Topic: [not a bug] Increasing stat upon Course Completion Fails  (Read 18199 times)


« on: June 20, 2017, 04:46:54 PM »
Hello again and I must say I like the new forums.
Anyway, onto my bug report.
Obligatory: LINUX user.

[I have a save game that has already succumb to the below bug, and but I don't have a save game handy in a state just before testing the bug because I accidentally saved the game in the bugged state]

I've been trying to take the game to its limits in various ways, and on one character I decided to attempt to make the most out of the speed system. I.E. Max speed, as much endurance as possible, and hand-to-hand only so I dont need to carry weapons.

I was having a blast playing as 'The Flash', and competed the Begginer (not sure if that is the name) Course to further improve your attributes. When completing the course (last thing I did was leash a cow) you are asked: improve a skill, improve a stat, or learn a ritual. Anyway pretty sure I have never chosen to improve stats before, so who knows this might be an old unfixed bug.

Anyway the point is that the stat screen flashes and closes itself and I am not given the opportunity to attempt to further increase my speed stat. [this is the bug]
I did do this twice - it is repeatable and happens the same way.

[ was doing this to actually look for bugs in upgrading a stat that is already maxed out, so I really hope that there is code for 2 stat increases to an already maxed out stat (from the 2 courses)]
« Last Edit: July 13, 2017, 09:16:05 PM by Sami »


« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2017, 07:27:45 PM »
The stat increase increases all your stats across the board by +1, but I'm not sure what it does for stats that are already at max - I'm assuming nothing, but not sure - it may be that it does increase the value, but still displays the same.

You can check to make sure this happens by taking a screengrab of your character profile screen before and comparing it to the result screen.

Saiko Kila

« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2017, 08:19:26 PM »
The stat increase increases all your stats across the board by +1, but I'm not sure what it does for stats that are already at max - I'm assuming nothing, but not sure - it may be that it does increase the value, but still displays the same.

Maxed out attribute (i.e. the one with value of 18) simply won't be changed. Only attributes with value of 17 or lower are increased. Also it's impossible to choose only one attribute to increase, because after selecting the option to increase attributes, the game will increase all attributes with value under 18.


« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2017, 10:17:05 AM »
I do not have a screen grab from before this event, but I am checking now and I am sure that the rest of my attributes (that I previously referred to as stats) have not increased. I know this, because my Endurance is still half of the bar, just as it was at character creation.

Saiko Kila

« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2017, 09:21:12 PM »
I have old pics of attributes change from my current character. Assuming this link works, you can clearly see that all attributes are increased, except Str and End, because they are already maxed out. This change is after the final task of advanced course (Please the Forest).


« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2017, 04:39:15 AM »
Haha nice character Pic.

I'm plugging through the Advanced courses right now with the same character - I'll post what happens (Assuming I can beat a bear with a character that uses no weapons)

Saiko Kila

« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2017, 09:03:38 AM »
I'm plugging through the Advanced courses right now with the same character - I'll post what happens (Assuming I can beat a bear with a character that uses no weapons)

You can, if the bear has heart attack.

Or you do have some dogs, which is more realistic (and possible). Dogs, two or three, will attack the bear, which will change its target every now and then. You character requires some high dodge, alternatively a shield (and associated skill). Still some luck is needed, and the bear's skin will be in a sorry shape, but this is doable... with save scumming, or much patience, that is.

Said that, bear can be beaten even with a club, so unless this is a self-imposed challenge, I would prefer even that simple weapon over monk style.


« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2017, 12:17:54 PM »
I never attack bears and wolves, as they're too dangerous. I catch them in traps and pelt them with rocks until they die (which leaves the skin in a good shape). With wolves I have occasionally gone in to melee range to get some dodge training (and retreat as soon as an injury is sustained), but I wouldn't do that with a bear.

(Lost my last character to a wolf in an Injured Adventurer quest: The wolf attacked, thrown javelin missed, spear thrust missed, dodge missed, bit in arm, unconscious, dead. All the skill checks were down to an effective level of 75 due to injury and encumbrance, from 90).

I don't know if death to starvation in a trap is counted as you killing a bear, but I doubt it. Likewise, I doubt a bear would be weakened by starvation, but if it was, you could try to leave it in a trap for a number of days and then try your unarmed probably suicidal attack.


« Reply #8 on: June 26, 2017, 04:51:39 PM »
I have found wolves to be *much* more dangerous than bears - they travel in packs, so you're up against 1-2 at a time, constantly; once you land a decent hit on one, it'll flee and another one takes its place. They're not usually as aggressive as bears, but I've lost more than one character to a hungry wolfpack in late winter  :'(


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« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2017, 07:33:25 PM »
I'm sure it works. Like mentioned, it increases all but maxed attributes by1.
I guess halfway endurance bar may still look like a halfway endurance bar even though it would be 1 point higher internally.

If still in doubt post a new report with screenshot before and after stat increase. Until then we'll tag this not a bug.

- Sami | UnReal World creator


« Reply #10 on: September 04, 2017, 07:48:50 AM »
i had a wolfpack attack my settlement. there were 10 of them, and it was like a horror movie.  went on for over two ingame weeks before they were all dead- i kept thinking i'd killed the last one, then i'd catch another creeping up in my blind spot. wolves are terrifying- the last one was lame and badly wounded, but still waited a day to return and try to KO me from behind

