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Re: Question about the Shaman Mod The change you made is what worked for me.
The problem is that over the last couple versions of UnrealWorld these descriptors have become more detailed.

What used to be a "Dead reindeer carcass"
Has become much more difficult to pattern match. Good pattern matching makes mods less exploitable or buggy.
In this case you may need to go to something less specific like
{* carcass *}
to allow any items with carcass in the text to be used.

July 22, 2018, 11:21:44 PM
ModernNorseman's Portrait Mod 2.0 (Updated November '23, 1000 unique portraits) I'm glad to be able to release version 2.0 of my portrait mod. The old version contained 327 unique portraits, this new version contains 1000 unique portraits.

As previously mentioned, unpack the file with for example winrar, and copy all the imagefiles to the "truegfx" folder in your UnrealWorld folder. It's about 150 mb, as it's actually 2000 images because portraits of men is used in three categories - east, north and west, and the images of the categories, old men and sages, are the same. Due to the size, I have used mediafire to distribute this time.

Version 2.0

All portraits have been made by using

Thank you for all the positive responses for the old version, I hope you will like this one as well.

Original post below
I always saw Unreal World as one of the most immersive games I have ever played, and thanks to a tip from forum user MilitanttiTalitintti (Many thanks!) I started to create AI generated portraits that I deemed immersive to the game, through the website With Sami upgrading the amount of available portraits ingame, it is my goal to keep this project going until all slots have been fully filled, so there will be alot of variety when meeting characters in the unreal world.

Adding these portraits is very easy - download the .rar file, unpack and copy all the images to the folder "truegfx" in your Unreal World folder, and overwrite existing files.

As for the version 1.0 there is currently 327 unique portraits. The pack of images of males are the same for all three categories (west, north, east) but renaming then can easily divide them up if you want. The amount of portraits per category are as follows:

Male: 130 portraits
Female: 60 portraits
Girl: 41 portraits
Boy: 44 portraits
Old male: 34
Sage: 18

I hope the portraits can be of joy for fellow Unreal World gamers, and I will continue the update the mod in the future to add many more portraits.

Due to the size of the folder (Approx. 50 mb), the following link will lead to downloading the folder from

@ruskerdax have created a version of these portraits created on with the watermark removed, which can be downloaded from the following link:

November 25, 2022, 10:15:03 PM
Re: ModernNorseman's Portrait Mod 1.0 (AI Portraits) Hi, @ModernNorseman !

I love this portrait pack you made. Unfortunately I found the watermark in the corner of every image to be a tad distracting. I understand why they put a watermark, but considering this is for personal use to mod a game we're all just playing by ourselves, and not some commercial project, I went ahead and did what came naturally to me and removed the watermarks using Photoshop.  ;D

If it's okay with you, I'd like to share it; however it looks like I'm unable to post external links. Would you be interested in this version? I can figure out a way to send it to you somehow if you'd like. Please let me know!

December 10, 2022, 04:39:52 PM
Krutzel's Spirited Sprites
Spoiler: Original Post: • show

Hey y'all, I've been drawing sprites for this game for years, but never really released anything myself.
I contributed to Wickham's Graphical Enhancement Project back in the day, and have a few sprites in the base game now, and did all the sprites for Night's Character Designer. Still working on that one, once in a while.

Anyways, I decided to share some of what I have made up to now, currently I'm working on making animals and NPCs in 8 directional sprites, and I'm interested in what you guys think.

Also, I noticed "Galgana's creature sprites" has a few animals with w after the name, does that enable winter version sprites?

I will update when I have more to share, I hope to have a complete graphics pack one day. Enjoy!

Spirited Sprites is purely a graphical mod with focus on realism and esthetics.
A large portion of the pack is adding 8 directional sprites to the game, both NPCs and animals.
All animals are completely remade with 3d references, while NPCs are based on the original game sprites.

Installation and Use:
Unpack in truetile folder and overwrite all.
Alternatively unpack somewhere else, and copy over the files you want.
Copy over wanted files from Spirited Sprites Optional folder. Note the truegfx images need to be copied to the right folder.

Use "a-SS-summer.bat" and "a-SS-winter.bat" to change back and forth from snowcovered graphics.
Press F9 in game to update graphics.

Content and old changelog:

8 directional animals preview:

Changes has been made in released versions.

Old Preview Changelog:

ter-walls - added a few pixels length to support t-juctions.
ter-prepsoil - new tilled soil sprite.
ter-kotacamp - flipped to fit general lighting direction.
ter-ground - new ground sprite.
ter-gcmoss - new moss ground sprite.
ter-cellar - changed perspective to be top down.
ter-road - changed colors to fit new ground.
gui-horizon - new sprite.
it-skis - new sprite for 8 directional movement.
cur-facedirs - reduced size, as 8 dir. sprites make facing easy to read.
cur-pcdirs - same as above.
ter-firepla - Changed colors and contrast.
flo-heather - New sprite for heather. Shown as large patch, instead of small plant.
ter-ypine - new sprite, fits the spruce trees better in style.
ter-bunk - rotated to fit fallen direction east-west.
Dog changed to look like an Elkhund instead of a Buhund.Recolored reindeer sprite.
Started to convert animals to black outlines, as is looks a bit better when sprites are recolored in-game, and increases contrast between sprites. Not sure about this though..
Included wrong wall files. Fixed.
Minor changes to several sprites.

