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Re: Vagabonds
Yeah, I usually murder them too.  Usually I just ask if they have a quest, and if not, it's murder time.  I do feel slightly guilty, but then again, if you were starving to death in the woods... perhaps you'd do the same
You must be a poor player indeed, if you're character is constantly starving so you have to murder everyone you encounter to get something to eat...

That reply seems a bit harsh, maybe I'm just reading it wrong.
Well, it is harsh, but I think it's rather hypocritical to justify murdering everyone with desperate starvation. If you want to play as a mass murderer, go ahead, but don't justify it with a need for survival. See: "I usually murder them too.  Usually I just ask if they have a quest, and if not, it's murder time.". If it was truly a matter of survival the victim should be murdered regardless of whether a quest could be had or not, as those quests typically result in inedible rewards of information.

I can understand that some players would murder the first person they find to get started, but the spoils of that murder should be sufficient to buy the player time to become self sufficient. If you're using a "just in time" play style when it comes to food you might run into trouble again very occasionally, in particular if you use a house rule of not buying food, and so may decide that prolonged starvation would serve as a justification for an additional murder.

Thus, my response was based on the hypocritical justification rather than the choice of play style.

June 10, 2018, 10:32:45 AM
Re: Vagabonds I never kill them. They are non-threatening to me.

Its not like they are walking around with bags of gold coins. Im not going to kill a man just to steal his woodaxe.

if they look friendly ill greet them and have a chat about the places we have been and things we have seen.

If they look a bit intimidating and I don't yet have decent weapons to defend myself with ill just back off quietly into the bush. 

June 10, 2018, 01:00:34 PM
Re: Vagabonds I have never killed a vagabond unless they were of the robber variety; in which case their tribal affiliation, or lack thereof, bears no weight to me and it's the attempted robbery that spurs my retaliation. They can actually be quite useful if you plan on settling outside of tribal lands: I had a hired vagabond stay with me long enough to build two small cabins and only asked for very minimal payment in food for the ridiculous amount of trees he cut down.
June 11, 2018, 10:02:11 PM
Re: Does the spells have to be learned in order to be valid?
Can is use spells/rituals which i know via my older gaming experiences or does my character have to learn them to be valid?

I remember this being a topic of discussion on the old forum when Sami described about changes to rituals.. Unfortunately I'll have to search for it to see what the outcome was.

Found it:

 Dogiuks @ Sep 20 2016, 08:10 AM wrote:
Regarding spells, is knowing certain procedure to perform them necessary? Lets say I haven't got that spell from the quest, but did the steps as part of my survival. Would that still complete the spell?

If so, I think, this sort of reward will get less and less relevant as we(in the real world) learn those rituals from our dead characters.

Sep 22 2016, 10:57 AM #8
- Sami, UnReal World creator,

Knowing is necessary. If you don't know the spell, doing the mere mechanics don't have any magical meaning and don't complete the spell.

June 29, 2018, 03:27:51 AM
A safe place for cows Hi everybody, first post in this new forum.

Just to share a design for a cow's pen (or any other animal) that seems to be safe from predators. It is like this:

   X X X O X X X
   X X X X X X X
   O X F F F X O
   X X X X X X X
   X X X O X X X

F = free space
X =fence
O = Trap pit with stakes

The idea is as follows. First, build the 1st ring around the free area, where your animal will reside:

   X X X X X
   X F F F X
   X X X X X

This will not stop any predator, so you add...traps!

       X X X X X
     O X F F F X O
       X X X X X

And, to make sure the predators will be funneled to the traps, make a 2d ring in such a way that there are always 2 fences between the exterior and the free space, or a trap. Like this:

   X X X O X X X
   X X X X X X X
   O X F F F X O
   X X X X X X X
   X X X O X X X

It looks like a 4-point castle, and it is amazingly effective. I think predators can only penetrate one fence, so, if they don't realize there is a trap, they try to take the shortcut! A new wolf skin.

It also works with elks and the like, just bait each trap with elk-meth, aka turnips, and you are done. Last time I did this, I got like 4 elks and a wolf, while my bull Benicio el Toro (what else to call a toro?  ;D) just looked on, amused.

Try it and tell me how it goes!


July 05, 2018, 08:32:37 PM
Forum crash Seems like we have had a forum crash. I'm not aware of the reasons behind it, but luckily we are on-line again. I had to manually run some database recovery procedures, and seems like everything is back to normal, only that for most of the boards the "last post" column is empty on the index page. I hope it will get fixed by itself as the discussion resumes and new posts appear.
July 13, 2018, 02:49:59 PM
Re: Forum crash a bot had posted to all accessible sub forums sometime yesterday before it crashed.
I had replied to one question, the question came back. The reply was lost.
The spam titles were all in foreign language.

Just fyi

July 13, 2018, 07:39:29 PM
Re: Wolves! Help! Wolves are amongst the most dangerous enemies in the game.  They can easily instakill you if they get you from behind.  Best way IMO to hunt them is to use ranged weapons from a raft or punt away from the shore if they're near water.  Or set traps along the periphery of their territory if they're not.  Always presume there are several even once you catch one in a trap you'll want to scout around a bit (very carefully); then kill the trapped wolf with thrown rocks or other weapons; then drag the carcass somewhere safe to skin and butcher.  Fortunately wolf corpses aren't too heavy.  Wolves respond quite well to meat bait.
July 29, 2018, 09:14:40 PM
Re: Are items and animals for buying in villages changing?
Title says everything.
If answer is "wtf are u talking about" then let me explain:  i wonder if i can expect new items, animals and people if i go to the same village after e. g. 1 game-year.
If answer is "yes" then i ask: How often changes happen?
If answer is "no" then this is my suggestion. I would also like this: to ask a craftman villager that i need an item and this villager could craft me this. I should pay in advance.

Yes and no, If you wonder "wtf are u talking about"

Items for sale in settlements are restocked at a trickle, there is no known schedule and it is NOT a refresh all at once.
Animals stocks are not replaced.

September 07, 2018, 06:32:59 PM
Re: Are items and animals for buying in villages changing? shorun, deleting urw files is explained here :
September 10, 2018, 02:32:00 PM