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Re: Leaving dog behind on long trips It worked out as mentioned. The dog and other animals were fine on return. Food stocks left for them appear unused. The belief the game doesnt process the distant animals is likely true.

I circumvented 80% of Finland's coast on the trip over a few weeks, going down the great river, going west to the coast for the salt quest then going north to where the coast turns east. Great fun. BAC mod's punt shelter put to on was helpful for a quick place to sleep when it was raining.

September 09, 2019, 01:01:56 AM
Adding "String" vs cord and rope Brygun of the BAC here

With 3.60 beta hitting now might be a good time to suggest (or reiterate?) adding "string" as a base object.

Cord sounds alot like cordage which can be twisted bark, spruce roots or other low cost production. Used for things were a moderate strength is okay and there is no need to be slender.

String sounds like bowstring being a more finely crafted item making it better used in some tools or weapons like bows or other things were quality matters.

Rope would still be the big and strong item giving you strength at a higher resource cost.

September 16, 2019, 09:47:23 PM
Companions help push items noticing the Companion help system for 3.60 beta if its not there already I humbly submit having companions could and should help with the time and energy to push heavy objects. This would mean they could help fell trees (doing on their own if need be), pushing the tree to the stead location and helping to build it.

AFAIK right now they dont help push heavy things so one of the choke points is going to be hauling the trunks/logs to the stead.

September 16, 2019, 10:24:07 PM
Thanks for 3.60 Beta Taking a pause from all the question and suggestion posts I'm making in regards to the 3.60 Beta changes to say:

Thank you.



Saami and Erkka have continued to keep the game going. It is a lot of fun. Long timers and modders like myself are among the "questions show interest" type of people. I'm on the grindstone to update the large BAC (Brygun and community) mod to better integrate. I'm doing it because I support the game and the community. I didn't want that to be lost in all the questions and suggestions.



September 17, 2019, 10:23:44 PM
Re: Board Inflation Query on the population representation ratio, by that I mean does 1 villager in the game truly mean a population of 1.

For the Driik (IIRC) they are supposed to have walled towns yet the game engine only puts on the map ## of them.


I support that meat is a high quantity item. So long as its not spoiled the villagers can do something with it. Checking the freshness, or how soon to spoil, if its easy to code could be done.

Villagers eating like our characters would be eating 1-4 a day. Winter is several months long, call it 90 days. That means a good stock of preserved meat being 90-360 per person in the town.

Add to that there might be travellers coming in and out or trade with other villages.

It could easily be a slow down on trade at ~200 cuts per villager and a stoppage at ~400 per villager.

Now if your character is bringing in over 1,000 cuts to a stead or more to a small village... Wow. Well done.

September 17, 2019, 10:47:04 PM
Re: Small exploit Wow, your cooking skill must be horrible...  ;)
September 17, 2019, 11:57:59 PM
Re: [3.60 beta] Is season or time of year now knowable to a recipe? Quite likely on the trees. I'm from Canada where we have high yield birch trees. I even have friends who have made their own birch-bark canoes and I was assisting a Native Center see if we could have their members build one. (Largely failed on still needing at least some budget and especially some place to have the canoe while building it in our city)
September 20, 2019, 12:25:13 AM
Re: Bushcraft youtubers Brygun of the BAC here,

Some more for consideration:

Far North Bushcraft and Survival:
If he and his wife can survive Alaska Winter the rest of us will be okay

Corporal's Corner:
Former military showing modern ideas


Noah Bradley making modern log homes

Hiker in Estonia
Modern lady going on hikes

September 25, 2019, 02:34:22 AM
Re: Anyone ever clear out Njerp territory?
This time around, I'm just playing a farmer/fisherman/gatherer and dealing with wandering warriors as they turn up. It's actually more fun this way since I have to plan ahead and get by on the meager resources at hand. I think my little dog might be getting tired of eating lake-reed flatbread, though. He doesn't complain, but there's a certain look in his eye.  :D

I've also found that in homesteading I tend not need weight to carry or lower penalties so some of the Nerj encounters are actually more concerning. Normally I can dash off to home to battle equip. Some players keep their gear on all the time though for realism its not so easy to sleep in armor. I've napped in my SCA medieval steel battle armor, without the helm on, and while okay-ish for a nap its wierd and pinchy when you are horizontal not vertical for so long.

September 26, 2019, 11:26:57 PM
Re: Such a pervert kid You can see a sheep pen in the picture lower left. Thats where he sleeps. Snuggled up with the sheep. Just his toes sticking out.

September 29, 2019, 03:21:48 PM