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Using water from containers on ground - eating and drinking from table My char practically lives on a kota doorway tile next to a water tile, because it's so much less tedious to do all that drinking, tanning and whatnot when you don't have to think or look which container to pick up and choose. I imagine many do the same.

If the game would simply use water from containers on ground automatically (for example from largest first) or at least include the water containers on the ground on the inventory menu. This would be a *huge* interface improvement. Why are the tubs so small anyways?

Relating to this - it would be cool for table top contents to appear on the list menu when 'e'ating or 'q'uaffing. That way having a table in one's cottage would really be a lot of help as in real world as well.

I also noted the older suggestion about drinking from containers on draught animals.

October 15, 2020, 05:41:48 PM
Villagers build new houses and start new settlements JP_Finn's post inspired an idea of villagers building houses over time, maybe once in a year, and up to a certain limit. There might be higher chances for fine and masterwork items to appear in new building. Villages expansion also gives cause to add new quests such as falling some trees and making boards.

Furthermore, villagers could start new settlements, say, once in five years, so as to enhance the impression of tribes actually strengthen and evolve.

October 15, 2020, 05:45:22 PM
Sub-categories for food in cellar I find it tricky at times to find the stuff in my cellar.
There's all herbs/seasonings, vegetables, meat, fish, stews and soups all in one big... pile?

I like the fact that top most items are the oldest in there, so using those first makes sense.

But what I'd like to see is add additional food categories for cellar:
  • herbs and seasoning
  • roots and vegetables
  • berries
  • mushrooms
  • raw meats and fishes
  • cooked/cured meat and fish
  • cooked meals (and with that, blanched mushrooms
  • herbal drinks, water, milk

Making the change for character's inventory, less needed as no one carries hundreds of food items on them. Also to keep keyboard jockeying in check.

October 25, 2020, 02:41:50 AM
Crowdfunding : your thoughts? Hello!

This is Erkka from the Enormous Elk development team. We are planning an another game as a small side-project. To make this happen we'd like to set up a crowdfunding campaign on IndieGoGo platform. The plan is to use Discord as the main platform during the development phase, so that there would be weekly updates on development progress, and monthly Q&A sessions (hopefully with a video stream). I think the funding phase would run for three weeks, aiming to have the first playable alpha or beta version before the end of this year.

To maintain the suspense, we will announce the project details only a few days before the crowdfunding campaign starts (before mid-November, that is). But what I can say already now is that the game would run on Windows, Linux and Android, also aiming for Mac and iPhone release pretty soon after the non-apple release. And also, in case you wonder - from the development point of view a side-project is beneficial also for the actual UnReal World development; a smaller sibling game would double as an experimental laboratory, where different kinds of algorithms and ideas can be tested.

So, at this point - before I start to set up an IndieGoGo campaign - I'd like to ask for your thoughts, ideas or personal preferences. What kind of perks would you like to see, for what sum of money? If you have ideas, please post replies suggesting things like "can we have a €25 perk for an access to the monthly live video streams?". Also, it would be cool if someone provides their views on perk range, like "Because of these reasons [....] I think that the minimum perk should be X euros for perk Z1, ranging up to Y euros for perk Zn" Or, what kinds of perks would you love? Digital content like music or concept art? A physical item like copies of game graphics design drawings, or a  hand-written thank you card?

Ps. More news in the weekend. I'm planning a blog post about my personal thoughts and the process of preparing for the project. In the blog post there will also be a bit more details about the project plans.

October 29, 2020, 10:05:27 AM
Re: Crowdfunding : your thoughts?
This will surely slow down the development of the "flagship", no?

We aim to have it the other way around. Personally, I'd love to quit my main work to be a full-time indie game developer, so that in the future I would have more coding time to help Sami with UnReal World development. After considering various different ways of taking this leap the chosen tactics is a crowdfunding campaign for a small side-game project.

For so many years I have had trouble with finding proper coding time next to my main work. The time has come to ditch my other odd jobs. I do believe that taking this leap will eventually lead to boostin UnReal World development, instead of slowing it down.

