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Re: Lacking penalty information on setting traps From the Version: 3.20 (patch 2) Released: 17-Mar-2015 in the news.txt

In short, higher the TRAPPING skill the more easily animals enter your traps and more reliably they stay trapped.

If there are animals at the area they may enter your traps depending on how succesfully these
traps are set or constructed
. If there aren't animals at the area your traps will remain empty.
However, if there weren't animals at the area today the situation may not be the same after a couple
of days.

* Even if animals at the area wouldn't be actually hungry, properly baited and succesfully set traps
may attract them beyond regular feeding needs.

* Succesfully set traps may trigger additional animal population checks for appropriate animals

Sorry for some wall of text but I think reading the forum posts are easier than skimming the news.txt file

October 26, 2020, 06:16:10 PM
Re: Punitive island winter challenge
You usually don't have much in the way of ice bridges in the archipelago, so I would still consider a winter start to be a lot harder (and if your island is connected to the mainland/a large island through an ice bridge I'd just restart).

 Taking your advice and rerolled in winter :D

October 26, 2020, 07:45:01 PM
How do you plan your year? So, one of my characters has lived three years and I've thought it's better to plan her activity.

At the moment her schedule looks about like this:
  • Late autumn. As soon as it's getting colder, she starts gathering berries for baiting and sets loop snares and trap fences.
  • Winter. Passive hunting, replenishment of dried meat supply, tanning hides, building, just sitting beside a fire and dreaming.
  • Summer and early autumn. As soon as the weather becomes warmer, she disassembles traps (as smoked meat doesn't lasts for too long, and it's too easy to get meat spoiled or hides rotten). Time to craft arrows for barter, travel, trade, complete quests, hunt Njerpez, go fishing, peel bark for tanning, plant and harvest rye, turnips and nettle.
  • Occasionaly she hunts (usually bears), cooks something complicated, goes to mountains for stones and rocks, and takes a sauna once a week.

What are your plans, guys?

October 27, 2020, 12:51:41 PM
Re: Punitive island winter challenge This is hardcore challenge, yet it's really fun. My first characted just had frozen to death on the seventh day.
October 27, 2020, 04:58:55 PM
Re: IF you could see any mod created, what would it be?  For me the mod (other than mead) that I've always wanted to make is a "Living Skill" mod. Along the lines of what Simon did with "Shaman".

 So the Mod addition I have wanted for the longest time is the ability to 'detect' NPCs in recipes.
This would open the mod world to interacting with NPC world.
Needing to find a Shaman to make x.
Working with a craftsman to gain the ability to craft x.
Learning from an old woman a great recipe for x.
Gain special items by meeting with Vagabonds, woodsmen or Adventurers.
It would allow you to sheer a sheep, because you have a sheep.

 NPC detection in recipes pls.

October 27, 2020, 06:46:48 PM
Re: Lacking penalty information on setting traps In general, penalties do not apply to setting the traps, but penalties do naturally apply to crafting item traps eg. loop snares and paw boards. The game naturally tells you about this, and worse quality item traps are naturally worse in attracting or catching the prey.

In making of trap construction, pits, deadfalls etc., penalties do not apply as you can dig a pit, and set the trunks according to your best trapping knowledge even though your penalties would make the process longer than usual.

However, if you are so seriously injured that you can't function normally, eg. only one hand is usable, then the trap construction outcome may also be worse than normally. In this case the game tells you that things are "slow and difficult to your this-and-that-part being not usable." etc. So, in that sense, the penalty information is shown when it applies to your trapping effort.

October 29, 2020, 10:37:30 AM
Re: Crowdfunding : your thoughts?
This will surely slow down the development of the "flagship", no?

We aim to have it the other way around. Personally, I'd love to quit my main work to be a full-time indie game developer, so that in the future I would have more coding time to help Sami with UnReal World development. After considering various different ways of taking this leap the chosen tactics is a crowdfunding campaign for a small side-game project.

For so many years I have had trouble with finding proper coding time next to my main work. The time has come to ditch my other odd jobs. I do believe that taking this leap will eventually lead to boostin UnReal World development, instead of slowing it down.

EDIT: to clarify; the mentioned side-project is not intended to be a long-term development like UnReal World is. The plan is to spend a few months coding a release version (1.0), then slow down for a few more additional versions (like 1.1 or 1.2), eventually leaving the side-project as it is, so that there will be more time to concentrate on UnReal World development. So, this another game is just a temporary transition phase.

And, as mentioned: an another game could also double as a test environment to develop and to polish algorithms before implementing them in UnReal World. For example, back in the time when I was coding the weather simulation for UrW, I first coded a tiny text-based test environment. I ran hundreds of tests in the sandbox environment so that I got the details of the simulation polished, before the whole thing was implemented in the main game. Now I'm planning a full stand-alone small game, partially for the same reason - to have a sandbox where I can experiment with various algorithms. But this is purely to coder point of view - for the player that mentioned small game would naturally be a fully playable and fully enjoyable game in itself.

October 29, 2020, 11:03:35 AM
Thank you, URW! It's been about a year since I first played URW.This game .. Oh.. I Think it did a lot for me.She signed my interest in history,and now I'm thinking about connecting my life with it.I became more interested in nature, trips to the village began to bring pleasure, even while working.I am immensely grateful to the developers for creating and still developing this game.As a 15-year-old I enjoy spending my evenings building my cabin, or hunting elk, thank You! Ilya Karasev 15, Tula.Russia
October 30, 2020, 06:45:55 PM
Re: Seasonal sales and Kekri customs This is great, I can't wait to see the pictures of you when you put the mask on  :P
October 30, 2020, 11:33:37 PM
Re: Crowdfunding : your thoughts? I have faith in the Enormous Elk team, no matter what.  For the paltry sum of a lifetime membership many years ago, I have been rewarded with countless hours of entertainment.  I know whatever project they begin, Sami and Erkka will approach it with the same care and dedication that they put into UnReal World.  Therefore I will be happy to support any new venture. 
October 31, 2020, 04:16:47 PM