Topic: My little suggestion  (Read 7981 times)


« on: January 02, 2019, 09:05:09 PM »
The Adventurer is about a thousand URW days old, has 10 lamellar/mail cuirasses/hauberks 200 superior arrows and broadhead arrows, several masterwork longbows and northern bows. All other weapons and tools are masterwork in any amount, and so on. And he could have 10 times of this if he really wanted. The one before also was about like this, he did not die, i removed it for some role play reasons.

In that situation survial is not a question. Its done.

What now?

There was another post which i saw with the same question some month ago, cant find it anymore.

→ explore regions. I did.
→ dont use the large maps. Yes, it can be a feature for one time, but this is not the intended game, since those maps exist. And i claim(!) that every player will reach his borders with this after some kilometers :))
→ Try to accumulate 100 sheep. No sry.

There is a challenge needed and more quests will not solve it. A lot of cool things are intended in the developement list, but even they are good, they are all not an answer to this question.

What is a definate challenge that keeps the adventurer under pressure?

Njerpez have to be more agressive and stronger. The way they are acting now makes the adventurer rich fast with about no effort. Get some companions, kill 10 Njerps in a week, again and again. They have no chance to stand any ground walking single. The adventurer does not know where to with the loot after some weeks.

Up to now i saw one time(!) a Njerp entering a village. The citizens smashed him immediately, even almost unequipped. The Adventurer did not need to help. Another time they build a camp. I thought 'what wil happen now??' Sry nothing at all happened.

My proposal is this → Let the Njerps build big groups once i a while, like robbers do, or even a bit more and threaten villages and everyting. Then the Adventurer has a permanent challenge to provide villages with equipment if he does not like to loose all of his trading possibilities or even see his whole culture going down. Or try to face them with a group of companions.

This would be my top point of the to do list.

Second is: give a possibility to start with far lower crafting/weapon abilities. Easy → Challenging → Hard.

Third point is trade. I see  that it is understood that citizens would not buy any amount of boards. Thats good. At my first Adventurer they bought any kind of crap in any amount, such like 30 inferior paddles :) No one would do. Possibly not even one inferior paddle. That needs to be restricted completely.

Forth thing is, give the citizens an age. Let them grow, take professions according their region, settle somewhere, die. But i think the villages in iron age would have ahd mor kids and young people. At midwinter point age → age+1. Its alredy been considered, with marriage and so on as i saw so i keep quiet on this.

Some little things:
Harvesting from villages fields is not punished? Not possible. Citizens (and Spirits) need to be more strict.
Let it be possible to dig something under.
Price of a staff is to high since its produced so fast and easy.
Price of Lavaret is not sound.
Price of cord is not sound.
Give up on winter fur until other trading things are solved.
Why is the price of a bear fur clothes lower than a normal fur clothes when it is better in abilities?
Walking in waist deep snow is too easy.
Let it be harder, however to find good stuff to tade for.
Give up on the difference between rope and leather rope since there is no real practical difference.
Bear trap only with leather rope, Arrows and bow only with cord.
Cool thing would be a footbrigde in shallow water.

There is a lot of other stuff but let it be for today :)


Dungeon Smash

« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2019, 11:19:09 PM »
I agree with some points... I do think the Njerpez are a serious threat to a new character, though.  Or an under-prepared one. 

I would like to see more organized Njerpez.  War parties, raiding teams, and so forth.  In addition, I've always though that it should be possible to see how many figures are off in the distance... a herd of reindeer, or one?  1 warrior, or 12?  It would also be cool to see organized tactical behavior, although of course this is easier said than done.

It would be very cool to come upon a village under Njerpez attack, desperately fighting them off as the houses burn.

Saiko Kila

« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2019, 01:42:56 PM »
I don't want to comment on most of it, but my voice on some things:

Harvesting from villages fields is not punished? Not possible. Citizens (and Spirits) need to be more strict.

Spirits should be punishing players abusing animals (like when trapped animals are used as shooting range) or killing people (including Nyerps), not some small transgressions, which they shouldn't care about. Humans (villagers) of course have other priorities.

Price of a staff is to high since its produced so fast and easy.

Really? Staff costs 2 so you need four of them for a summer squirrel pelt or a single arrow. It would bore me to death trying to make hundreds staffs for something really useful. Also it needs timbercraft skill (unlike making clubs), so with low skill the value would be also lower.

Price of Lavaret is not sound.

What's wrong with it? Value depends on nutrients and mass.

Price of cord is not sound.

Too big or too small? It costs 0.8, so it seems low value (two torches suffice), but it is also in very short supply, which makes any such worries unwarranted. You can visit several villages and do not find anyone willing to sell you a SINGLE cord. And I don't see them on the ground, unless in the wounded adventurer quest. The real source of cords is either furs (preferably ones with low price per lbs) or clothes (which are expensive, except maybe cloaks).

Why is the price of a bear fur clothes lower than a normal fur clothes when it is better in abilities?

Bear fur is not better than normal fur, it has some better statistics, and some worse. Personally I prefer normal fur, which is a default fur when the article is made of mixture of different furs.

Walking in waist deep snow is too easy.

I don't think so - you probably were on skis or had supernatural character. But there should be snowshoes as alternative to skis.

Give up on the difference between rope and leather rope since there is no real practical difference.

There is a real practical difference - leather rope can be used as a source of leather for repairs and making leather things. For this reason it's also more expensive (12 versus 8 for normal rope).

Also, for Njepr aggressiveness - they are aggressive enough without being suicidal. This is one of the things that should stay as they are, IMHO. Only players should be suicidal. Actually, if the Njerps were real, they would actively AVOID your player character and his party, because he is certainly a Njerp hunter and death to them... Though they eventually form a bigger party to punish you or villages helping you, which in the end will cause villagers to not agree to help you anymore. However, this would require further upgrade or social activities, and features of strategy game more than a survival one (which I think are planned, kind of).

Dungeon Smash

« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2019, 08:45:08 PM »
I think it had been addressed in the past that ancient Finns did not have snow shoes?