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Re: Weird timeskip to day 499 Found it. This has been likely been around for ages. It's related to game/system getting terminated/crashing, and results in character game day synchronization problem. This might have caused some reports in the past which we haven't been clever enough to search from a right angle. There's been rare and weird harvest growing up overnight kind of issues, etc.
It was luckily easy to fix.

Fixed - persists in 3.70.

November 13, 2021, 01:47:14 PM
Re: "Savegame needs a remedy" after BSOD After several attempts I've managed to reproduce this issue by simulating a sudden power by loss switching off the extension cord the computer is connected to.
Bad for your computer, good for bug hunting.
So I managed to witness that character data occasionally appears blank after these shutdowns. It still makes no sense at all, looking at the file handling in use, but Windows can be surprise us sometimes. And this is only Windows issue.

The good thing is that by adding additional character file backup steps along the way, I've managed to create a system where some of the character data files always stay intact and can be recovered upon loading the character again.

So we can call this fixed until (hopefully not) proven otherwise in the future. I'll also make it so that upon loading corrupted character again the game automatically tries to recover the last good character data condition from the internal backups.

November 13, 2021, 05:30:48 PM
I'm currently working on an animal sprite overhaul, what do you guys think? Hey guys, I've been working on a couple of animal sprites recently.

I've been a fan of Galgana's creature sprites (incredible, especially when compared to the vanilla sprites) for a long while and I thought I might as well try my hand at making sprites reminiscent of their work. These are still obviously my own creations (thanks MSPaint), but I wanted to create something that could be used in tandem with their mod, to fill the gaps more or less. Who knows, I may even create my own overhaul that covers all of the animals. If any of you have any suggestions on where I can improve or where I've f**ked up feel free to let me know. I've also dabbled with the rain and snow, it's always bugged me that you lose so much visibility in these weather conditions, but that's for another topic.

Here are the sprites, a humble badger, and beaver (already done the full sprites, these are just teasers).

EDIT: I modified the badger/beaver sprites and created two more, the glutton (wolverine) and polecat

December 06, 2021, 11:57:24 AM
Season's Greetings The midwinter and holiday season is at hand!
It is time to send you our warmest Season's Greetings with a few moody photos from this very day.
Thank you for 2021 to those who already roam the UnReal World, and welcome into the Far North, all you new adventurers.

We have just passed the Winter Solstice on northern hemisphere, and the amount of daylight now slowly starts increasing. Otherwise the winter in Eastern Finland continues in decent -20 degrees celsius temperatures with delightful amount of snow. Sami (UnReal World creator) heads towards the real world in horizon.

Merry Christmas, Tree. This mighty spruce grows beside the village road, not very far from the development chambers.

Now let's survive the midwinter, and see you again in 2022!

December 22, 2021, 04:22:44 PM
Re: German Shepherd Dog Sprite I like your sprite set, but I love my GSDs

January 10, 2022, 06:07:38 AM
The best shot I'll probably never do again

I will treasure this moment forever.

January 31, 2022, 05:00:22 AM
Going canoeing - from Koivula to Driik, so to speak. The year off from coding has truly brought my way something else than sitting in front of the computer.
Next up is sitting in a canoe instead - and paddling some 120 kilometers through Kokemäki River all the way to reach the sea at Gulf of Bothnia.
Well, luckily I get to stand and walk as well as we'll be camping outdoors.
This expedition is about to start tomorrow, and I'm sure you'll be hearing more about it when I come back.

Everything's packed and I'm off to canoe - for a week or so.

This is is river a route which you can paddle in UnReal World too.
The world map of the game is always somewhat randomized, but you can still find some river floating from Koivula to Driik.
This can be imagined as being the Kokemäki River.
In reality the route is 120 kilometers long, but the game world map scale is smaller.
When put on the game world map the route would be like this.

Our destination is an island in the Gulf of Bothnia about 10 kilometers from the mainland.
If everything goes okay we'll reach it in a week.
And who knows if this inspires me to tweak the paddling code in the game just a little bit - when it is time to sit in front of the computer again.

August 12, 2022, 06:19:47 PM
ModernNorseman's Portrait Mod 2.0 (Updated November '23, 1000 unique portraits) I'm glad to be able to release version 2.0 of my portrait mod. The old version contained 327 unique portraits, this new version contains 1000 unique portraits.

As previously mentioned, unpack the file with for example winrar, and copy all the imagefiles to the "truegfx" folder in your UnrealWorld folder. It's about 150 mb, as it's actually 2000 images because portraits of men is used in three categories - east, north and west, and the images of the categories, old men and sages, are the same. Due to the size, I have used mediafire to distribute this time.

Version 2.0

All portraits have been made by using

Thank you for all the positive responses for the old version, I hope you will like this one as well.

Original post below
I always saw Unreal World as one of the most immersive games I have ever played, and thanks to a tip from forum user MilitanttiTalitintti (Many thanks!) I started to create AI generated portraits that I deemed immersive to the game, through the website With Sami upgrading the amount of available portraits ingame, it is my goal to keep this project going until all slots have been fully filled, so there will be alot of variety when meeting characters in the unreal world.

Adding these portraits is very easy - download the .rar file, unpack and copy all the images to the folder "truegfx" in your Unreal World folder, and overwrite existing files.

As for the version 1.0 there is currently 327 unique portraits. The pack of images of males are the same for all three categories (west, north, east) but renaming then can easily divide them up if you want. The amount of portraits per category are as follows:

Male: 130 portraits
Female: 60 portraits
Girl: 41 portraits
Boy: 44 portraits
Old male: 34
Sage: 18

I hope the portraits can be of joy for fellow Unreal World gamers, and I will continue the update the mod in the future to add many more portraits.

Due to the size of the folder (Approx. 50 mb), the following link will lead to downloading the folder from

@ruskerdax have created a version of these portraits created on with the watermark removed, which can be downloaded from the following link:

November 25, 2022, 10:15:03 PM
Re: [Info] [3.71] Cheat Engine Addresses Here is a cheat engine file for 3.72b. It has some things that Night's doesn't (e.g. sight range), and Night's has some things that this doesn't (e.g wounds). I'm not motivated enough to combine them at this time, but all the basics are functioning.
December 11, 2022, 08:51:04 PM
Re: [3.62] [3.61] URWExternalMap v1.0.0 In case anyone else is interested, tested today, this (expectedly) works fine on the latest game version as of today (2023-January), game version 3.72.

Thanks for the tool, @Night.
I suggest you change the thread title to something like '3.61-3.72'.

January 09, 2023, 08:45:42 AM