EDIT: to clarify; the mentioned side-project is not intended to be a long-term development like UnReal World is. The plan is to spend a few months coding a release version (1.0), then slow down for a few more additional versions (like 1.1 or 1.2), eventually leaving the side-project as it is, so that there will be more time to concentrate on UnReal World development. So, this another game is just a temporary transition phase.

And, as mentioned: an another game could also double as a test environment to develop and to polish algorithms before implementing them in UnReal World. For example, back in the time when I was coding the weather simulation for UrW, I first coded a tiny text-based test environment. I ran hundreds of tests in the sandbox environment so that I got the details of the simulation polished, before the whole thing was implemented in the main game. Now I'm planning a full stand-alone small game, partially for the same reason - to have a sandbox where I can experiment with various algorithms. But this is purely to coder point of view - for the player that mentioned small game would naturally be a fully playable and fully enjoyable game in itself.

October 29, 2020, 11:03:35 AM
Thank you, URW! It's been about a year since I first played URW.This game .. Oh.. I Think it did a lot for me.She signed my interest in history,and now I'm thinking about connecting my life with it.I became more interested in nature, trips to the village began to bring pleasure, even while working.I am immensely grateful to the developers for creating and still developing this game.As a 15-year-old I enjoy spending my evenings building my cabin, or hunting elk, thank You! Ilya Karasev 15, Tula.Russia
October 30, 2020, 06:45:55 PM
Buoidda's crafts 2.3.6 [released 2021-01-12] Buoidda's crafts 2.3.6
mod for UnRealWorld version 3.63
Developed with Windows 10, no testing on other ops
Release date 2021-01-12

So, one summer day your character thought: "I should clear out all these felled trees."

Buoidda's crafts 2.3


This mod is for all those characters who want to be able to walk peacefully among blossoming trees, work their bark, pick their leaves, taste their flowers and berries... aaand to chop them down and make weapons of mass-destruction!!! Muahhahahahahaaaa (crazy laughter is obfuscated by birds' cheerful singing.)

It adds possibility to:
  • make traditional wooden boxes sewn with quills
  • make traditional sámi preserved sausages called "gurpi"
  • find linden trees, a good source of bast fibre
  • find two different willows, with various uses
  • find big rowan trees, a source of berries
  • watch the rowans flower in summer
  • collect big branches out of the occasional huge spruce trees
  • find slanted pine trees for compression wood
  • find straight junipers, birches, rowans and elms
  • chop bow staves out of them
  • make bows out of spruce, juniper, birch, rowan and elm
  • make those complex northern bows out of pine compression wood
  • make bowstrings out of various materials
  • extract linden and willow bast
  • extract spruce bast by roasting spruce saplings
  • make cordage from various fibres and rawhide
  • make 3ft ropes by braiding cords together
  • make 4ft 4-ply ropes out of birch-bark
  • harvest blood, intestine and sinew from all your bone bearing kills
  • make blood sausages and cakes. Yum! Tasty.
  • fletch with various arrowheads of various materials. Forked fowling arrows!
  • make necklaces out of bears' and seals' teeth
  • ret nettle and hemp for fibre (Rain's retting process included)

  • Place all the .txt files in the UnrealWorld game folder
  • Place all .png image files and .bat files in the "UnrealWorld\truetile" subfolder. In most cases, simply unzipping this package to URW game folder does it for you.
  • rename your original "diy_glossary.txt" to "ORIGINAL diy_glossary.txt"
  • rename "ALTERNATE GLOSSARY diy_Buoidda's_glossary.txt" to "diy_Buoidda's_glossary.txt"
  • If you have multiple mods you may have to check the hotkeys in menudef_*.txt -files. Each menu entry should have its own hotkey, including those in-game.

