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Re: Creating Settlements As to a long term companion, I've made the suggestion before that sometimes a companion offers to travel indefinitely with you, with the randomly assigning must complete quests like I wish to travel and see my family where you must either travel with them, prat ways or possibly to meet up at a know village at such and such month. That what they would feel like friend, companion, and equal with there own needs and desires and less like an employee.
June 11, 2021, 08:44:09 PM
Re: Is there a mod that let's you repair wool clothing? FYI repairing holes in woolens is not very difficult at all, even large holes. It is about as time consuming as knitting a new section that is a little bigger than size as the hole plus a bit more for anchoring (or in other words, it is way less work then knitting a new piece, a 1 inch diameter hole would take less than 10 minutes to darn with one wool color).

Sewn leather patching over worn holes with old woolens is also very common too, particularly on high wear areas like elbows and knees.

June 14, 2021, 10:50:20 PM
We're getting closer and closer to new release We've pretty much finished the actual coding of upcoming release, version 3.70.  Or it's more like we have to seize adding new features now if it's going to be released this month.

Few of the initially planned features actually needed to be postponed for later, for example skiing NPCs. However, as there's now snow penalty functioning for NPCs and animals it will be kind of like payback time version. See, NPCs have been trudging through the snow ever so easily for many versions, but our skiing characters really have an advantage - for at least sometime.

It's likely that 3.70 will be first released as beta version, and it will still grow with lesser features as we continue to work towards the final stable release.

If nothing too complicated comes up with our test runs we'll start wrapping the release up in a week or two.

June 16, 2021, 04:11:46 PM
Re: Adventurer Gear Being a warrior wouldn’t require expensive equipment. Many people already carry axes, knives, spears, bow&arrows. Place an emphasis on the NPC creation for these types to have a decent to expert skill in at least one type of weapon AND have them carry that. After checking “preferred and accessible weapons” for their given culture.
E.g. Owl-tribe warrior to spawn likely with northern bow, not flail. Kiesseläinen maybe with an axe. Islander with a knife, axe (they’re carpentry oriented) or spear, they do have access to angon. Koivulainen might spawn with flail as skill, but shouldn’t have actual flail, only grain flail. And so on.

June 22, 2021, 11:21:46 PM
Tips, Tricks, FAQs Just wanted to list some tips and tricks I learned from others via the forums/wiki/YouTube or a few things I figured on my own.
Some items in the list may be shockingly obvious to you but not to some other players - please simply skip the ones you already know without getting offended... :)

I am hoping some of this would be helpful to others, obviously newest players would benefit most although even seasoned players can always learn from each other as there is a lot to do and try in this game.
If anyone's interested, please feel free to add your tips. I might add them to the first post at some point to keep altogether. Unsure how the format/classification should be so will start with an easy numbered list.

OK sat down to list 10 and exceeded it. More to be added as time permits...