Old Changelog 1.2:
All animals are now included.
remofire - reused my old sprite from Wickhams G.P.
embers - new sprite to fit burt out fire.
suna stove - new sprite for greater difference between the two.
Pine tree, same as the tall version, but shortened. Included as default.
blood - new sprite, less saturated.
Bird tracks made by Galgana - for black grouse, hazel grouse, capercaillie, raven, eagle owl, goshawk and mallard. Thank you!
Tall spruce and completely new pine trees that fits the style better. (optional)
8 directional player characters in 8 directions. (optional)
Snowcovered boulder and evergreen trees. (optional)

Spirited Sprites 1.3.1:

Fixed typo in .bat file. Thank you paulkorotoon!

Npc - all npcs included, same ones as we know and love, now in 8 directional sprites.
Included .bat files as per suggestion of Galgana, to change between snowcovered trees and bloulder + hare winter fur.
Plants - Barley, nettle, sorrel and river reed - More pronounced outlines, and experimenting with multiple plants for plants where it makes sense to grow more dense.
Fire - New sprite in pixel art style.
tahtitaivas - Added northern lights to loading screen. (optional)
logo - added Spritited Sprites logo to main screen. (optional)

Terms of use:
The animal sprites are created by me, and you can use them for what ever you want.
Everything else (with a few exceptions) is derived from the game sprites, and can be used for what ever you want, as long as it is ONLY used to mod UnReal World. (As per the terms stated in truetile readme)
Feel free to contact me if in doubt.
Credits are appreciated, but not necessary.

Due to forum file size limitations, I had to part the zip file in 3. Alternative downloads:

Google Drive

NB, you have to be logged in on the forums to download from the underlying links.

February 18, 2023, 10:26:32 PM
Re: Krutzel's Spirited Sprites Thank you for the comprehensive answer and compliments.
I don't think it is something I'll be planning to use, but I hope we can get more options build into the game for sprite variations in the future. Like winter, male/female, young, dead/sleeping and stuff like that. I wish we could make variations to ground tiles. All tiles really. Just like how the portraits work.

I added an elk bull and capercaillie to the gifs, truetile comming soon.

By the way Galgana, would you be cool with me using your waterspirit as a base for an 8 sided NPC? I like it much better than the original one

February 19, 2023, 08:10:59 PM
The Story of Calle Redacted
April 27, 2023, 10:12:47 AM
[Outdated] [3.80] Community Mod BAC This is an old thread.

Next version is at

BAC is a community mega mod for Unreal World. It contains work from many contributors across many versions of Unreal World gong all the way back to Rain's amazing iron mod. There have been multiple caretakers and may be others in the future. Text files list various contributors.

Im doing the update for 3.80.

A fresh BAC thread to continue the updating for the current vanilla game. Each game update may cause "collision" by taking up base menu numbers or changing some mechanic.
3.72 vanilla did a much needed change on cordage types that needed an overall beyond my own time to due. Thanks to Armion and Rudy for doing the update then.
3.80 is added minor changes to how arrows can be made, which BAC already had in its own form, and adding a lumber option for a less than board piece of flat wood called "slat"

The first few posts are being reserved for later notes that tend to be needed.

As only the original creator of thread post #1 can adjust its attachments while it will initially be the current 3.80 BAC version you may need to check the end posts for any updates by anyone else.

June 09, 2023, 03:28:04 AM
Re: [3.80] Community Mod BAC: Smith, Cooking, Survival, Carpentry, Sewing and More! BAC for prior versions

3.72 and look toward the end for the final updates

3.63 version

June 09, 2023, 03:28:15 AM
BAC Mod Weaving yardage. Now, for balance and sanity reasons this probably shouldn't be changed, but I happen to be a spinner and weaver IRL, and I've some thoughts on the yardage of thread used in weaving.

Weavers calculate the yardage of thread based on several different factors: the length of a given piece of fabric, the width of a given piece of fabric, its sett (how many threads per inch), and lastly shrinkage factor.

Shrinkage comes into play because threads are stretched to have them woven, and when you take them off the loom their elasticity shrinks back in. Normally shrinkage, depending on the fiber, is about 10% (with wool especially).

There's also the header and the foot of the fabric, which is loom waste. You find especially little loom waste with the warp-weighted looms in the BAC mod, and with backstrap looms, so I'm not too concerned about this, but typical loom waste for a rigid heddle loom is about 12 to 18 inches, and loom waste for a jack, countermarch, or counterbalance loom is about 24 to 36 inches.

The sett depends on how thick or thin the threads are. In general most fish yarn (cotton yarn used for warp in Scandinavian rug weaving) weaves up at about 12 ends per inch. So that's 12 threads of warp, + 12 threads of weft, for 24 threads per square inch.

Multiply that by the length and width of a given piece of fabric — let's say we're weaving 2ft by 4ft sections here.

That's 1152 square inches, multiplied by the threads per square inch, + 10 percent for shrinkage. That gives you 2534.4 ft of thread required, without calculating loom waste OR the amount of clothing you need for a garment.

I'm honestly not sure anyone would continue spinning and weaving using BAC if you actually did change the numbers to be accurate to RL weaving, though. But it's just a little curiosity fact stuff that I happen to specialize in.

June 25, 2023, 07:51:09 PM
Re: ModernNorseman's Portrait Mod 2.0 (Updated November '23, 1000 unique portraits) Hi everyone,

I have uploaded a new version containing around 3 times the amount of portraits. Hope you will enjoy :)

November 09, 2023, 09:13:21 AM