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Rendered fat Been messing about with seals. All that fat made me wish for a way to preserve it for a longer time in a usable form. Wondering about the historical accuracy of rendered fat or a similar process to have a
tanning agent on hand

July 22, 2020, 04:19:39 PM
Re: Location, Location, Location As an alternative, I would feel like a characters could remember where their traps are.
Just like other fixed world structures: log buildings, shelters, etc are remembered and shown in the grayed out area of the screen; display set&found traps in the grayed out, memorized areas.
Only show them in set mode, don’t show them triggered, don’t show any animals on them. Until seen again.
“I remember setting a trap behind those spruces”

October 02, 2020, 06:40:42 PM
Additional historically accurate cordage: "Lime Bast Cordage" I was trying to understand what would have been the most historically accurate plants Iron Age Finns would have used to make cordage (for a modding project) and stumbled across this fascinating (to me) article:

In case anyone else was slightly confused like me, "lime" is apparently an alternative name for the Linden tree, which is found all over Europe including at least the southern half of Finland. I had no idea that such cordage was such a prevalent trade good across the region or that it was used and in demand well into the 20th century!

I think it would be neat to add Linden trees to the game and allow players to gather the bark and prepare it by one of the methods described in the article (either by peeling in summer and then soaking in water for 4 weeks or by gathering in winter and smoking it). Alternatively, perhaps a process to gather bark from a variety of trees beyond what's currently permitted and prepare into cordage by soaking, peeling, and twisting?

October 08, 2020, 02:07:27 AM
Fjara the Huntress of Owl-tribe. A Quest for Mother I read some of the stories here and all of a sudden got inspired a bit. So now gonna give it a try and write a few stories of mine. Can't say for sure what will come of it, but anyway it's fun to share experiences (and a good opportunity to practice English, as I'm not a native speaker). Sorry for probable mistakes, and feel free to correct me or just comment.

And, of course, thank you Sami and Erkka and everyone who takes part in UnReal World development. This game really helps to cope with my depression. Can't even say how glad I am that I came upon it a couple years ago.

October 11, 2020, 10:46:39 PM
Re: Fjara the Huntress of Owl-tribe. A Quest for Mother DAY 889

The day fades away. The forest is quiet and calm. No wind, no bird chirping. Just crunching of dry grass under the hooves of the animals in their pens.

“I'm home”, Fiara thinks, looking round her small homestead. She has returned from another trip to Driik, where she has obtained a few of jewelry, valuable hides, some masterwork clothes and two pots with handy wrought-iron legs. However, she failed to find mail armor of masterwork quality. Njerpez slavers began more and more often to roam in twos or even threes. With hounds, sometimes. Now hunting them will be even harder and more dangerous.

Fjara is tired. She enters the kota, legs giving way under her, and falls to a pile of skins, then puts a noaidi's mushroom in her mouth. Occasionally it makes her sick... but the mind, once it has found its way back from the spirit world, clears and breaks the shackles of exhaustion. She closes her eyes and slowly slips into a haze of visions and dreams.

Somehow, the past emerges in mind this time. Fjara recalls what had happened two and a half years ago. The very day when her whole life had been irretrievably ruined.
She's heading home, leading the only reindeer doe Fjara managed to find after wolves attacked her homestead. Not for nothing is her name Tuuri — “lucky”. She is, indeed. The wolves killed or hurt the rest of the animals so bad that they had to be finished off so as not to prolong their suffering.

Not far from home, she suddenly smells a smoke. Heart goes down in a bad vibe, and Fjara slows her pace. It's quiet. Too quiet. Having walked a hundred more steps, she hears the crackle of fire and stops. She feels so scared as never before. A minute later, Fjara makes herself walk the last few meters to the homestead.

The homestead, which is no longer there. It's just burnt-out ruins. A few steps from her lies father, the ground beneath his head is dark, and Fjara knows at once, it is blood there. And there's too much of it to hope that father's still alive.

She wants to call to mother, but her voice fails her. Those who did this may still be close. Fjara ties the reindeer to a tree and sneaks around the clearing, listening and peering into the thicket.

No one's there. An no sign of mother. Next to the father's body, she notices a piece of red cape trampled into the ground and clenches her fists in silent ire. Njerpez. That means they took mother as a slave. That means she is alive. And there is a chance to find her.
When Fjara wakes up the next morning, a lynx skin beneath her cheek is wet with tears.

October 12, 2020, 03:21:45 AM
Villagers build new houses and start new settlements JP_Finn's post inspired an idea of villagers building houses over time, maybe once in a year, and up to a certain limit. There might be higher chances for fine and masterwork items to appear in new building. Villages expansion also gives cause to add new quests such as falling some trees and making boards.

Furthermore, villagers could start new settlements, say, once in five years, so as to enhance the impression of tribes actually strengthen and evolve.

