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I noticed that when my character is facing certain directions on the local terrain zoom-in map, a young spruce tile becomes doubled.
And I haven't consumed any noaidi mushrooms recently :)

This happened when my settings in urw_ini.txt had [SCALE_QUALITY:1] or [SCALE_QUALITY:2]
I have NOT encountered similar graphical issues with [SCALE_QUALITY:0]
Bug reports / [3.85] black line below water tiles on south elevation margins
« Last post by Galgana on January 08, 2025, 11:45:24 PM »
I was exploring a mountain terrain that has a mix of pine mire and open mire surrounding it.
On the mountain's south side I noticed black lines appearing under the water tiles (examining the water confirmed they are plain water rather than being springs) wherever there was a south elevation border.

These lines seem to persist at every
  • zoom level
  • window size
  • resolution (when logical resize setting = no)
  • scale quality setting
Development News / The new development year starts with new a tree species
« Last post by Sami on January 08, 2025, 05:01:32 PM »
It's 2025, so happy new year and all the best for everybody!

In the development chambers the new year starts with adding a new tree species into the game world - and that is the aspen tree.
Aspen is a large deciduous tree growing up to 15-30 meters in height. Grows in groves, fresh coniferous forests, rich spruce mires as well as on clearings and hills.
This addition precedes a slightly more distant goal of eventually adding character crafted punts into the game.
For the time being, aspens will bring nice variety into the world, and an additional type of timber to utilize. Grown aspens provide big trunks when felled and their bark can be also peeled for tanning purposes.

Aspens growing tall at a beautiful grove.

In the dirt month aspens have already dropped their leaves but the standing trees as well as the felled trunk are easily recognizable.
Bug reports / Re: [3.85] Village stocked mace outside on the ground
« Last post by Plotinus on January 07, 2025, 09:11:18 AM »
This happens with clubs, too, and this bug has been present for a long time, since I started playing 19 years ago.
Bug reports / [Fixed - 3.85] Village stocked mace outside on the ground
« Last post by Galgana on January 07, 2025, 06:09:56 AM »
When I entered a Reemi village, I saw there was both a rock and a mace at a ground tile.
When I picked up the mace, it gained the (unpaid) inventory tag. Then I talked to a nearby inhabitant to enter barter mode, which confirmed I owed debt for the mace.

I think instead of a mace, there should have been either a stone or another rock for outdoor ground clutter.
Not bugs / Re: [3.85] robbers didn't dump me somewhere else
« Last post by Sami on January 05, 2025, 12:19:57 PM »
This is now checked and there's bug involved. It's Jerkko's dog who is giving the robbers so hard time that they are impossible to rob and ditch him right away after passing out.
If the situation continues, they will unfortunately eventually finish the dog also and Jerkko gets robbed and dumped into the wilderness in normal fashion.

Bug reports / [3.85] sucmodqty and patch
« Last post by Plotinus on January 04, 2025, 05:41:44 PM »
I have this charcoal recipe with[patch:5] and [sucmodqty]. When you make the full 5 batches of charcoal, it makes about 250 (but less, because of sucmodqty), and it requires 1000 firewoods. But it doesn't use all 1000 firewoods. It uses 232 of them! Which happens to be the number of charcoals that sucmodqty randomised for me to create this time. I had exactly 1000 firewoods before and now I have 768 firewoods.

This is from BAC but I'd edited it some to make it harder.

Code: [Select]
.Charcoal.  (50) "Firewood" [effort:3] [phys:arms,hands,stance] *WEATHERLORE* /2h/ \5d\ |-1| [patch:5]   [sucmodqty]
{Slender trunk} (3)  [noquality]        [remove]                        '+for bracing a chimney hole'
{Firewood}  (200) [noquality]   [remove] [ground][patchwise]    '+to piled around it'
{Shovel}<Shovel>        [wearpct:5]                                     '+to cover it all in soil'
{Fire}                                                  '+lit nearby'
{Torch} [remove]                                                '+to transfer the flame'
// From Rain's Ironworking mod v0.91

I think that I'll get rid of the [patch:5] and have it make about 50 out of 200 firewoods, because amassing 1000 firewood feels a bit extreme, but I think this is a sucmodqty bug
Bug reports / Re: [Fixed - 3.15-3.85] never seen a wolf pipe
« Last post by Plotinus on January 03, 2025, 09:26:40 PM »
Not bugs / Re: [3.85] robbers didn't dump me somewhere else
« Last post by Sami on January 03, 2025, 06:37:22 PM »
Please send me the savegame, and let's see about it.
Bug reports / Re: [3.15-3.85] never seen a wolf pipe
« Last post by Sami on January 03, 2025, 06:32:23 PM »
That was a good call!
Testing and checking out the code it appears that what was considered "southern" region of the world within the terrain plant generation is set too far south, often into the
southern seas, and at the area where player character practically never visits. Now as the wolf pipe appears only in the south it indeed was practically non-existent in the world
where player characters roam. This might have hampered appearance of the other rare southern flora too.
It's fixed now, and wolf pipes can be found, although they aren't still too common.

Fixed - persists in 3.85
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