Topic: Flour question + Trading wild plants  (Read 4384 times)


« on: June 23, 2019, 12:09:13 AM »
I started a special playthrough (Vegan + 0% skills + very tiny character). So far I am doing fine surviving on lake reed and bearpipe, but I have two questions as this is mostly undiscovered territory for me (I loooove hunting to much.)

1. Is grinding lake reed into flour worth it? Flour is best utilized for bread?

2. Can any wild plant or its part be used for trading, to get some basic goods from villagers?

Thank you!

Tom H

« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2019, 07:53:32 AM »
I use lake reed flour as well as grain flours. There does not seem to be any variance in the quality of products created from their use. Nowadays I only use flour in a few cooked dishes because the food value of the bread created, regardless of the type of flour, just seems not worth the time, trouble, and work involved.

Overall, I would say reed flour IS worth it mainly because it costs nothing other than time gathering, threshing, and grinding to acquire. I've had reed plants waiting in a cellar for several years now to be threshed and they still have not gone bad.

 For the record, I recommend storing peas and beans in a cellar. I thought that they'd last forever, being just dried product. However, they will spoil. I never replaced them, having so many roots from the various herbs which are perfectly acceptable as 'vegetables' in cooking recipes.


« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2019, 02:33:30 PM »
I did some ingame research

For anyone wondering, I have tested over dozen of wild plants and their parts and found out, that none of them is ever wanted by villagers in trade.

Tom H

« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2019, 12:41:14 PM »
Yeah, I've offered various seeds, only to be told they were unwanted. I guess that makes sense for villages that are growing their own crops but you'd think there might be some demand for out of season herbs, at least. It must be very tricky making a viable game economy. I've never seen one that didn't result in Zimbabwe/Venezuela-level inflation.