October 15, 2020, 05:45:22 PM
Re: Fjara the Huntress of Owl-tribe. A Quest for Mother DAY 982

Toil, toil, toil. For one to survive, one must continually work hard. During the last three months Fоara has done a lot: built separate pens for animals, felled trees enough to build a sauna, placed a hundred loop snares and made half a dozen trap fences in a small wood nearby. Six elks and two reindeers have been caught in the first ten days, yet there was no more prey since then.

Next time Fjara checks the fences, she makes offerings and whispers quietly. Be kind, oh spirits. Lead the animals into my traps. I shall give you hot blood and praise...

Winter month is almost over. Snow crunches underfoot satisfactorily. Six birds got caught in the snares today. She can make two dozens more arrows for exchange. Over the past year, Fiara has become noticeably more skilled in carpentry. Arrows in the Unreal World are great for trading. Even peaceful toilers, like Sartolaiset, willingly accept them: robbers occur even in their land, and an arrow makes them hesitate better than a word.

She' s got a fair food supply, yet keeping six dogs requires a lot of meat. Fjara loves her dogs. True friends, strong protectors, menacing fighters they are. Numerous njerpezit have been torn to pieces by them. Sometimes, when she feels sad, she tells them her sorrows and fears, and their understanding eyes bring her relief.

Another day is over, and Fjara goes to sleep. Cosily wrapped helself in furs, she whispers as always, “Greetings earth, and the dwellers underground. Allow me to lay here in good health.” Her eyes close, and the real gives way to the imageries of the past.
She managed to track down one of the murderers. For three days, she followed the tracks that eventually split up. There were three or four njerpez, they apparently marched rapidly to their lands, but one of them remained behind for some reason.

Fjara sneaks up to the njerp while he is pissing against a tree, and knocks him out hitting the back of his head with an axe handle. When the slaver regains consciousness, his hands and feet are tightly bound by his clothes.

She squats down beside him and pulls out a knife from a sheath. “Answer me, and I will spare your life,” she says. The njerp grins crookedly, catching her eye. His face is mottled with pockmarks and ritual scars, and in his eyes cruelty and cold mind can be seen distinctly.

“You have captured the woman. Brown hair, blue-eyed, a head taller than me.”

He answers, laughing quietly, “We'd enjoyed her, little huntress. Her screams have delighted our ear, and her flesh has satisfied our lust.”

Fjara feels her fear and anger overflow, and barely restrains herself from stabbing the defenseless neck.

“Is she alive? Where exactly are they taking her?”

“Her body fell to the lot of fish.”

“You lie!” She leaps up and turns away, clenching her fists until it hurts.

“No.” His voice is cold and calm. “No, and you do know that.”

Sobs swell inside her. Fjara kneels down and slits njerp's throat. When slaver's body lay motionless, she spits in his face and wails, “Curse thee! May the spirits never let you rest! May they make you suffer till the end of the world! May —” Words turn into tears, and she, barely rising and taking a few steps, falls prone.

Only late at night she regains strength enough to stand up, and plods away, completely lost amongst the crowding trees.

October 20, 2020, 02:42:23 AM
Re: Small predators like ermine, pine-marten and polecat much more common I agree with this, I think it can balance the trapping quite a bit. Mostly I am swimming in elk or reindeer hides if I set up half a tile trap line, catching mostly small animals would require you to invest a little bit more time to trapping and reduce it's passive power.

As far as big animal hides, I think if Sami makes them harder to catch with traps, their value right now would make better sense imo. Active hunting makes it a little bit tricky to get perfect hides all the time because of the damage you need to make in order to kill. If you think about it, a huge hide which you can make a full dress that keeps you warm is going to be pretty valuable especially in the north. ;D

But overall I think this is a great adjustment to the game.

October 21, 2020, 05:28:06 PM
Re: Small predators like ermine, pine-marten and polecat much more common I don't know how common pine-marten or polecat were 1000 years ago. But I think that when it comes to the smallest predators like ermine, it might be that one doesn't see them so often. In wintertime you spot their tracks, but you seldom see the animal.

I'm thinking about this from the coding point of view. Like, if we continue to spawn animals like it is now, but just add a piece of code that when one comes to check small traps after X number of days, in addition to the normal simulation there could be some probability of catching ermine, even if that particular ermine wasn't spawned into the game world like lynx or elk. Something like that could yield the desired outcome - when walking in the woods you seldom see ermine, yet in your well-placed properly-baited small traps you could find ermine more often than in the current version of the game.

October 21, 2020, 08:51:33 PM
Auto-confirm if hauling a single item When grabbing a single item, player doesn't have to press Enter or Space to confirm picking up. Shouldn't hauling a single item work the same way?
October 22, 2020, 05:51:10 PM