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Forget seals, anyone know good strategies for hunting beavers? I never seem to see them in the winter, can't track them in the summer (at least maybe without very high tracking skill) to see where they like to land.  Meat doesn't work as bait.  Lumber doesn't work as bait (yes, I've tried).  Do vegetables?  Does anyone know which traps can take them?  Small deadfall?  Light lever?  Is there a good way to attack them without completely ruining the hide?  Blunt arrows?
October 14, 2017, 09:42:42 PM
Re: Poems of the Fallen Of encounters unfortunate

An immense bear did once cross my path
the moment he spotted me, he got quite mad
Swiped at my head with his enormous claw
My eye started bleeding and limited what I saw

The bear pursued me as I fled towards my home
But after a while lost his aggression and started to roam
between slender trees and bushes of berries so red
I thanked the spirits the bear was no longer mad

So I was all alone as I wandered the land
had no dogs, no companions, when I encountered a band
of Vagabond robbers, five were they and oh!
No less than four of them were armed with a bow.

No longer bleeding but still could I not see
more than two-thirds of what was in front of me
And the injured eye not only limited my sight
The throbbing pain would also make it quite hard to fight

So there were five robbers, four armed with a bow
But they had not seen me so I hid and, real slow,
did I inch back away from these uncouth men
then when outside their presence I swiftly ran

And ran and ran until my home was almost there
Where I could recover from the wound dealt by the bear
But, alas and behold, 't was not to be
Less than a mile from my home a Njerpez encountered me

October 14, 2017, 10:16:42 PM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? I got into a scuffle with a bunch of pigs out in a bog, all while I had a boat strapped to my back. I don't know why but I found it really funny.

I was on my way to a distant village to see their sage, and the best way to get there is to carry my raft across a wide open bog to a lake, paddle across the lake and then up a river. Well on my way across the mire, I ran into a herd of wild pigs. Seeing an opportunity, I tossed some javelins into the herd, lightly wounding one of them. I spent the next several minutes chasing pigs all over the swampy morass, eventually wounding another one and separating it from the rest of the herd.

I was still carrying the heavy raft during all of this, since I didn't want to drop it and forget where I left it during the chase. My character was tired, and I was trying to line up a killing throw against that isolated, wounded pig. Right at the exact instant I was ready to throw, I took a heavy blow from behind me. It made me jump in my chair. One of the other pigs had separated from the herd, charged me and rammed itself right into my backside! I didn't even know they could do that (I'm still fairly new to this game). It knocked the javelin right out of my hands. It kept attacking me as I frantically pulled out my spear, and it caused a pretty serious injury to my arm along with some minor ones. For a minute I thought I was gonna get torn apart by pigs, but I managed to stab it and it took off running.

I turned around and continued the chase against the other wounded pig, and even though I was injured and over-encumbered, I managed to keep up with it until it had exhausted itself, then finished it off. The mental image I had of my big burly Kaumo guy chasing and getting knocked around by pigs while running through a bog with a boat strapped to his back made me laugh.

October 17, 2017, 06:42:51 AM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World?
I got into a scuffle with a bunch of pigs out in a bog, all while I had a boat strapped to my back. I don't know why but I found it really funny.

I was on my way to a distant village to see their sage, and the best way to get there is to carry my raft across a wide open bog to a lake, paddle across the lake and then up a river. Well on my way across the mire, I ran into a herd of wild pigs. Seeing an opportunity, I tossed some javelins into the herd, lightly wounding one of them. I spent the next several minutes chasing pigs all over the swampy morass, eventually wounding another one and separating it from the rest of the herd.

I was still carrying the heavy raft during all of this, since I didn't want to drop it and forget where I left it during the chase. My character was tired, and I was trying to line up a killing throw against that isolated, wounded pig. Right at the exact instant I was ready to throw, I took a heavy blow from behind me. It made me jump in my chair. One of the other pigs had separated from the herd, charged me and rammed itself right into my backside! I didn't even know they could do that (I'm still fairly new to this game). It knocked the javelin right out of my hands. It kept attacking me as I frantically pulled out my spear, and it caused a pretty serious injury to my arm along with some minor ones. For a minute I thought I was gonna get torn apart by pigs, but I managed to stab it and it took off running.