This mod is in multiple files. They do not overwrite vanilla unreal world installation. But to achieve clean menus, you probably want to comment out some vanilla recipes from diy_glossary.txt.
  • If you are upgrading, erase all files containing "*Buoidda's*.txt" in their name. I've renamed most to comply with Urw filename format. Sometimes I choose to reorder menu items with this letter: diy_l_Buoidda's_fibres.txt
  • I'm providing a file to make those recommended edits, called "ALTERNATE GLOSSARY diy_Buoidda's glossary.txt".
  • Rename "ALTERNATE GLOSSARY diy_Buoidda's_glossary.txt" to "diy_Buoidda's_glossary.txt".
  • You'll want to rename your original "diy_glossary.txt" to "ORIGINAL diy_glossary.txt". This way it will not be read in-game.
  • This mod will replace your rowan, alder, birch, and paddle graphics. Originals are provided.

There are number of things in this mod I couldn't force players to do
  • I cannot mod trees to change leaf cover by season. You can change them manually with enclosed batch-files and then reloading graphics with 'F9'.
  • The trees are not proper trees which you can cut down normally. Some of them you can harvest and they appear felled. Others can be picked such as lindens which give flowers (which can be converted to bast) and big rowans, which give  berries.
  • Harvest: slanted pine, juniper, all willows, straight elm, rowan and birch.
  • Pick: elm (or harvest and tresh), big rowan (pick young leaves to get lumber), lindens and spruces.
  • Whatever the method of harvesting, you are supposed to immediately use an appropriate crafting recipe to process the harvestables into proper items.
  • Linden flowers and willow leaves can also be used as herbs. Note linden are found mostly in the south-west.
  • When harvesting carcass produce, use a bone on the ground: due to a bug the bone will not be consumed. You are supposed to do it as soon as you get the bones from butchering - not later: that's cheating.
  • They are cooking recipes and demand fire for no obvious reason. This is due to modding constraints.
  • For same technical reason blood can only be collected in a pot.

See the txt files for detailed comments!


ALTERNATE GLOSSARY diy_Buoidda's_glossary.txt
*this readme file*
truetile\av-hare*.png       (3 image files)
truetile\bc-*.png           (52 image files)
truetile\it-paddle.png      (overwrite warning!)
truetile\ter-alder.png      (overwrite warning!)
truetile\ter-birch.png      (overwrite warning!)
truetile\ter-ndalder.png    (overwrite warning!)
truetile\ter-ndbirch.png    (overwrite warning!)
truetile\ter-ndrowan.png    (overwrite warning!)
truetile\ter-rowan.png      (overwrite warning!)
truetile\ORIGINAL *.png     (8 image files, 71 image files total)
truetile\bc-leafwin.bat     (2 batch files total)
                            (85 files total)


This mod contains modifications based on UnReal World game tiles and may be used with UnReal World game only. Using these tiles in any way for any other game/project is forbidden.

I have made some of the graphics, but this was mostly just cut and paste of vanilla tiles with some retouching. The juniper is a prime example. I'd very much welcome some of my tiles redrawn by some more skilled of an artist.


Credits for individual work are found in code comments.

My deepest gratitude goes for trowftd. His patient help with the various tree graphics was invaluable.

Thanks for Rain for making his original retting code.

Huge thanks for Kaaven and Atwood for their art. I may not have used much of theirs in this version, much is found in the BAC.

I have reviewed Brygun's fine community mod (BAC) and how some of my old code has evolved in the hands of others. and found some ideas like not using only staff in Northern staff-bow's name. My code is well commented, but hopefully I haven't overlooked anything important I borrowed. I'm glad how this community has evolved over the years.

All work not otherwise marked, is mine and free to use and redistribute as you please without attribution. Claim it as yours if you feel like it. Make money! Riches! Wohou! Oh? No money? Dang. Maybe this wasn't so special after all.

October 31, 2020, 08:16:25 PM
Issues Integrating Cookery with Craft Mod Recipes I'm working on designing a realistic mod that allows me to create dyed yarn and garments using various plants and mushrooms. My first attempt has some of the mod under cookery so I can create, for example "A pot of blue dye" rather than "A blue dye". My goal was to then have the dyeing step call for a portion in #s of the created "liquid product" gained from cookery. So "A pot of blue dye" might work for several batches of yarn (each requiring 1 lb of the intitially created 5 lbs of liquid, for example), with the weight of liquid reducing each time it's used as in when you have a pot of something and eat portions from it. I was hoping I could go this route as long as I remembered not to eat my dye stocks, as they show up in the food menu until further utilized.

