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Messages - JP_Finn

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9] 10 11 ... 82
Bug reports / Re: [3.81] Tree trunk spawned in inventory while fishing
« on: August 29, 2023, 03:30:32 AM »
Then there's not much to go with. Please save, compress it, and email; if it ever happens again.

Out of curiosity, did you use fishing rod, if so, with or without a bait?
From past bugs: I assume you didn't catch any fishes, is that correct?

Bug reports / Re: [3.81] Tree trunk spawned in inventory while fishing
« on: August 28, 2023, 04:28:15 PM »
Did you make a copy of the save game?
Emailing it to Sami would be in order, but only if you saved right after. You can resume play after sending.

Suggestions / Re: Containers need an Unpack command
« on: August 25, 2023, 06:39:33 PM »
I agree. There should be such a command. You buy a basket of seeds for bird-trap baiting but it turns out to be that you can't do that because you can't seperate seeds from a container of them. It's against the common sense.

This is generic seed bait recipe: takes 0.25 lbs of any seeds (as recognized by the game engine), assigns them as "Rye" Crafting engine doesn't recognize the Rye as a plant, so no threshing the bait. And produces 10 seed baits each weighing 0.4oz

Graphic credit goes to Enormous Elk, it's 1:1 copy of sorrel seeds.

Place this in any suitable diy_xyz.txt file
Code: [Select]
.Seed bait. (10) "Rye" [effort:0] [phys:hands] *COMMON* /1/ |-2| [noquality]
{Seeds} #0.25# [remove] [name:%s bait]

And save the attached graphic in \truetile\ folder

Edited the recipe to use Rye as baseitem.

Bug reports / Old man snow fatigue
« on: August 25, 2023, 12:47:28 AM »
I think it's due slight adjustment, as Long gray bearded old man should NOT get snow fatigue. FWIW, it's early Center month and snow is knee deep.

General Discussion / Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World?
« on: August 25, 2023, 12:44:21 AM »
Saw a badger shaped figure on small lake next to me on a way to cabin from trap lines.
Boy was I surprised to see dead badger and a squirrel running away once I took a look around...  :o

Spoiler: show
It was a rotting badger carcass and the squirrel just happened to be milling around!  ;D

Yes, modding is really straightforward and robust.
Few caveats: your recipe needs to have unique name in the crafting menus, or you’ll lose original recipe’s requirements or your modded recipe won’t follow the steps, one placed first in parsing the diy_ files takes priority.

If you replace “broadhead” with “arrowhead” you’re good.

About modding:
 .item. is what is shown in crafting menu, and will be the name of the product, such as .iron broadhead. If [NAME] is used then item gets the name of the tag from [NAME]. (Name can also be used on requirement line of the recipe.
{item} or {tool},{location}; are requirements for recipe.
“item” is base item that’s needed for about everything except *COOKERY* recipes.

And last three bits of advice: 1st read the UrW wiki on modding, 2nd open and read existing recipes, and 3rd don’t hesitate to post in the modding forum.
(I do feel that all this advice should be there and not on the BAC thread, but I’m still sort of jet-lagged. Don’t feel like splitting the question off)

If you use the "Broadhead arrow" recipe, not the "Arrow" under Make|Arrow, you should be able to use the "iron broadhead".

or add this recipe at the bottom of the diy_BAC_fletching_and_bowying.txt:
Code: [Select]

.Refine iron broadhead. "Broadhead" /1/ *COMMON* |-2| %50%
{iron broadhead} [remove]

Then you should be able to use it in vanilla arrow making.
If you want to use BAC for broadhead smithing and avoid the use of the above refine recipe; then you can replace this section in the diy_BAC_metalworking.txt:
Code: [Select]
.Iron broadhead.  (5)  "Broadhead" [effort:2] [phys:arms,hands,stance] *CARPENTRY* /4h/ [assist:1]
{*iron billet}  [remove]     '+Iron billet'
{Fire} [noquality]
{Charcoal} (6) [remove] [noquality] [ground]
{*anvil*} [ground] '+as an anvil nearby'
{*hammer} '+as any hammer'
{* tub of water} [noquality] [ground] '+for water for quenching'
with this:
Code: [Select]
.Iron broadhead.  (5)  "Broadhead" [effort:2] [phys:arms,hands,stance] *CARPENTRY* /4h/ [assist:1]
{*iron billet}  [remove]     '+Iron billet'
{Fire} [noquality]
{Charcoal} (6) [remove] [noquality] [ground]
{*anvil*} [ground] '+as an anvil nearby'
{*hammer} '+as any hammer'
{* tub of water} [noquality] [ground] '+for water for quenching'

They should then stack with vanilla broadheads and thus be usable in Make|Arrow|Arrow crafting.

If the arrowhead/broadhead shows under ‘tools’ and is given quality as ‘perfect’ not masterwork, then it’s from mod and as such the vanilla fletching (arrow crafting) doesn’t know to look for it.
I guess writing a recipe to take {iron broadhead} and output .broadhead. with heavily skill boosted, but quality restricted, could be the cure to make them usable.
If no one else steps up, I might do that later today/tomorrow. Just got back home to California from trip to Finland. Tired. Medieval fair was fun.

Bug reports / Re: Weather/Ice anomaly?
« on: August 15, 2023, 02:36:10 AM »
It was safe to walk and ski over ice, now only safe to ski. Mid-Winter month.

Bug reports / Weather/Ice anomaly?
« on: August 14, 2023, 01:40:29 AM »
Temperature has been solid 4-5 weeks in the blue. Somehow in the last 3-4 days, the ice has got weaker.
Can't walk on ice to go put nets down (153lbs character, 43lbs clothing&kit + 3x 12lbs nets).

FWIW, returned from trapping trip few days ago, lakes were solid to cross then, with heavier (100lbs+) traveling load.

Save sent.

Gameplay questions / Re: Quality Questions
« on: August 13, 2023, 03:40:35 AM »
I feel like arrowhead “weights” 20% off the end product and shaft is 75%, thread 1% and tool is 4%

I’m almost certain if your 2nd character would use perfect shafts and fine arrow heads, you’d likely be close to same ratio of superior arrows produced.

Bug reports / Re: [3.81] Duplicated blacksmith order message
« on: August 11, 2023, 08:31:45 PM »
This village occupies two tiles, maybe that's the reason for the duplication?

This is the most likely bug here, world gen placing 2 villages adjacent or somehow splitting one village to 2 tiles.

... if you strike opponents face or eye from behind, I'd say it is safe to say that the "opponent sighs, and then lays dead".

General Discussion / Cords!
« on: August 11, 2023, 05:03:50 AM »
For few versions of the game, cords were actually pretty useless. That's funny coming from smoking&drying 19 cuts at a time. Yarn and withes took over.

Now with Netweaving, I find myself looking for woodsmen and hunters in settlements and villages, they might be carrying some cheap* to trade cords for nets' top and bottom lines  ;D

*smoked elk cut is close to nothing...

Bug reports / Building fence over a pit [3.81]
« on: August 09, 2023, 07:19:37 PM »
There's a bug that allows fence to be built over pit. And if deconstructed, the pit is filled up without effort, or a shovel.

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