes until you go in with a torch. My problem is I am not sure what I am looking for. The wiki also informs that if you enter the cave square from the east then you will be facing the entrance, I assume this means if you are zoomed out and travelling west, but I cannot get the auto zoom in to work after the first time.

How do I find this cave?


« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2021, 11:22:53 AM »
If you have found a rock wall you have found the cave. As in you found the rock structure in the cave map but just can't get in? It's possible the one you found has no entrance. I think I have seen that happen rarely. If you didn't find the rock structure yet, keep looking for it on the cave map zone, you should know it when you see it.

Edit: I think when you first enter a map with a cave in it it will spawn you on the edge of the map zone (like when entering a village) rather than in the center of it. So you might need to walk a bit to find it. In my experience the cave structure tends to be located in the central eastern part of the map zone.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2021, 11:42:46 AM by Matti-patti »


« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2021, 12:20:29 PM »
I cannot see anything that looks like an area surrounded by rock walls or a black are that might be an unexplored cave. I added a screenshot of the central east area of the zone, if helps.


« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2021, 12:35:15 PM »
No cave there, if the map zone is correct (it displays the cave map type in the upper panel) and there is indeed no cave structure anywhere in that zone, it would be a good idea to submit a bug report with save game to Sami.


« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2021, 09:05:15 AM »
Very rarely, I've seen caves appear on the west half instead, and not like a normal cave but just a half circle of rock like

Code: [Select]

I'm not sure if that's a bug or not, but if your tile doesn't even have that then it's definitely a bug.


« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2021, 10:46:02 AM »
The bug, if it as one, is a bit more elusive. The cave is not at the centre of the F6 map cave marker, in fact that marker seems to move around a bit. Moving around zoomed out sometimes gives a message 'you have found a cave' but not always, it auto zooms in but sometimes to a mountain sometimes to a cave square, twice the cave zoomed in map did not have any sort of cave but one time it did, so I marked it on the F6 map, explored it inside and started building some fences and a door. Handily the west side is an open mire with lots of water.

I sent Sami a savegame before finding the cave so he can investigate if it is a bug or not. I intend to get some screenshots of what a newly discovered cave looks like and update the wiki so others will know what to look for, though having seen one it is now obvious.