Topic: Robber corpses transmogrified into boxes with hemp seeds.  (Read 8674 times)

Saiko Kila

« on: April 01, 2019, 08:07:48 PM »
This was quite funny, and happened only once, but maybe someone seen it.

After killing two robbers I left them on the zoom-out map, because they were too heavy to bring home (which I often do, to get bones as a keepsake). I returned after some time, but instead of corpses there was a mysterious object named just "8", which was impossible to pick up. Its name was shown when entering the tile. After some more time (months) I returned there, and this time there were 8 boxes of weed seed! I suppose the "8" was these seeds in process of being converted from bodies to boxes. Or maybe it was bones. Anyway, these boxes were pickable (they were weighing like 128 lbs) so I took them. But why was that?


« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2019, 01:04:37 AM »
I've had a somewhat similar experience a fair while ago (before the magic rework). My character was on a raft traveling down the coast. While sleeping one night, all dried and smoked meat (multiple stacks) were all spoiled, and some containers of something had been spawned as well (I don't remember if it was seeds or grain, but something along that line). There's probably still a bug report about it on the old forum.
I worked around that problem by reverting to a backup save before the trip was started (a few game days earlier).

Saiko Kila

« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2019, 10:00:06 AM »
Containers too? I'll keep looking for strange containers, maybe they are default state when something is corrupted.

I looked at the mysterious "8" objects, before they changed into baskets, and their sprites look like broadswords (i.e. swords with red handle). As if there were several broadswords lying on the map, but glued to the forest. I'll admit than when I've found them first, I thought about reverting a save, because it looked like a corruption, but then decided that too I would have to go in time too far, maybe even over a year (bandits were killed in April of 3rd year, and the full transformation occurred in 4th year).


« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2019, 10:57:31 AM »
Without knowing, I suspect the corruption is localized to that stack of items. It doesn't seem like your items are particularly important, while in my case it was my entire set of provisions for the journey that was destryoed.

Saiko Kila

« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2019, 10:16:39 AM »
Without knowing, I suspect the corruption is localized to that stack of items. It doesn't seem like your items are particularly important, while in my case it was my entire set of provisions for the journey that was destryoed.

The items were not important at all, I don't think that at certain stage in game there are very important items (because there are backups stashed somewhere), so I was only concerned with stability of the whole save. When away from home this may be a problem. Though my char has always a fish rod, and then a cow, which means he can travel without food - so the problem would be lack of "money", if that was the purpose of items, not survival.