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Re: Humane and Proper Butchering?
This looks to be another spambot snuck through 

Yeah I also noticed that, for somehow the question sounded familiar. I banned the user account but left the thread for it had already generated good replies, which might be useful for new players facing similar questions. But I forgot to mention that, like I did in some other similar cases where I've edited the post to describe the action taken. Sorry about that, I'll try to remember making a public mention whenever I decide to ban or delete a spambot account while leaving the thread.

December 27, 2020, 08:12:13 AM
A spambot thread For a while we have had two layers of automated anti-spam measures. The first layer is invisible, tracking site traffic and spotting known bots based on a vast database. And the another layer is visible to the user, often an image captcha which is beyond bots' ability to solve. Also, users with less than 3 posts need to pass the captcha when making a new post - that should stop old undetected spambot accounts if they try to activate.

Yet, we witness new spam posted on the forums every now and then. Many of them with copypasted content from elsewhere.

I'm afraid that we can't make our anti-spam measures significantly tighter. At one point I tried adding a third layer, which instantly resulted in a post at Steam forums, someone saying that the registration at these forums is broken.

I wouldn't be surprised if somewhere out there is a sweatshop where poor people get paid paltry money for passing captcha to post spam content everywhere in the internet. I mean, that is a more plausible explanation, instead of there being a spambot AI which can solve those captchas far better than the state-of-the-art big company AI systems do. And if we have real people posting spam, then there is not going to be a captcha to stop them.

For a long time things were fine with custom security questions which were easy for anyone familiar with the game, but made no sense for a random visitor. Eventually, all of those questions became useless (maybe the spam networks keep on building their own database of 'known captcha questions and their correct answers'. Already at that point I suspected that they are paying people to answer those questions and storing answers for bot use. But I really don't know how sophisticated or how ugly the hidden machinery of spam networks are. Just guessing.

All in all, I felt like posting these general thoughts here, for we are all affected by the situation. We have four people in the moderation team, that allows us to manually weed out spam posts and accounts on a daily basis, and I think that is the last line of defense we anyway need to have.

So, everyone:

1. if you suspect spam, but are not sure, one good way is to do a google search with post content. If it turns out that the post is copypaste from old post from some other corner of the internet, please use "report to moderator" button

2. if you suspect spam for any other reason - the obvious ones being malicious links embedded in text - hit the "report to moderator" button

3. Thank you for your co-operation, and we apologize for all the inconvenience!

January 12, 2021, 09:15:28 PM
Re: unpack from driik woman Some checks were missing here, which are now added and the issue fixed. There was similar confusion when pushing to pack items on animals.
Now when picking up only the creatures you really can pick from are listed ie. animals and companions. And when pushing only the creatures you can pack are listed ie. animals.

Fixed - persists in 3.63.

January 28, 2021, 05:02:58 PM
Re: Little girls as new NPC type
Very nice!

Next old wives?

As mentioned this is nowhere nearly done yet, and the next news at least are likely related to children attribute adjustments.

January 31, 2021, 05:59:57 PM
Re: Snow slows movement indoors
My guess is that this is a known behavior that is regarded as too minor to fix (which I would understand), but just noting that. Snow slows your movement speed while inside your buildings, and skiing speeds it up as well.

This is now fixed (automatically) along with fixing the discovered faulty snow penalty as reported here:

This indoors-snow-penalty was also a result of the same remnant code which assumed there is snow based on the dates rather than the actual data.

Fixed - persists in 3.63.

January 31, 2021, 06:37:34 PM
Auto-cutting and other tying equipment additions Bunch of tying equipment related additions are being worked on. It's a sector of code where meandering from one feature to another is quite easy, and sometimes required, but these main blocks are on the table right now:

* Auto-cutting tying equipment to required lengths in crafting/building.

For example: If you'd need say 5 feet of cordage and select a 15 feet rope for the job it's auto cut to required length and the remaining portion (10 feet) stays in your inventory.
With this new condition in effect the cordage minimum lengths however will come into play. So with the above example you need to select 5 feet long cordage minimum, and would need to join the cordage manually first if only shorter pieces are available. In any case it makes more sense, and is less of micro-management, than the current system.

