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Re: Is there a hard limit on followers? Original

July 22, 2020, 10:13:13 PM
Re: How many fishing nets does it take to survive? Original

July 22, 2020, 10:14:10 PM
Re: Trouble with wooden walls since 3.63 Original

July 22, 2020, 10:15:37 PM
Re: Who were "Njerpez" ? If the game change log said: "Based on historical references it has now been verified that The Novgrod Russians never did thing X, and therefore in this game release The Njerpez also don't do thing X" then all the questions and arguments by user1805 would be highly on-point.

But, at the moment to me it seems that user1805 just slightly misinterpreted what Sami meant to say in the game change log. I believe Sami meant only to say that "It is intended that Njerpez behave in a way X, and it has now been verified that they really do X in the game."

Then, of course we can have another discussion about if Njerpez should behave this or that way based on fully accurate historical facts about Novgorod Russians. But, to me that seems to miss the point. The game doesn't claim to be 100% historically accurate. Many things are simulated based on historical facts, but not all the things need to be so. Especially the tribes, they contain a lot of artistic freedom. Therefore the game creator can say that "in the fantasy world I created the element X behaves in a way Y because I wanted it that way", and I find it hard for anyone else to counter that. Like, can anyone say that "I don't believe you imagined it that way, you need to imagine it some other way!". I always thought that the very essence of imagination is that anyone can imagine the way they do.

August 24, 2020, 01:01:27 PM
Gaining the high ground; Elevated hunting blinds/tree stands Elevation is crucial in UrW, both when hunting for game and exploring for encounters on the map. Finding game in a coniferous forest without a vantage point is a losing proposition most of the time.

Hence why I suggest; tree stands or raised hunting blinds! Wooden towers with a little optional windowed shed perched atop from where a character might be able to have a good view of the surroundings - and possibly shoot game within range. I figure they might have two different useful modes to them giving them increased versatility;

- A local zoomed-in mode, where you could physically climb up into the hunting blind and get a good overview of the local terrain just like when climbing a tree (and possibly not alert nearby game to your presence quite as much as on the ground) while still being able to take potshots at game coming close (bait coming in handy here).

- A wilderness map mode, giving that one map tile better vision over the surroundings by raising the effective elevation by 1 level (for example; a hunting blind built on a Coniferous Forest tile would raise it to the effective elevation of Heathland, giving sight over surrounding Coniferous Forest tiles and lower, but not over Heathland and up).

The cost is left to be determined, but trading wood, time and effort for one of these could be an attractive option for lots of players; hunters active and passive, merchants, explorers, Njerp headhunters ...

Hunting blind in a field in Baden Wuerttemberg, Germany

A small hunting tower made from logs in Salo, Finland

A deer stand in Bavaria, Germany

August 25, 2020, 05:56:04 AM
Re: Torch Holder
but I don't know what was in use during the period.

I'm under the impression that candles and primitive oil lamps were for special occasions. For every day use the most common additional source of light was a thin piece of wood called päre. The link shows a wooded stand holding a päre in horizontal position. Such stands were used pretty much like a chandle holder. I'm not exactly sure but I'd guess they often had a bowl of water sitting on the floor, to catch any sparks or red glowing small ambers falling off the burning päre.

One piece of päre would burn for 15 minutes, so it isn't that handy for the kind of constant light we nowadays have in the era of electric light. Burning several päre in a row was the method to provide that necessary additional light when doing some indoor work which required more light than the glow of the fireplace.

(Sometimes I wonder how the Iron Age people survived the dimness of Finnish winter.)

October 09, 2020, 02:09:13 PM
Seasonal sales and Kekri customs Harvest festival sales are on at Steam and -- and in the Far North we do celbrate Kekri.
So let the new adventurers be respected with the discount, and the ancestral spirits with our special Kekri costumes and customs...

During this festivity period you can grab the game for decent discount on Steam, or from

It's Kekri, not halloween, in the Far North.