The problem I'm encountering is that when I try to do regular modded crafting outside the cookery menu, it just doesn't want to pull the volume correctly. So my very labor intensive "pot of blue dye" was all emptied simultaneously leaving and empty pot when I attempted a test dye with it, rather than using a portion of the weight/volume and leaving the rest in the pot for later use. I wanted to end up with "Blue yarn" plus "A pot of blue dye" minus 1 lb of liquid, instead I got "Blue yarn" and an empty pot.

Can anyone advise on a way to make these functions work together, or is the cookery menu just not meant to be used that way?


November 05, 2020, 01:58:04 AM
Re: Issues Integrating Cookery with Craft Mod Recipes No secrets, I actually wasn't entirely sure how to display my code haha. It's also unlikely my recipes could be easily playtested since I went so far as to mod in whole new plants based on my extensive research of what would have actually been used, so most of the ingredients wouldn't be obtainable without a whole mess of ingredients I've modded in.

Anyway, worth a go to see if you can figure out any solutions. Here's the first recipe in Cookery for extracting a dye solution from a plant called bloodroot:

Code: [Select]
.Bloodroot extract.    *COOKERY* /60/ \10d\ [effort:1] [phys:arms,hands]
{Bloodroot root}      #3# [remove] [boil]
{Wood ash lye}      #0.5# [remove] [boil] 
{Water}      #2.5# [remove] [boil]
{Knife} '+to chop roots'
{Stone}   (2) [nearby] '+to grind the roots'
{[NEARBY_TILE:ground]} 'Ferment outside in a clay vat'

So the selection of the pot is not coded in by me but is forced by whatever code goes on in cookery. No issues there.

The next part for the dyeing:

Code: [Select]
.Dye yarn red with bloodroot. *HIDEWORKING* "Cord" /1h/ \14d\  [effort:0] [phys:arms,hands]
{Wool yarn} #1#                [remove]
{Bloodroot extract}     #1#        [remove]
{Water} #1#         [remove]
{*lay pot*}       'Clay pot to ferment'
[NAME:Wool yarn dyed red]

So the bit with the asterisks and the clay pot was me attempting a solution by having all of the cookery processes take place in a "Clay vat" object (which is coded as a pot) that still works as a pot but cannot be selected accidentally in the crafting step if I specify a pot with asterisks. However, the first step being cookery, I cannot force the player to choose the "Clay vat" object.  When I run these two processes, it works exactly as intended, with 6 lbs of dye solution being created in the cookery step and 1 lb being used up in the second step. So I think I've confirmed that the issue is the pot selection in the dyeing/crafting step accidentally grabbing a full pot of out my inventory and emptying it.

Now, do I understand correctly that if I were to specify

Code: [Select]
{Clay pot}   #6# 
in the crafting step, it would force me to choose a specific pot, thereby avoiding the accidental selection problem?

EDIT: I just tested and confirmed that specifying a weight of Clay pot does force a selection. It looks pretty stupid but does prevent the game from emptying any other pots in my inventory. Does anyone know any other methods of forcing a selection? I've tried codign with and without the asterisks (
Code: [Select]
{Clay pot} vs {*clay pot*} and it doesn't seem to make a difference.

November 05, 2020, 10:30:42 PM
Re: Small scale primitive smoker Agreed!

One of my characters just spent about 3 weeks game time to cut enough logs and build a cabin of the minimum size for a fireplace and a single extra tile to use for smoking. And by then the reindeer herd had left the area...

Primitive cultures definitely had portable alternatives to smoking meat. I think the latest update requiring a fire every day should still hold true. I could see perhaps a compromise where meat smoked in a more portable smoker takes less time to cure but has a shorter preservation period, perhaps just a month or two? This would help adapt to a more nomadic play style where we could have our characters hunt and preserve meat on the go for a portable stash of food that's used quickly rather than a full winter supply for someone hunkering in a cabin.

Here's an example from the Sami, looks like a sort of reindeer salami, that was smoked in a kota or even kept in a special container that allowed controlled fermentation:

November 06, 2020, 08:43:19 PM