I turned around and continued the chase against the other wounded pig, and even though I was injured and over-encumbered, I managed to keep up with it until it had exhausted itself, then finished it off. The mental image I had of my big burly Kaumo guy chasing and getting knocked around by pigs while running through a bog with a boat strapped to his back made me laugh.
Thoroughly bored with my 1 year+ Driik huntsman-trapper and yet curiously inspired by your example, I set off to prove my heroism by KILLING a large game animal with a raft.  First I built myself a raft, then tested m skills.  As I could only throw a raft a single tile and I am not quite so masochistic as to try to run something down with only a raft as a weapon, I decided to use a crossbow to injure the animal and THEN run it down.  It took a fair few attempts and a couple lost broadheads to do so as a raft is quite cumbersome, but I eventually crippled a nice, large elk and then ran it down.  Be forewarned, would-be champions of raft combat: A raft makes a thrown rock look like a horrifically deadly weapon.  Thrown rafts evidently can merely scratch a beast, and cannot even penetrate elk-hide over much of an animal's body.  So I spent several hours throwing my raft at the beast.  So herculean were my efforts that the ferocious crippled elk once regained consciousness after an initial downing and started trying to run away again!  It took me many minutes of chase to catch up and thwack it enough times with my raft to bring it down again.  Eventually I decided that the beast's skull was simply too thick and well-armored a target and thereafter went for body shots, hoping to score a lucky strike against thorax or abdomen.  Armed with this knowledge, I finally slew the tasty yet dastardly beast.  But my learning was not yet complete!  For it seems that a full set of armor AND a raft make skinning and butchering such a beast so tiresome that I needed to rest and even sleep several times before I finished.  Fortunately, it seems that raft splinters do not greatly damage animal hides, no matter how severe the beasting.  And that, friends, is my tale.

Now if any animal rights groups come asking, please give them a false name and point them in some other direction, thank you.

October 19, 2017, 01:30:08 AM
Re: Mik It is now about 2 1/2 months until the middle of winter and the weather is around the freezing point. But Mik is still comfortable exploring the wilderness and he finds a village in the eastern part of Owl territory. In the village, an adventurer lies wounded in one of the kotas... he tells of an encounter with a bear and promises a reward if Mik will return the spear his father gave to him long ago.

After a long search, Mik finds the tracks of a bear and some blood in the thin snow. He follows the tracks and hears a roar! The bear has found him. Mik draws an arrow and hits the bear with the broadhead in it's shoulder. The bear charges, limping, and a thrown axe further slows the beast, but it closes the distance and they fight claw and mace.

Mik is wounded by a swipe to his elbow, but prevails and kills the bear with his mace. He thanks the spirits, binds his wound, skins the bear, and begins tanning & drying meat after building a shelter at the edge of a mire nearby. Then he returns the adventurer's spear and receives his reward of expert instruction in the use of bows, for which Mik is very grateful.

He returns to the shelter feeling proud of himself and marvels at the size of the bear teeth he has won.

October 19, 2017, 04:20:25 AM
Re: Mik The bear hide is rinsed and ready for beating, but Mik is anxious to return home to Pain Summit.
As he travels the penninsula to his home, he finds one of his traps has caught a beautiful arctic fox!

After killing the fox by kicking it to hopefully preserve it's fur, he notices old badger tracks running by the trap, and he sets the trap again a short distance away.

October 19, 2017, 05:23:21 PM
Re: How did you discover UnReal World? -- 10 choice poll It was somehow related to Dwarf Fortress but I can't remember if I read about it on the forums or if Toady One mentioned Unreal World in some interview/update first...
October 20, 2017, 12:27:50 PM
Re: Mik He spends a great deal of time finishing the bear fur, beating and stretching it until he is exhausted, but
the best he can do looks pretty rough. He turns in for the night... at least the fur is very warm to sleep  on.

The next day he skins the arctic fox and actually does a fine job of it... he's optimistic about this potentially very valuable prize.
Mik checks 3 breams he has been drying and finds they are ready to put in the cellar.

While the fox fur is tanning, he looks over his clothing and armor. His lamellar cuirass needs to be repaired, and he has enough lamellar pieces salvaged from Njerpezit enemies to do the job. But his elbow is still bothering him and is a distraction so he will wait for it to feel better.

In the meantime, he makes arrows for practice shooting, even though he seldom makes a nice arrow.

Finally, the finished arctic fox fur is high-quality!

October 21, 2017, 12:13:08 AM
Re: Poems of the Fallen Just a quick note which hopefully doesn't get things sidetracked;
I absolutely love this thread.  It's so great this was started, and that people joined in.

Oh I would love to have some of these verses to be composed into proper songs. Any composers/musicians/singers around who'd need a new project... :)

October 22, 2017, 09:58:18 AM
Re: Mik His scraped elbow still not fully back to normal, he spends his time practicing with weapons and making fowling arrows.

Mik decides to check all the traps on the penninsula and finds he has caught two willow grouse and a small hare, which has already died in a loop snare but was still fresh.

October 22, 2017, 11:37:05 PM