  • Pinpointing a Target's Position/Distance in Wilderness Map (zoomed out map): Travelling in wilderness map, you see a thing of interest (elk/reindeer/njerp/adventurer etc.) and want to pinpoint its location. To do this, press F3 to get a cursor, then using your NumPad keys move the cursor over the target while counting each movement such as 3 tiles NorthEast + 1 tile North. Press F3 to close the cursor. Now you can move to the marked location 3 NorthEast + 1 North and should be able to find some tracks -hopefully-.
  • How to Sleep Warm in Winter (without a cabin or perfectly warm clothes): If you can tan/buy furs, even if harsh quality, you can place them on your shelter & sleep warm inside the furs, keeping player warm throughout the sleep duration. I've tried minimum 19 lbps of furs (one 9 lbps reindeer fur and another 10 lbps) which results in "You wrap yourself in FUR and lay asleep" text. More than 30 lbps results in "You lay on the FURS and fall asleep". This tip is from 'news.txt' file that is located in your game directory.
    (TODO Do ragged quality also work & keep player warm?)
    (TODO What's the minimum threshold?)
  • Strafe Movement with CTRL+NumPad: This probably should not be a tip as it is so basic but I've seen long playlists on YouTube where the player for many videos keeps turning East moving one tile, then turning North East moving one tile (presumably with UpArrow key) etc. Instead, one can simply hold down CTRL key and press NumPad9 to go (strafe) NorthEast regardless of the direction you are facing (i.e. you do not need to be facing NorthEast to go North East). This and all other keyboard shortcuts are available in game with the ? hotkey
  • Fighting Against Wolf Packs: This is probably the #1 danger in this game and there are quite a few dedicated threads about it so this tip is just to make sure you read at least one before you start adventuring in UrW world! Here is a randomly picked one:
  • Key to Turn Around 180 Degrees: Especially in battle where each moment counts, it is useful to turn around quickly. Numpad1 and Numpad3 will turn around 180 degrees. In addition to the usual 90-degree turns (NumPad7 & NumPad9, there are also 45-degree turns that can be useful which are NumPad3 and NumPad6. While in game press ? to learn about many other hotkeys.
  • Skill Training: As explained in the Game Course, it is possible to improve your skills simply by doing whatever-it-is a lot. For example to train bow skill, simply shoot a lot of arrows. More details can be found in many skill training guides, here is one:
  • Minimalist Sauna: You are dreaming of your own sauna and want to get there as fast as possible? This design by Privateer is for you - it requires least amount of resources and building time
  • How to Get Bear/Seal Teeth?: Galgana explains here:
  • Robbing Robbers (of the chance of robbing you): JP_Finn shares a trick here that is usable even in butt-naked stages of the game (it won't work always but when it does it is satisfying)
  • Treat Own Pet's Bleeding Wound(s): Access the Physician skill via skills page ("s") or via the hotkey 'ALT+P'; need to have bandage in your inventory.
  • Displaying Day Count: Press SHIFT+P to display your characters stats, at the top of screen, you will see a text "You are 19 winters old, and have lived 1339 days of adventuring life.". The day count in that screen can be used in Map Markers to keep your future self better informed such as "Elk Spotted Here on Day 1305" and "Dried Meat will be ready on Day 1358". Then from F6 (map) screen you can plan your next visit towards that particular location in an informed way.
  • How Can You Get An Axe Early Game?: Overall useful thread, linked. I particularly liked the ingenious tactic shared by Plotinus: "You can push a tree trunk next to an axe in a village, and then, without picking up their axe, craft boards with it. By not picking up the axe, you signal to them that you're just borrowing their axe, so they don't demand payment. This might seem kind of cheaty though so you might want to return to the village later and give a generous donation of some kind."
  • Character Creation Screen Tip: Unless you have a special reason, in general do not waste your limited skill points on Physical Skills (e.g.: Skiing/Stealth/Swimming) as these are the easiest skills to train within the first year if not the first season.
  • Print Screen World Map Before Entering Game World: RPwise debatable practice, on the other hand, for practical reasons it might come in handy. It's taken from werepacman's this post
  • Ancestors Limit and Selectively Deleting Some Ancestors: There is a maximum limit of 50 ancestors. Due to limited slots you may not want your "test characters" to show up in that screen and might want to delete them. UrW does not provide a user interface to do so but there is an advanced tip from Plotinus that can be used to direct UrW to delete (overwrite) your chosen character next time some one dies:
  • Process to Boil Poisonous Mushrooms: Tips on poisonous mushroom processing by Saukko:
  • Tips for Agriculture: If you are new to agriculture, here is a useful post by PALU:
  • Animal with Very Low Carry Weight?: Unless you just discovered a genuine bug (unlikely), the most likely explanation is that it is not the carry weight but the NPC stack count limit that prevents you from loading more stuff on to the animal. NPCs can carry much less than the PlayerCharacter. For more info, see this thread:
  • Sleeping on Spruce Twigs: (Tip suggested by Bert Preast) Documented by the game devs in NEWS.TXT (in game directory). "(added as new feature, as of 3.70beta) Sleeping on spruce twigs now gives a little extra warmth and protection from the cold. It's simple and much used option in wilderness conditions especially during the wintertime. Sleeping on furs is still the most comfortable way to spend a cold night, but spruce twigs come as a good alternative. About half a dozen spruce twigs will provide enough insulation from the cold ground."
  • Post Spruce - a Simple Wilderness Condition Shelter: Documented by the game devs in NEWS.TXT (in game directory). (added as new feature, as of 3.70beta) Post spruce is a temporary shelter made by felling a spruce tree to lean against another, gives protection from the elements and is commonly used for spending a night in the wilderness. Build option is found under "Building options", and requires the same tools as felling young trees in general. There's also game encyclopedia [F1] entry about POST SPRUCE available.
  • Build Base Next to Rapids: It is a really good idea to set up your base on a rapids tile or where the water doesn't freeze over, this way you aren't always having to break the ice for water in winter. (Suggested by Bert Preast)
  • Armour Coverage Statistics Screen: While in game, press SHIFT+A to reach the Armour Coverage (& Warmth) Statistics screen. Find more information on the wiki, here: (Tip suggested by Bert Preast)
  • How to Make Cordage From Fibre Plants (hemp/nettle/flax)?: See the game encyclopedia [F1] entry about TEXTILECRAFT, as suggested by the dev here:

Edit 20210624: Added #12 How Can You Get An Axe Early Game?.
Edit 20210629: Added #13 Character Creation Screen Tip & #14 Print Screen World Map Before Entering Game World.
Edit 20210701: Added #15 Ancestors Limit and Selectively Deleting Some Ancestors.
Edit 20210704: Added #16 Process to Boil Poisonous Mushrooms & #17 Tips for Agriculture.
Edit 20210715: Added #18 Animal with Very Low Carry Weight?. Shortened the thread title to: 'Tips, Tricks, FAQs'. Set this thread to Sticky to make it more visible at the top of subforum.
Edit 20210923: Modified #12 How Can You Get An Axe Early Game? and added the missing referenced forum thread link.
Edit 20210924: Added #19 Sleeping on Spruce Twigs.
Edit 20210924: Added #20 Post Spruce - a Simple Wilderness Condition Shelter.
Edit 20210924: Added #21 Build Base Next to Rapids.
Edit 20210924: A few style tweaks: No emboldened fonts outside entry titles. (better) Standardised capitalisation it entry titles. Removed placeholder (last) entry.
Edit 20210924: Added #22 Armour Coverage Statistics Screen.
Edit 20211003: Style improvement.
Edit 20230111: Added #23 How to Make Cordage From Fibre Plants (hemp/nettle/flax); and style improvement.

June 23, 2021, 10:42:18 PM
Version 3.70 beta now available on Steam, and for Lifetimers Version 3.70 beta is available on Steam as beta-branch you can opt-into at will.
Lifetime members can find the beta version at the designated forum section.
On Steam there's now also Summer Sale going on.
Beta release on Itch will follow next week.

Things are fairly stable already, but as it's beta release the bug potential is higher than usual.
Also, some features are still pending to be polished to their final stage in patches to follow.

The key features of version 3.70 version deal with the moon and the moonlight, fibre processing with new textilecraft skill, snow penalty for all the creatures and snow crust, new character portraits, tying equipment adjustments, craftable fishing rods and usage of baits, option for metric units, and so on.
The list of additions and fixes is long. You can take a look at it here.

Phew! It's been quite a bit of content to add.
Let's keep our fingers crossed for the possible beta bugs being minor and scarce. But whatever their size and annoyance level may be, we've got our bows prepared for shooting them down.

June 27, 2021, 06:35:55 PM
Re: Version 3.70 beta now available on Steam, and for Lifetimers I really like the lighting effects and how the visible area changes minute by minute. It's swidden and before it would've been bright at night for all the eye can see, but there are some clouds and it is late at night and my character can only see one tile ahead of him, but I can see the moon is about to rise so it only stays this dark for a few minutes before getting a little brighter again, first a few tiles and then a few more.
June 29, 2021, 06:23:19 PM
Re: Iron Age Common Names: ideas for next UrW Character You can also find names in the .DAT files in the urw folder, there are six files, sorted by gender and region (north, east, west).
July 03, 2021, 03:50:04 PM
3.70 beta-2 for Windows released Small update to fix a few bugs has been released for Windows on Steam, Itch.Io and for lifetimers at the designated forum section.
Patches for other platforms will follow later on.

3.70 beta-2 (for Windows) fixes the following:

 - fixed: domestic animals triggering your traps

 - fixed: small weight units (g, oz) shown in carried load statistics together with false basic unit (kg, lb)

         Now carried load is shown in basic units - either kg or lbs.

 - fixed: character creation modes "easy" and "too easy" unexpectedly quit due to option points miscalculations

 - typo: "kgs" abbreviation used in metric system units.

   It's now always singular "kg", as it should be.


July 04, 2021, 01:08:23 PM
3.70 beta, the weather, and the forecast If you are playing 3.70beta with migrated character there's one trick you should know.
Due to migration issue the weather gets corrupt at some point and to avoid that you should delete WEATHER.DAT file in the migrated character's folder.
Do the file delete when the game is not running, and once it's done there are no further troubles with it.
With new characters it's all working nicely from the very beginning.

We're confirmed to have the above issue and few other lesser troubles fixed for all platforms the next week. That's a new beta release forecast.

July 07, 2021, 10:41:05 AM