"Crafting" woolen clothes in the real world is not a task simply done by an unskilled person.
Remeber your days in elementary school in handicraft-class...
Or just ask your grandmother...
Its quite elaborate and time consuming to process sheep's fur into proper woolen clothing.
You cannot just pick the hair of the fur and make clothes out of it.
You have to comb the wool, make threads out of them. If you dont have a spindle to do that, its really taking a long time to do that.
Even if you would ignore the fact that knitting had not even been invented in the iron age, it would still take a long time to craft just a pair socks out of some yarn, probably a day or two. Not to speak of bigger pieces of cloth.
My suggestions for implementing wool-craft ingame would consider:
- Resembling knitting, you could require a character to have quite high hideworking skill, to weave or at least craft woolen items out of wool.
- Another solution could be an extra skill, like "Nålebinding(the basic textile-thread technique that was abundant in the iron age)and weaving and stitching". I think that would be quite cool and add to the authenticity of the game. But i dont know if that feature has a high priority to most of you people.
-Also i would really reward players wearing sheep FURS in winter, sacrificing some combat protection for warmth.
-perhaps there could exist an option to stuff out your shoes/boots with hay, wool or fur, as a low grade and temporary solution...