Topic: [not a bug] Skramasaksi in kaumo villages. Bug or not?  (Read 12686 times)

Saiko Kila

« on: March 30, 2019, 08:07:21 PM »
I'm not sure if it is a bug, but it sure is strange. I've found two skramasaksi in two kaumo villages. One of them was even of fine quality, which is only the second fine skramasaksi this character found. But the first time it was in the orange people area (Sartola), just like expected. Now maybe it is not a bug, and players are expected to find out-of-place artefacts like that, but it is also possible there is a problem with loot tables, so I wanted to signal it. Also I couldn't find any kaumo spear, except these carried by woodsmen/huntsmen/adventurers, but this may be because it's supposed to be rare or something.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2019, 02:32:25 PM by Sami »

Tom H

« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2019, 04:14:42 AM »
The rare Kaumo spear? Yeah, With my PC, I've gone through every Kaumo village and found but one spear! As for finding items within the 'wrong' culture, I just assume they traded for it at some time. How else would they have the various Masterwork items?


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« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2019, 02:32:03 PM »
Nah, it's not a bug, skramasaksi can appear among Kaumo as well - although rarely, as other "war" weapons. Wealthy village it must have been.
And there are of course little chances of some "non-cultural" items to find their ways to unexpected places as well.

- Sami | UnReal World creator

Saiko Kila

« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2019, 07:51:05 PM »
The rare Kaumo spear? Yeah, With my PC, I've gone through every Kaumo village and found but one spear! As for finding items within the 'wrong' culture, I just assume they traded for it at some time. How else would they have the various Masterwork items?

Probably they have traded it, but I have found only 6 skramasaski total in five years (two in Kaumo, four in Sartola), so there's is a question who has sold it to them? Because the supposed producers have it mostly out of stock...

For comparison, northern bows are extremely frequent in Kuikka villages (and other northern, but Kuikka have sometimes even 7 northbows in a single kota, and I expect to find one masterwork quality every three villages on average). And yet, no southerners seem to have it - ever. So the trade seems to be wonky. OR the villagers are filthy bandits in disguise, and they killed some adventurer and brought his stuff home. That would explain my encounters with kaumo robbers (which are more frequent than in other cultures).

As for kaumo spear, I haven't see it at all on the ground. But some villagers have it in inventory, and some of these want to sell it. They have only standard quality, though, so given how unhandy it is it's not worth it. I bought one as a souvenir.

Nah, it's not a bug, skramasaksi can appear among Kaumo as well - although rarely, as other "war" weapons. Wealthy village it must have been.  And there are of course little chances of some "non-cultural" items to find their ways to unexpected places as well.

I don't know, Driik seem to be generally more wealthy. Though Kaumo have many, many clothes and armours, they usually are in rough quality so not that valuable.


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« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2019, 01:54:16 PM »
Well, the actual trading between villages isn't something we have modelled in detail. Not at all. There are chances, but you can't find a decent logic no matter what.

The rare Kaumo spear? Yeah, With my PC, I've gone through every Kaumo village and found but one spear! As for finding items within the 'wrong' culture, I just assume they traded for it at some time. How else would they have the various Masterwork items?

Probably they have traded it, but I have found only 6 skramasaski total in five years (two in Kaumo, four in Sartola), so there's is a question who has sold it to them? Because the supposed producers have it mostly out of stock...

For comparison, northern bows are extremely frequent in Kuikka villages (and other northern, but Kuikka have sometimes even 7 northbows in a single kota, and I expect to find one masterwork quality every three villages on average). And yet, no southerners seem to have it - ever. So the trade seems to be wonky. OR the villagers are filthy bandits in disguise, and they killed some adventurer and brought his stuff home. That would explain my encounters with kaumo robbers (which are more frequent than in other cultures).

As for kaumo spear, I haven't see it at all on the ground. But some villagers have it in inventory, and some of these want to sell it. They have only standard quality, though, so given how unhandy it is it's not worth it. I bought one as a souvenir.

Nah, it's not a bug, skramasaksi can appear among Kaumo as well - although rarely, as other "war" weapons. Wealthy village it must have been.  And there are of course little chances of some "non-cultural" items to find their ways to unexpected places as well.

I don't know, Driik seem to be generally more wealthy. Though Kaumo have many, many clothes and armours, they usually are in rough quality so not that valuable.
- Sami | UnReal World creator

Saiko Kila

« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2019, 08:37:44 AM »
Eh, I know there's no actual trading, but that would be the story-wise explanation :)

I don't want to create another thread with not-bug, so I ask it here, because it is somewhat similar. Last time I created an owl-tribe woman, she started with the kaumo spear in inventory. So member of one tribe started with cultural stuff of other tribe. Is this intended? The starting place was her own tribe, and the starting  scenario was fishing (because I wanted to get nets quickly).


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« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2019, 11:57:57 AM »
Eh, I know there's no actual trading, but that would be the story-wise explanation :)


I don't want to create another thread with not-bug, so I ask it here, because it is somewhat similar. Last time I created an owl-tribe woman, she started with the kaumo spear in inventory. So member of one tribe started with cultural stuff of other tribe. Is this intended? The starting place was her own tribe, and the starting  scenario was fishing (because I wanted to get nets quickly).

I bet it's the fishing scenario having given her any spear at all. I guess scenario equipment can provide starting characters with non-cultural items.
This can be considered either a food for imagination, or a thing to adjust. But on the other hand, even having a fishing net for owl-tribe member is a bit off culturally - if we wanted to be super strict.
- Sami | UnReal World creator