* Few cordage classifications as crafting requirements

Currently the actual tying equipment properties aren't that much checked in crafting processes. Almost any tying equipment works for any job. Now we'll see about adding a few requirement classifications such as "strong cordage", "thin cordage" or "thread". These would work so that for example "strong cordage" requirement accepts ropes and spruce withes - which are the strongest type of withe. Crafting for example a raft would required "strong cordage" for tying, and now you could use ropes and spruce withes that, but not the other kind of cordage outside the classification.
Arrow making would require "thread" type cordage. Loop snares could be only made from "thin cordage". And so on.

Classification is still under construction so different wordings can be suggested, and ideas posted here. It's can be quite tricky to find terms that would open up easily, and not to end up with too many categories. Naturally the game will also display messages about this-and-that requirement accepting this-and-that items.
Strong cordage - ropes, spruce withes
Thin cordage - strings, cords
Thread - yarns (or sinew threads, whenever we get there)

* Nettle processing

We'll add the steps to be able to make nettle yarn, and then see where it goes after it's working ok.
In addition to retting and beating the fibres out of the stems, there would be preferably also the easy early summer method where you can extract the fibres by hand and make primitive yarn fast - eg. for survival fishing rod line.

February 15, 2021, 01:29:40 PM
Re: Fence as drying rack Heh, sure. I doubt that they'll tell me anything super secret since my own drying went rather well almost every time, but sure, I'll ask and see if any of them might remember something interesting.
February 21, 2021, 04:43:33 AM
Re: Fence as drying rack Well... I gotta thank you for putting me up to this. If nothing else, its been a few very interesting days, full of remembering a LOT of things and connecting with some folks I havent talked in quite some time:) All in all, I did learn the recipe and the way the meat was stored long term. Here is goes:

Beat up and roll out the strips of completely fat and any membrane free meat into 2.5-3 finger's wide strips and make them as thin as possible. Try not to rip them too much - the stuff gotta be placed as flat as possible on as wide as possible area. The best meats are those that are quite lean to begin with - chiken, beef, rabbit etc. Pork is not advisable. Perfectly doable, but you really gotta know what you are doing, otherwise it may not be safe.

So far nothing new to what I said earlier. One interesting thing that was mentioned several times is this - if grandma wasnt too sure about the weather's conditions, she used to soak a woolen mitten and place it in the morning on the rack. If it was completely dry by supper, the weather was good enough for drying meat.

The interesting part is how they stored it. Once the meat was dried (strips are completely dry, snap and crumble in your hand like a potato chips would), they'd crumble the strips into a fingernail size flakes, pack them into clay jars (something like this one -, leaving about two finger's space in on top of the jar. The empty space would be filled with dry hay, usually from rye, then sealed with about a finger's thick layer of tallow, covered with a cloth cap and then closed with the jar's lid. Aparently, this way the meat would sit in the earthen cellar as long as you'd like, but no one really remembered it being there for longer than about half a year. Probably would be ok longer, but everyone agreed that by mid spring, the meat that was prepared in the summer was gone, or just about gone.

February 24, 2021, 07:56:32 AM
Re: Into the Iron-Age eating habits the Finnish Museum of Games shall take you
I was waiting for the english version  ;D

It took a while, but it's finally here.

March 07, 2021, 04:48:32 PM
'Asentokuusi' - simple shelter under a leaning spruce tree A few essential wilderness accommodation options for rough wanderers are coming up.

'Asentokuusi' (can be freely translated as "post spruce") was the simplest form of shelter for resting and spending a night protected from the elements - and in the next patch we'll be featuring a possibility to set up a 'post spruce'.

Post spruce is made simply by felling a young spruce to lean against another spruce tree. Some of the lowest twigs are removed to create space, and these are then laid on the ground for some insulation and cushion. Simple as that.
This was the usual method of spending a night in the wilderness condition when more permanent camp wasn't necessary.
Setting up a post spruce will found in "Building options", and it does felling the tree and covering the ground with twigs all together. Tools needed for the process are the same as for felling young trees in general.

With this addition we'll also feature general usage of spruce twigs as ground cover for insulation. If there are no furs to cover yourself into sleeping on spruce twigs, instead of bare ground, now keeps you a bit more warm during cold nights.

These are future additions, not yet functional in current version 3.63.

March 12, 2021, 06:39:15 PM