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Re: Dog caught in village pen It is a Reemi village. Another way to rearrange the villages is to mirror them, as dogs/companions always spawn to the east.
January 23, 2018, 07:26:36 PM
Re: Good guy robber The "wake up scared" message is most likely not related to robbers, but the spirits being somewhat unhappy with you for some unrelated reason.

The robbers rob you of your valuable stuff, and beat you up (and take your things) if you resist, so I wouldn't call them good guys (if you don't have anything of value, they won't bother taking your junk).
It's a bit of a pity that you don't actually have the ability to beat them up as the quest indicates you might do. The only think you can do is kill them (although I haven't actually tried to knock them all out and leave them, partially because it's hard and risky, as they may wake up and flank you).

As far as I know your treatment of the robbers' corpses doesn't have any effects beyond role playing ones (I leave them for the carrion birds).

January 26, 2018, 11:51:13 PM
Re: Injured adventurer clarification @bethefawn: The quests are tedious, and I certainly wouldn't mind if the search area was smaller. The wounded adventurer quest isn't hard (apart from the risk of getting killed), provided you use an effective search strategy. The bird thief and robber quests are worse, as it's a lot harder to see and find what you're looking for. However, I've succeeded with all the ones attempted, except the one where my character was killed (but I've been a hair's breadth from giving up a couple of times).

I use two different search strategies:
1. When the shelter is NOT is spruce infested terrain (so you've got a decent visibility), I start at one end of the circle and move back and forth over it on the world map, sweeping over the whole area one tile at a time. Each tile which matches the search criteria is entered and I look forwards, then backwards, and then zoom out again. If this is done when there is sufficient light (and you shouldn't search when there isn't), you should see either the shelter or blood scapes if you've found the tile. For robbers I do this for every tile. Covering the whole area for a robber quest takes about 3 days.
2. If the target is in spruce infested terrain, or there are a limited number of clear lines of border terrain, I move from one end of the line to the other on the zoomed in map, sufficiently far into the target type tile to see a little bit of the neighboring tile (which has the other type of terrain). Keep walking to follow the border line, and zoom out once in a while to get your bearings.

To help in the search, I use temporary markers to show where I've swept, in particular at the end of the day, so I know where to continue the next morning.

January 30, 2018, 08:24:46 AM
Re: Ability to sit. While there are many occasions where you'd normally sit, I don't think it adds to the game (except tedium) to explicitly model sitting down/standing up.
Acolyte's suggestion that a table + bench could substitute for the required ability to stand for some tasks makes sense. I don't know how much effort it would be to code it in, though, so I don't know if it would be worth it.

January 30, 2018, 08:35:42 AM
Reduce the difficulty of climbing trees As it currently stands, there's a significant risk of falling when climbing trees, especially since the character tends to wear clothes and carry items, which means at 100% skill it's still risky. This causes me never to use tree climbing for looking around, which is a pity. It would be good if the worst that would happen is that you'd fail to get high enough to see far enough, as that would make it a usable option when looking for something.
February 01, 2018, 12:06:16 PM
Re: How do I catch perches? Thanks Acolyte.

It's a useful data point, even if it's not the complete answer.

February 02, 2018, 05:09:40 PM
Re: Animal Husbandry Cows are strong enough to carry logs (at least some cows, but I think all of them). Push the log onto the cow, lead the cow to the destination, get the log (i.e. pull it off).
February 08, 2018, 05:14:57 PM
Re: You feel unity with the waters around Interesting. My character has felt unity with the forest multiple times (and that kind of messages always seem to appear late at night), but I haven't stumbled upon any gifts. I haven't encountered any relation with the waters either, but haven't done much fishing.

I may have a more boring explanation for the gift, namely a bug. There's a thread in the bug section about item duplication when things are pushed out into water (or was it ice?). Sami hasn't been able to replicate it, I think. If you've been doing things of that type at that place earlier, and the bow stacks with the one you have, I'd guess that's probably that odd bug at play. However, your character probably deserves a gift...

February 10, 2018, 08:54:25 AM
Re: How do I catch perches? The latest versions of UrW has seen an increase in the number of nets for sale, so net damage is not that much of an issue.
I don't actually want a lot of fish, only perches for perch skin mod glue, as they're hard to process in a useful manner (although I've recently realized roasting them and then stuffing buns with them is a good Njerp usage: the fish soup doesn't look very apetizing). While fishing during winter the buggers still don't stack properly so using drying isn't that effective/uses a lot of cord.
However, I'll try your suggestion once it thaws, as I think I'll need a fair number of perches (used for a bow and for blunt arrows, and blunt arrows are consumed fairly rapidly and are hard to find to buy).

February 12, 2018, 06:41:18 PM
Bird thief quest issues I have a couple of issues with the bird thief quest, and think they can be dealt with reasonably easily:
1. It doesn't make sense to have to "relearn" the ritual in the quest every time: once the ritual is known, it should be possible to bypass the learning steps by getting the dialog option that the character already knows a ritual to get a bird thief to confess. I haven't tried to actually short cut it to see if it works as I'm not sure it might break the quest.
2. It makes sense that a lost victim of robbery is hazy about the whereabouts of the robbers, and it makes some sense that a traveling adventurer doesn't keep detailed note of where his shelter is built, but a bird trapper should know the location well and be able to give fairly precise directions. To make the matter worse with this quest is that the traps are few and not easily seen (they don't stand out like blood scapes, and if they're scattered over the tile I haven't found it), which makes them very easy to miss when placed in terrain with a lot of spruce, as the line of light is rather limited there.
It would be easier to find the traps if they're always placed reasonably close to the terrain feature border (that may be the case already) so you're sure to find them if you pass through the tile along the border.

February 14, 2018, 10:16:01 AM