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Re: Sneak preview of textilecraft system with screenshots and additional insight Nice to see the metric units have been added.  :)
Will it be a config?

May 11, 2021, 11:41:24 PM
Re: What exactly do the attributes affect? Mostly they affect your initial skills and your aptitude for skills (you get 1-3 stars, I believe that just makes it level faster). But some of them have major effects beyond that. Notably speed affects your walking/skiing and running speed, while endurance reduces the penalty you get for carrying stuff and makes you more resistant to fatigue. Few of them (like will) affect how well you can resist falling asleep or passing out from pain. And I have heard eyesight and hearing make your more likely to spot or hear things.

Strength doesn't, perhaps surprisingly, have any effect on damage beyond making you better with weapons that use strength. It doesn't have anything to do with how much you can carry either. Your maximum carrying capacity is based on your weight, while the penalty you get for carrying things depends on endurance.

May 12, 2021, 06:48:11 AM
Re: What exactly do the attributes affect? There's a dexterity check for when using weapons in combat too, if your dexterity is low you'll fumble more often.  Not sure if there's ever a dexterity check for performing other tasks.  Same with agility, you'll fall over in combat if your agility is bad, and  more likely to fall from a blow as well I think.
May 18, 2021, 01:50:43 PM
Re: "Task List" completion problem Zoom out, walk 3 tiles, zoom in, make a small deadfall or whatever, set and bait, zoom out, go back home.

Go back and check the trap.

May 21, 2021, 08:16:03 AM
Re: [Adjusted] Window size/location set to 0 Yep, this is the same unfortunate Windows system issue as for example character data loss. Even if the files properly modified, data flushed, and file closed on code level it doesn't mean that Windows would really write them to physical disk. For that reason, if the data remains in cache, the blanking seems usual result after the sudden power loss at the very right moment. We've now added some extra measures to try force also the window position file really to the physical disk after its manipulation, but it's to be seen if that matters in every system.
June 07, 2021, 09:21:40 PM
Please add an option for a sound notification upon skill increase Hi,

I think it would be very good for myself and all the "character trainers" out there to get a sound notification upon skill increase.
This would be particularly useful for training sessions such as when throwing 25 shields all day long; just a simple "beep" would go a long way and would prevent constant visual checking of the Character Skills page.

As this great game tries to be as much moddable as possible, if this suggestion gets implemented with a separate and clear audio filename such as 'skill_increased.wav' or similar, people can mod their game as per their choice (i.e. customize the skill increased audio notification as they like).

Thank you

Edit: I did search for 'audio' and 'sound' keywords prior to posting - I couldn't find this suggested/requested before.

Edit2: I just came across another suggestion from 2018 which is "Log message for skill training"
Just wanted to say, I think, it would be a good idea to add a log notification as well as sound notification.
Sound is good for instant consumption but log is something one can go back and look at/search for of course; I think it is good to arm the player with more information. Those who are not interested will easily ignore it anyway.

June 13, 2021, 05:52:34 PM
Wild animal trapped inside tree wall surrounding 8 neighbouring tiles Just saw this in a YouTube video and thought I should report it. I searched for keyword 'trapped' and didn't see another earlier report on this.

Jonathan Ferguson's epic 200-episode long playlist, episode 131, 47m55s mark features a small forest reindeer stag that is trapped inside a tree wall, surrounding its 8 sides.
Here is a video link with time jump to the relevant part of the video:

Screenshot: showing reindeer with trees in all 8 neighbouring  tiles.

I wonder if it would be possible (and performance-wise make sense) to add a check to the spawn code ensure animals don't end up in this situation which should not be possible and probably unrealistic and immersion-lowering. Thanks!

Edit1: better worded the Subject.

Edit2: I was in the game just now, and noticed one other thing which I would like to add here even though this one below is not a "bug" I suppose it might be seen roughly in the same category (i.e.: post-spawn sanity checks to create better/more believable game worlds). As shown in the screenshot below, villagers placed a kota in a way that a boulder is blocking the entrance. I imagine, sane people normally won't do that ever so perhaps this is one more "post-spawn sanity check" item to check against to create higher quality game worlds?

June 18, 2021, 03:01:38 PM
Raiders of the lost ark Attacked a Njerpez village and killed one of their guys. Took the body and the spoils across the lake. This is what I found when I came back. Reminded me of the Raiders of the lost ark scene. Beautiful, just beautiful...

July 08, 2021, 10:26:48 PM
Ability to select starting position Following the discussion at about Nights scrpt to allow better chice of starting position as a option, is it possible to add some similar code to the vanilla game? The script requires Microsoft .Net to work which limits it usefulness on other systems and even some none technical windows users have problems, if it was in urw as an option, in some form, then it would be cross platform and better integrated.
July 23, 2021, 10:07:15 AM
How, and where to post background modifications? Edit #1: (Sadly, most of the pictures that can be enhanced the most, are licenced images. Removed them, because they can not be modded due to copyright.)

Edit #2 Removed everything that is not related to the question and moved to the released mod's thread.

Hello to everyone.

I started this project very long time ago, (more than a year) but I not really playing this game very frequently.
Because of that I several times left my enhancement work alone.
Finally, I finfised it.

I already posted one example, it was at March 28 2020, in this post, tho' that is about RPG-ish portraits, not the backgrounds.
Take a look, if you are inetrested.

Motto: "The snow is not blue. Period."

Most of the work I done are just some change in coloure-tone, sharpening, and such.
There are some pictures that just doesn't seems to look good, but after enhacing them they look much better.
And there were a few, that because of the low resolution and the very strong lossy compression, they just looks very bad.

My question is, how I should shere the complete background-pack?

I only playing the free version, on a Linux machine (I installed it from the AUR-repository), so I worked on those backgrounds.
I don't know if they are the same on the more updated Steam and Itch versions.

Also there is 2 picture (RITUALSBG.BMP and SKILLSBG.BMP) which are not in the "/usr/share/urw3/truegfx/" folder as the ohers.
They are under "~/.config/urw3-Linux/".
Also I don't have a clue where all the files are stored under different OS.

So how I should share my finished work?

July 31, 2021, 10:20:54 PM