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Re: Punitive island winter challenge No zooming would make it extremely hard. You start on a small island that might not have a mountain, and that would mean you can only scout by swimming (after training swimming sufficiently to actually be able to get anywhere).
No fun at all...

October 25, 2020, 11:04:20 PM
Re: Punitive island winter challenge Also, when collecting a carcass off the ice, pull it to you, crawl back, pull, crawl back...
If it's light enough to be carried, drop it and crawl back anyway (I don't think I've been in that situation, though).
You may well have to heat up by a fire one or more times, as that's very slow work.

October 27, 2020, 11:02:09 PM
Re: Forest maid clothing I think the invulnerability part is where the reality (in the UrW world) crosses over into wishful thinking territory. I don't think that's a bug, but rather a way of showing the blurred lines between what is believed and what is true.
October 27, 2020, 11:06:17 PM
Re: Crowdfunding : your thoughts? I'm staying away from supporting games at the concept stage, as I've seen too many either just fold, or change key features such that I'm not interested anymore to support something that is just a concept (the one I did turned out well, however). I believe Erkka is considerably more trustworthy than many others, but I'll stay away on principle.

One trap I think many developers fall into is to offer rewards that actually cost more in time/money than what the backer provided. That's OK if it's a deliberate marketing move to raise awareness and increase interest, but not if the money is intended to actually be used for development. Thus, a 10 euro submission mustn't cost more than 10 minutes or so in total processing if it's to mainly contribute to development (with "mainly" being very considerably above 50%, so no fantasy salaries implied).
In the prison case, if you'd have to generate 1000 prisoners anyway, getting their specifics from backers probably costs very little, so most of the money could go to development (although you'd still have to specify submission formats and handle the responses). A quickly produced "special feature" (a badge of honor for the main character?) that can be "mass produced" easily without getting bogged down in key protection issues (a simple key code will be posted on the net within minutes) might be cheap, but any additions to a 3 month project is significant...

October 29, 2020, 06:06:01 PM
Change criteria for waking up due to cold to only happen when worse I had a character that was freezing to death, desperately trying and failing to light a fire while dead tired. Eventually the fire got going (despite repeated interrupts due to confusion), and I could finally let my character rest. However, each time the cold condition IMPROVED to a less serious cold condition the character woke up due to the cold with the fire still burning. This should only happen when conditions worsen, not when they're improving, i.e. the the game should take the previous state into consideration when determining whether the character wakes up or not.
November 02, 2020, 11:58:39 AM
Re: Wolfpack guarding traps aka what the hell do I do now!? Wolves have no trouble getting past fences, but they prefer to go through openings if there are any, so passive trap fences generally work well against them as long as they're not attacking.
November 09, 2020, 12:14:28 AM
Re: Do livestock animals follow the player character unleashed? I haven't heard of it being changed, so I expect them not to follow (and while I think they'll be lost, I don't think it's in thought [@Privateer ;) ]).
November 09, 2020, 08:56:39 AM
Re: Wolfpack guarding traps aka what the hell do I do now!? Not specifically, but I haven't had any problems with catching various wolves in bear traps, and big wolves are still a lot smaller than bears.
I mostly don't bother with the medium size trap unless I'm pestered by a medium size predator (smaller than wolves).

Thus, I'm fairly sure I've caught big wolves in the traps, but haven't looked for the size specifically.

November 09, 2020, 11:29:23 PM
Re: Buff up the elks, add swimming and jumping over fences Traps, alone, in lines, or as part of fences:

Summarizing the above:

1. Only pit traps really make sense in fences.
2. Only pit traps are usable for catching reindeer and elks.
3. Snares can work without bait (although I suspect it's just birds in that case, not hares?)
4. Traps apart from the cases above don't trap anything unless baited (except in freak cases)
5. Trap lines aren't a thing (although as far as I understand it, a line of snares still makes some sense if there's an implicit "fence" of twigs and the like between them). In general, animals just avoid the obstacles and pass through the free space in between them.
6. Larger animals tend to just pass over/beside traps too small for them, and would trigger them only very rarely (and then typically "from the outside", and so won't get harmed).
7. Fences aren't actually hard obstacles to reindeer or elks. Given enough incentive, they'd jump over, but why waste energy on a jump when there's an easy opening? When pursued, jumping a fence may be considered a better option than running along it. A fully fenced in farm plot area may well be enticing enough to warrant a jump.

Game (current):
1. Any kind of trap works in fences.
2. Trap lines are a great way to keep unwanted animals out of places you don't want them (such as your farm plots or your homestead), and, in fact, is the only one unless you're willing to build a full scale house wall around the area.
3. Trap lines usually keep animals of sizes other than the target one out, even though they wouldn't have much trouble passing through in reality. There are occasional cases where e.g. elks pass through snare trap lines, but I'm not sure I've seen e.g. badgers cross them.
4. Bear traps are alternatives to pit traps, with the advantage of not needing to be able to dig (frozen or unsuitable ground), but the disadvantage of requiring ropes.
5. Traps in trap lines trap animals of their target size, not letting any through.

Possible game changes (discussion points, rather than actual suggestions):
1. Pit traps being the only "catch all big game" choice.
2. Bear traps in trap fences keeping reindeer and elks from crossing (the fence going right up to the trap).
3. Wolf traps in trap fences keeping reindeer from crossing (?), as well as bears, unless the bear decides to smash the fence to get through (so it definitely won't go unnoticed). Elks would just pass over.
4. Elks and reindeer given the option to jump fences, but only doing it when there's enough incentive.  This has the problem of there not being any way to keep them out of anywhere short of a wall (neither palisades nor moats exist).
5. Reducing trap lines from being blocking lines to being a handy way to ensure humans detect them, but otherwise work as stand alone traps. Again, there's the problem of the lack of alternative ways to keep animals out. While elks and reindeer are mostly a nuisance in the wrong place, big predators are a dangerous threat that can't be kept out with fences.
6. Baiting required to stand a reasonable chance to catch anything unless it's part of a trap fence, unless the trap is a snare.

There are a lot of possible discussion points not listed above...

Swimming animals:
I agree almost all animals should try to escape by swimming rather than stupidly run back and forth along the water line. It would make the initial game a lot harder, though, as starting characters generally lack the tracking skill to chase animals to exhaustion, and typically don't have either the means or the skill to cripple them from a distance (after which they'd still fail to track them). Thin ice should probably keep them from trying to get away through water, while ice that's almost thick enough ought to make them hesitant, but taking the risk when there's no escape route (rather than running back and forth). On the one hand, it can be easier to catch them by drowning, but on the other hand it's a risky pain to recover the carcass. There's probably a need to consider game balance carefully.

November 16, 2020, 12:08:47 PM
Re: Harvesting(edited:boiled down to harvesting, ignore redundant leather discus.) I agree the current harvesting being "cut in adjacent, but not current, tile and then pick it up by either grab remotely or move and pick up" is annoyingly cumbersome, so that a "cut and pick up" action would be very welcome (and lead to fewer instances of forgetting to pick the plants up).

Agriculture, as it currently stands, is definitely too secure. Apart from the occasional badger (which can't be kept out with a fence) and elk/reindeer (which can be kept out) you're guaranteed to get a good harvest, which doesn't exactly mimic history, where famine due to a bad or completely failed harvest was a constant threat. I believe that kind of misfortune is in the development plans, though.

December 09, 2020, 12:10:18 PM