Kekri is an ancient Finnish harvest festival celebrated in the fall when the annual agricultural activities were all accomplished and the harvest collected. Kekri meant the end of the crop year, which was a big turning point. It was the time when the souls and spirits of the dead wandered around and visited the living. The ancestors were respected and welcomed. Sauna was heated up for them, and meal prepared too. The living celebrated accordingly, and so do we.

Kekri Goat

Kekri time included tradition of Kekripukki (Kekri goat) figure. People would dress up as horned creatures, wearing furs or coats upside down, and went around in their disguises and were offered food and drink.
So, what does a decent developer of tradition rich game do to follow the tradition?
Yes. He dresses up as Kekripukki.

We wish you happy and haunting Kekri time, or Halloween - if that suits you better.
Celebrate and participate!

October 30, 2020, 11:53:03 AM
Season's Greetings and Iron-Age feastings The midwinter and holiday season is at hand so let us send you our very best and most delicious Season's Greetings - as it's time to celebrate the period with Iron-Age feastings.

Over the years we have practiced and experimented with many different survival, bushcraft and traditional skills and techniques to gain firsthand knowledge of the ways of the ancients, and to add a special touch of realism to the game mechanics. Practise what you code, so to speak.

This midwinter we tried out quite ambitious Iron-Age cooking as well.
We tried cooking some of the recipes of also doable in UnReal World, and they surely tasted good in our time too.

Roasting turnips on embers.

Flatbreads and cooked turnips.

Tasty bits of broadbean-turnip-mushroom stew.

Let the Iron-Age feasting start.

This is not our first go with traditional food for traditional devs, but the first time it's been carried out and documented this precisely. The reason for this delicious study is an exciting upcoming exhibition.
In 2021 Suomen Pelimuseo (The Finnish Museum of Games) is arranging an exhibition about the food in videogames. In addition to insight about the subject in various videogames there shall be a publication presenting different menus from different games with recipies you can try out yourself. UnReal World is one of the titles included. We'll let you know when the exhibition starts.

But now let's survive the midwinter, feast as everyone prefers, and see you again in 2021.


December 22, 2020, 07:07:13 PM
Re: A few things i am afraid that they could be overlooked in all the euphoria...
Your character is standing near a ripe plant. you press 'alt+a' for agriculture and 'h' for harvest, then 'space' to confirm.
So this is nothing new, so now my suggestion. I would really enjoy a feature like this:

Instead of the harvested plant laying on the ground[requiring you to further key-jockey, like 'alt'+'g', choose direction 'choose amount' 'Enter' 'space' to confirm(all this for 1 tile of plants)], it is put directly inside your inventory. Just like when you pick young leaves or berries or mushrooms, for example.

that would be the standard harvesting procedure. Also the old method would still be there as "Cut" in the agriculture menu, which would leave the crop laying on the ground just like it has been for now.

If that new feature would unbalance farming, then ofc there could be made changes like, for instance, the harvesting taking more time.
Also this would lead players to only "cut" plants, to have them threshed on the field(for example) or picked up later.

Standard "Harvest" would be chosen when you want to take the plants to your processing site.

Yes, there are several occasions where the interface could be made less burdensome for the player – and harvesting mechanics is one of them. These things exists often because chaining the character actions is quite troublesome due to design and nature of the roguelike game engine and approach. Sometimes it's more doable, than in other cases. I guess it would be doabke to add pickup command trigger right after harvesting is done, so I'll explore this possibility, although weird setback may sometimes follow. One thing that would do harvesting (and some things also) easier would be to allow auto-picking up single item stack, just like one single item is picked without confirmation. But then again, sometimes you only want to pick x items from a stack.
All in all, if this gets implemeneted in the end we'll propably add new “Harvest and pick” command to agriculture menu for this alternative.

December 26, 2020, 02:50:09 PM
Re: (Minor QoL) Remember last zoom level upon game launch plus savegame load Yes, it’s true the zoom level isn’t saved with the character, and there are quite many other interface related things as well that don’t get saved. These are mostly things that have came along long after the early character structures were defined. It doesn't harm to add zoom level to savedata so I'll see about taking care of this.
December 26, 2020, 02:55:32 PM