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Re: [3.82] Community Mod BAC: Smith, Cooking, Survival, Carpentry, Sewing and Glad to support the community!

Brygun, for testing purposes;

.Salt. /1/ [noquality]

Makes testing less tedious, cheaters never win anyway  ;)

December 08, 2023, 02:28:56 AM
Re: [3.80] Smoker. Hot smoking. Now version 1.2! Not really part of this mod, but touches your pain point somewhat: add a recipe to make firewood from slender trunks, it’s one I’ve used a long time.

Until Sami gets multiple output recipes, I think we’re stuck with heavy tripod. I’ve never had a fire ring with less than 5 real life large rocks. Usually more, and several small rocks I omitted for simplicity’s sake.
Just won’t have room for firewood/cover from wind. You do NOT want the fuel blazing.

December 08, 2023, 02:37:12 AM
Re: Was pausable crafts added to the modding language? The pausable crafts are hardcoded. Net making, building, tree felling, board cutting, skinning, butchery and tanning.

I tried to add task time in excess of 8h and it just prompts the recipe would take longer than possible to finish it.

December 08, 2023, 04:37:26 PM
Re: [3.82] Community Mod BAC: Smith, Cooking, Survival, Carpentry, Sewing and
With permission JP_finn's bait making, using smaller pieces added. While doing this discovered adding regular build items to the cookery menu. Moved some things over like Privateer's fish cuts, making JP_finn's hot smoker and the kebab stick making from the Nerjpez cooking (from another community member). These are also easier to find as the 2 builds are now in the same general menus where they get used.

Those moves freed up some menu space which is an important part of managing such a large mode.

I'm having doubts as to whether crafts under cookery submenus inherit any properties from "base item" in the recipe header.
Will I have to worry about tools suddenly going stale and spoiling if I don't add a line for [SPOILAGE_DAYS:0]? (That was a coding goof in my initial release of sledwagon reborn when loads are converted to fish, but cookery submenu products receive a spoilage value by default unless specified otherwise.)

Moving DIY recipes to cookery also has an unintended consequence where, for example, .Clean fish. produces fish cuts that aren't accepted as {Raw fish}; instead, they're treated as cooked foods. And I'm assuming the same applies to the baits, which probably reduces their efficacy with animals that prefer eating raw ingredient subtypes.

December 12, 2023, 12:01:07 AM
Re: [3.82] Community Mod BAC: Smith, Cooking, Survival, Carpentry, Sewing and When I made the baits mod, the cut fish baits are indeed raw, but I don’t know if moving it to cookery messes it up somehow.
December 12, 2023, 04:00:38 PM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? Here are some fine places I saw in the game:
Bridge on river, yes it was a river and redhead is standing on natural bridge.
Bear drowned in the pond.

You see this small lake?
There was island on island, the problem is there is no way to got on it when ice is too week to hold but raft still can not pass.

December 15, 2023, 09:24:43 AM
Give the "arrow-tip" treatment to javelins In other words, allow us to manufacture bone javelin-heads, buy iron javelin-heads and ability to manufacture javelins using them. Then we can choose to use simple sharpened point as now, or make a more proper javelin with the new heads. With this I believe javelin making should also be moved under the carpentry skill, allowing player to manufacture fine and masterwork javelins with proper tips. Possibly staff making should too, to make it harder to get the proper materials for good quality javelin.

I don't think the stat line of the weapon needs to change, as the point attack is already excessive for sharp wooden stick.

December 16, 2023, 09:17:05 PM
In the real world at present-day Savo The year is nearing its end - so let us send you our winter season's greetings with this post.
Firstly, we wish you all the best with the festivities and holiday season you might have at hand, and happy new year!
Then, as a season's speciality let us entertain you with little something recreational from the real world at present-day Savo.

The winter has come, and for the devs like us it means the balance between coding and cross-country skiing must carefully maintained.
So, a week ago Erkka came over for a visit - and we went exploring the real world on skis.

Over the years, we've found ourselves doing many kind of media works more or less related to the game world or inspired by the iron-age culture.
And now, quite spontaneously, we ended up doing small stop-motion animation - and then though of publishing it as 2023 season's greetings
at Enormous Elk YouTube channel.
There's more, and surely more sophisticated content to explore, if the channel wasn't familiar to you already.
We call it Tanssivat tontut in finnish, which would translate as Dancing goblins or Dancing household spirits in english.

And lastly, for myself the last weeks have been more busy with horseback riding and archery than coding.
In early December I did three horseback archery demonstrations at different stables which required quite a bit of both time and energy.
But hey, sometimes one has to ride a horse to endure extended still sitting periods in front of the computer.
And maybe it's good for one to try out the bow for real if he intends to simulate archery in the game.
So, this also falls into category of in the real world at present-day Savo. Let the bow skill speculations start :D

Let's see you in 2024, with all sort of new achievements, features and adventures to follow in the real and unreal world.

December 17, 2023, 06:46:33 PM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? My world is pretty quiet. I started in an isolated corner of my home culture. Just two villages nearby. I am focusing on farming and crafting. Started with the Agriculture start. I planted a ton of crops and now am spending my time trading/crafting and training up my skills. After using the trading board/loop exploit I have all the tools I need plus a few extra trading items. Even before I harvested my crops I have "made it".
December 24, 2023, 01:24:53 AM
Re: Cheat a "permanent" companion? I ACTUALLY DID IT!!!   8)

With the power of an energy drink and too much free time, I figured out how to make companions stay longer.

It is relatively simple: look up the name of the NPC using the value type "String", browse to the memory region of said NPC (you will know it's the right one if it has SWORD, KNIFE, BOW skills and their portrait filename), open another scan tab and use value type "Byte", change the "Memory Scan Options" to start and stop roughly around the NPC's memory regions and use "Changed value" scan type. Pass a day or two, scan again and VOILA! You'll see some values go down. I found it useful having the NPC tell me they'll be traveling "a few more days" with me in-game (3-4 days), and then seeing if it corresponds with any decreased values. Then just change the value of the address, it's maxed out at 64 bytes, which seems to be 100 days or so.

I know my explanation wasn't that good, but I have literally never used Cheat Engine before this, LOL. Hopefully if anyone ever wants to do this, they have this clunky guide  :)

I'm off to hunt reindeer and eat turnips with my buddy Pietu  :D

December 29, 2023, 06:54:50 AM