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Re: [3.60 stable linux] agrictulture graphic doesn't persist on zoomout or sleep
I have managed to reproduce this with a new character, Oskari. I can provide a save of one sleep after the crops were planted and the freshly-planted image is gone

Hey I'd like to have that save, thanks.
Been trying to reproduce but it hasn't worked out for me. I'm thinking maybe it only occurs if the planting attempt fails and nothing would actually sprout.

November 17, 2019, 03:25:55 PM
Re: [3.60 stable linux] inventory weight wrong This seems to apply also to other scenarios which modify characters initial inventory.
Fixed now and the inventory weight is updated after all the initial scenario related stuff is done.

Fixed - persists in 3.60.

November 17, 2019, 03:47:46 PM
"A place for drying" as {[NEARBY_TILE:]} option Would be nice to have an option for the {[NEARBY_TILE]} syntax that works as the "A place for drying" in the "Dry (for preservation)" cookery recipe.
Something like:
{[NEARBY_TILE:Hanging place]}

since it requires either a fence, or wall, or anything where to hang things

November 21, 2019, 03:38:04 PM
Re: Winter Update, Steam Autumn Sale Yay!

And please tell us about your cat. I like cats.

November 27, 2019, 07:08:54 PM
Limping and animal size tracking information The last update of year 2019 is coming up, and so is this tracking related addition:

 - added: limping and animal size tracking information

          When examining tracks now you can also see if the creature is limping. This requires
          character's TRACKING skill to be 25% or more. Severity of the actual leg injury can't
          be interpreted so crippled animals also leave limping tracks.
               Animal size, big or small, can be also seen from their tracks now. This is so
          obvious that only absolutely untrained trackers will fail to notice it.
          Moreover, the actual track graphics are also shown smaller or larger depending on
          the creature size. Notice that as the young animals smaller in size their tracks pretty
          much always appear as small ones.
               The new information is displayed in tracking messages for example like this:
          "You see here fresh limping tracks of small elk..."

These are future additions, not yet functional in the current version 3.60.
The update featuring these additions - and more - is to be released still in 2019.

December 07, 2019, 01:21:43 PM
Re: Character Portraits I was one of the folks that had answered to Sami's call back then. I submitted several pictures and voila! ended up as a playable character. I'm the guy in the green linen shirt.  :)

I had an idea about making several Njerpez pictures - Sami requested eastern european/russian-looking guys, so I considered I could make several pictures of the people that satisfied Sami's request, especially after I put my red linen shirt on them! See attached one such photo. I never came back to Sami with these potential Njerp pictures, but it may be of some interest to you. :)

December 09, 2019, 10:25:00 AM
Finally I bought URW via steam I played it since like... version 3.13? And Finally I bought it with a thankful heart to Sami!

...And I can be a Lifetime supporter?

December 12, 2019, 11:56:57 AM
Find a sage, build a gate These two awaited features are coming up for the next release.

 - added: chat option to ask for a sage in the village
          When chatting with NPCs there's now a way to find out ask if there's a sage in the village.
          "Is there a sage around?" chat line can be found from "Ask for help/company" chat options.
          If there's a sage you will be told his whereabouts in the village.

NOTE: Yes it would be great if the villagers would direct you to the nearest sage in surrounding villages if they don't have one of their own. This is to be likely added in the future, but now (to stay in schedule with the release) we were out of time to start working on it.

 - added: fence gate

          Gates can be opened and closed just like doors. They can be also built by player character
          from Make menu under Building options.

These are future additions, not yet functional in the current version 3.60.
The update featuring these additions - and more - is to be released still in 2019.

December 13, 2019, 05:43:41 PM
Re: [3.61] Crafted clothes can't go over decent quality I believe this is not a bug, but by design.

Things may have been 'tightened up' cleaned up with the in game addition of many of the supported garments.

..just guessing..

December 24, 2019, 08:26:37 PM
Spotting smoke Right now I am playing the homeland robbers quest, and it just made me think... why can't I see a smoke from the enemy cookfire?

The old man in the village mentioned that he found the robbers from the smell of their smoke... my character has high smell and eyesight and yet he seems to get no clues.

I apologize if smelling smoke already exists in the game, but I have not found it.

However, it seems a character should be able to easily pick out a column of smoke rising - especially for my character right now, as he in on a mountain overlooking a region of barren hills. 

It would be really nice if a graphic indication would appear on the worldmap to show where a campfire has been lit, especially as hunter-type NPCs in the game world can now light their own fires.  similar columns would surely appear over villages as well.  It might even be nice to have a message prompt appear as we do when a village is spotted - "You spot a column of smoke nearby".

Similarly, it would be nice if you could smell smoke when you get within 1 tile or so.  "You smell smoke on the wind."  Similar to how you can sometimes pick up tracks in an accidental fashion by walking by. 

I reckon you'd also need some method to identify a fire only once too.  It would be annoying if you keep walking by the same village tile and keep getting "I Smell smoke!!"  over and over.  Sort of the way village tiles are only "discovered" once, and tracks rarely pop up over and over from walking across the same worldmap tile.  or when you get a message saying "You hear [xyz] woodsman singing nearby"

This could also help to make the (often frustrating) robbers quest less frustrating.  A good warrior would use every clue his senses can give him.

December 25, 2019, 07:08:42 AM