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Re: [Solved] Any way to find accidentally unleashed animal? Thanks to @Erkka, who sent me a link to this thread, I've managed to find my cow. Poor thing had been killed by a wolf :c .

Short howto for those who would happen to need it:

1. Open msglog.txt in your character's folder.
2. Find the last message about unleashing your animal. It looks like this: (3C5A98):52jf:[:]{06AB02EB} | You unleash *animal_name*.
3. {06AB02EB} are coordinates of the world tile, where you unleashed your animal. Copy them and past somewhere.
4. Now perform any action in game and scroll to the last line of msglog.txt. You'll see something like this: (3C5A98):a2je:[:]{07CE0477} | You ski.
5. {07CE0477} are coordinates of the tile where your character is at the moment. Copy them too.
6. First four hex digits are longitude, next four digits are latitude. Now you need to perform some math.
7. Open your calc app and swith it to hex mode.
7.1. Substract lesser longitude value from greater one and convert the result to decimal. Let it be X. If the tile where you lost your animal has lesser longitude value than your current position, you need to go west for X tiles, otherwise go east.
7.2. Substract lesser latitude value from greater one and convert the result to decimal. Let it be Y. If the tile where you lost your animal has lesser latitude value than your current position, you need to go north for Y tiles, otherwise go south.
8. When you manage to get to the place, zoom in and check your current coordinates in the last line of msglog.txt to make sure they are the same as coordinates of the tile where you lost your animal.
9. Now just search the tile for tracks, and have a good luck!

October 19, 2023, 10:49:43 AM
Re: Game hangs when an action requiring picking something is taken OK, thanks for the details! And, one more clarification: You mention that when starting the game, it initially shows only a blank window, but if you switch the focus out and then back to the game again, it refreshes the window to display actual content. So, my question is: does this Alt+Tab trick work with invisible submenus, sometimes making them correctly drawn?

This might be an issue with the SDL2 library the game uses for graphics. If anyone else is experiencing similar symptoms please comment to this thread.

And, just to be sure - I suppose your graphics card driver is up to date?

October 26, 2023, 09:12:56 AM
Re: Game hangs when an action requiring picking something is taken I can try those things thanks. But I can't say I've noticed issues like this in any other game or watching videos or other things. Maybe it's just more noticeable in URW due to how the game works though.
October 28, 2023, 05:19:38 PM
Participating to Free City of Games game art event in Kouvola, Finland Free City of Games, the event showcasing games and game culture is being held in Kouvola, Finland for the second time in November 2.-19.11.2023.
This year I'm happy and honoured to participate the exhibition with an interactive playable installation created together with a long-time fellow coder and friend mr. Pasanen.
Our work is called "Avaruuspuhelin" (Space Phone in English), and it's basically a seriously tweaked old rotary phone which you can use to solve a little extra terrestial mystery in sort of escape room fashion.

So if you happen to reside, or feel like travelling to Kouvola, Finland, feel free to visit the event. It's all free, and features a diverse selection of games and game art to play and experience.

No matter what sort of game you've created, the playtesting is important.

You can find more photos and background info here at the Buy Me a Coffee page:

November 05, 2023, 01:25:38 PM
My fight game  Retirement, AI, obsolescence, and the world going crazy
 Just showing off some cut scene of a game I've been making for over a year now.

The Fight Game

November 05, 2023, 08:35:43 PM
[3.82] Paul's Simple Things: build a well, repair linen, nettle, woolen clothing Hi everyone!

Well, I like UrW like it is, and this mod adds just a few things I've been lacking. First, having a water supply in my homestead. It becomes pretty annoiyng over time to go back and forth for water. And second, repairing all kinds of clothing. It's a bit strange that in vanilla game you're able to easily repair things made of fur and leather, and completely helpless when it comes to clothes made of other material.

So, now it is possible to construct a well beside your house. You'll see a "Well" in the Building menu (Alt+B). In this mod it is really hard job, so you won't be able to dig a lake. Feels pretty fair to me.

As for clothing, there are three new options under the Handcraft menu (+ or M), one submenu for each kind of clothing. Well, it is not real repairing, as this mechanic, AFAIK, isn't available for modding. In fact, you create new item out of worn-out one.

The general recipe is pretty simple: say, if you want to "repair" woollen socks, you'll need a needle (craftable, the option is placed under each clothing submenu), some yarn (linen for linen clothes, nettle for nettle ones, and hemp for clothes of wool — just for things to not be too easy), a pair of worn-out socks and (new wollen socks weight)x2.5 of any woollen rags. Such expense of material imitates cutting out appropriate pieces of cloth, to make the process feel a bit more realistic. Quality of repaired clothing is capped to decent (at least I tried to).

Thanks to:
@Brygun for BAC, which is the source of code for building a well
@mlangsdorf for the idea of repairing things this way and his code I used as an example
@Xaidread from UrW discord, who helped me to make the well code work

To install the mod, just unzip it to the game's folder.
Feel free to comment, suggest and criticize.

UPD 1.1:
  • fixed typos
  • added woollen footrags recipe
UPD 1.2:
  • lowered unnecessary high effort when repairing clothing

November 12, 2023, 07:12:38 PM
Villages should keep their water sources free of ice during winter It's not just matter of having to smash the ice yourself, I can almost never find the things during winter since they blend in with the snow.
December 04, 2023, 12:27:51 PM
Re: Question on Prices? The wiki values on price seem generally accurate and current to me, based on personal experience. All these pages seem fine to use to determine cost:

The last page uses squirrel hide as unit so you need to multiply it by 8 to make it comparable to the first two. The page on fur also gives prices in arrows which cost same as squirrel hides.

Oh, and note that player made clothing has reduced price, they are not suitable as trade goods.

January 02, 2024, 11:59:07 PM
Deer/Elk AI should ignore shallow water and run through it, espceially in mires Hello and happy new year! Coming back on one of my favorite games after a couple of years off and immediately had a lightbulb moment!!

I was trying to hunt these days and i was experiencing complete failure, as it should be. The harder this game is the better, that's what survival is!

But then suddenly, after all these years of hunting in this game, something clicked in my head. The animal AI can't differentiate shallow from deep water (or can it these days? in my recent experiences, it still can't), so i took full advantage of it. I stopped hunting except if i could force them to run in mires... And sure enough i had so many kills, so many poor deer and elk going breathless running in circles trapped between single tiles of shallow water, while i was running straight through them. It was comical. So many hundrends of kilos of meat that i didn't have enough time to cook before it goes stale, felt like cheating!

And here comes the suggestion. Obviously animals in real life can perceive when the water is shallow enough so that they can run through it to get away from a predator. So why not in the game too? My suggestion is that big animal AI should just ignore shallow water and ice on shallow water and just run through it to get away from you. Especially those 1 tile water tiles in mires!

This little exploit of their AI i am describing is such a big contrast with the otherwise amazing hunting simulator this game is, that's why i felt like making a post. I tried to very quickly search the forum, but i didn't find any similar suggestion.

January 04, 2024, 11:23:45 PM
Re: Deer/Elk AI should ignore shallow water and run through it, espceially in mires Elk are good swimmers in real life, so it wouldn't be off if they just ran out into water and swam away.

Running through shallow water should definitely be a thing (at a speed and fatigue cost), but doing so when the ice breaks is probably a very bad idea. Not only do you (the animal) get cold, but also cut by the ice, the progress would be very slow (unless the ice is thin enough to offer little resistance to the legs ), and it would be very strenuous.

January 05, 2024, 10:33:56 AM