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Re: The stories that come from this game are incredible... Why yes the stories are quite memorable.

I've done character blogs to practice writing skills. One of them is Novrus at:

70,000+ words of adventuring in the UnReal World.

It certainly is the intense moments like those above that one remembers best.

I still remember Beodrin Two-Bears.

Beodrin started the game with the death of his father to a bear. Turns out the start was on about 9 tiles of wiggly island. Both Beodrin and Bear were working through the limited supply of berries. The two encountered each other or saw each other every few days. Slowly the fall and winter was coming and even before then the berries might all be eaten.

At the time I didnt understand the crafting like I do now so the only I thought there was to make a raft was to get leather...

... the only source of leather being that man-killing bear.


Two fighters enter! One fighter leaves!

Thus I came to thoroughly research the games trapping system. As the name suggests Beodrin Two-Bears did eventually have his victory, make a raft and sail onto other adventures... wearing the bear that killed his father.

July 24, 2020, 04:07:51 AM
Why I carry a rock in real life Why I carry a rock in real life.

Lessons (mostly) from the Unreal World game:

= Its a hammer for building
= Its a digging tool, better than my hands
= Digging can get me to flexible thin roots for cordage
= Roots and plants can be rubbed against an edge of the rock to cut them
= It can be weight to help braid roots into stronger "rope"
= It can bash against branches as a crude axe
= Two rocks can start a fire and I already have one
= It can be thrown to get food, by pinging a squirrel or wounding a rabbit
= It can be put in a fist as a knuckle puncher
= It can be rolled in the fingers as a stress relief mediation
= It can be banded on a rock or tree as a rescue signal
= Rocks can be pets to talk too, I mean its only bad when the rock talks back

Yes I carry a rock. When people ask me why these are rambled off.

Unreal World crafting if stranded and unequipped begins with: a rock.

So I start with a rock!

Get a rock.

Have a rock.

Be one with the earth.

October 07, 2020, 09:33:49 PM
Modding, Optional items affect output it would be interesting if optional items could have a way of modifying the output with:

= changes chance of better results (more like to get fine or master item), like if you have an extra type of tool or extra nails to strengthen a shield

= the price value, adding more to the base value if we add things like bits of metal of decorations

November 19, 2020, 05:52:01 AM
Re: Lots of angling improvements on their way Looking forward to this, and the accompany BAC update to match it.

Making more vanilla items accessible in vanilla is generally a good thing.

Speaking of which...

*nudges with an iron anvil*

November 19, 2020, 04:39:45 PM
Re: Why I carry a rock in real life
I used to carry rocks for self-defense as a kid and started bushcraft with knapping rocks. I would like to see how you start a fire with 2 rocks though.

Well yes one is assuming the second rock is flint or quartz.

I like my EDC rock to be igneous, the ones with swirls that usually mean it was made in a volcano or from lava. These are harder than sedimentary rocks, those that look like flat layers that come from sand settling out of water.


I should like to mention a rock isn't the only thing in my EDC (every day carry) but it is there.

The rock can do many chores without damaging the knife leaving the knife sharp and ready for things the knife is better at.

November 19, 2020, 04:42:39 PM
18th century America Frontier skills Townsends has over 50 videos about life and skills for18th century America frontier skills. Though different from the Unreal world certainly quite a few ideas and interesting things after all wood and cordage have been around a long time.

November 19, 2020, 07:46:23 PM
Re: HITCHCOCK BIRDS aka allow automatically ignoring birds during tasks +1

Something we can set while playing. For instance I might want to usualy have it off but in a deseperate week turn it back on to catch more meat... as if I would hit it... unless I use the arrow mod from Bouddia or its BAC inclusion.

November 29, 2020, 07:06:52 AM
Re: [Brygun] Iltros and the island challenge Well that was humbling.

Dead on the second night.


Thanks Bouddia.

Been a while since I had to deal with the deep challenge of basic survival. Actually makes me appreciate what Ive learned and modded in. Even with the whole BAC you can die.

December 04, 2020, 12:37:27 AM
Re: Point and click start location I was also trying the island challenge.

It occurred to me that during creation the map can be zoomed and moved around. If random re-roll was kept to within the current viewable area of the map we'd have a good control over where while still having some randomness to it.

December 04, 2020, 01:30:17 AM
Completing random starts This is to add in to the various character creation steps more options for random steps. Sex male/female and seasons are missing this.

We are talking elsewhere already of starting locations to either/both give a point-to-map or to be able to zoom in the starting map which the random location rolls only within the current view.

December 05, 2020, 03:54:01 AM