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Re: Can still sell infinite boards to villagers? The purchase limit is not on X items total, but once the threshold has been met, they won’t take more of the item in trades.
If you’d trade say 20 boards for something, then try to trade in additional 20 boards, they’d likely refused the trade then.

February 07, 2022, 03:43:47 PM
Re: Profiting off birds Alternative to kicking is to use Blunt weapon on Head. (Kicking is considered blunt too)
Added benefit is skill improving for the weapon used.

February 24, 2022, 06:30:42 AM
Re: Tea doesn't help thirst If you boil “roots” you get more of boiled vegetables, not a drink.
If you want she leaves or flowers you get herbal drink.

If you have already consumed bearpipe or other stimulant reasonably recently, additional doses doesn’t do anything. Try to go a day (24H+) without eating/drinking any. Let you fatigue drop below “lively”, say tired or weary. Consume the stimulant. Work for 20-30min (or wait, even sleep*) and see the fatigue go to lively. *sleeping after taking stimulant will go to Vigorous, just speeds the levels to lively and then sleep additional 1-2h for vigorous

April 01, 2022, 04:38:42 PM
Re: Feeding dogs Have you tried throwing the fish to the dog?
1 or 2 tile range always goes to the dog, “catch”, further throws might go amiss and then the dog starts running around excitedly and eventually might land on the tile where the food landed and eats.

Or you could try to tell the dog “Eat now”, but that at times causes same “excited” running around as further throws.

Small and regular dogs tend to eat 2 cuts (one pound) of meat or fish every day. Large dogs often want to eat 3 cuts (1-1/2lbs).
Some proteins have higher energy values than others. Feeding them bream might take more scraps than feeding them bear or pork.

April 01, 2022, 07:19:13 PM
Re: Tea doesn't help thirst Sorry about all the typos, autocorrect and all.

Great way to utilize bearpipe is when elk&bear carcass processing. Skin the animal, if tiring to weary or below, get some stimulant in the system, carry on hideworking or butchering. Once you get the hide cleaned/tanning and have pieced up the carcass, you can sleep, then process the skin further and while waiting for that to progress, dry/smoke/salt the meat, or store some 30-50cuts raw in cellar if cold season.

Use those raw cuts to cook meat stews with 1 meadsweet OR few nettle and then a bearpipe. That way you can stretch single bearpipe to last several pots of stews. Also, meadsweet helps with stomach health, for example eating some stale foods. Also curbs the barfing if one eats spoiled, or some stomach irritant plants.
Nettle helps with Influenza/colds. I’m not 100% if it’s preventative, or curative only.
But it can make reasonably “balanced meal”

You can use other seasonings, but the trick is to use less than the total asked amount of “other herbs”, then just a little bit of bearpipe.

I prefer storing the stimulant meals separately, usually in cups (Or specific grade bowls, rough or fine, depending on carpentry) or birchbark boxes, so I don’t eat stimulants at times when I don’t need them, or want to sleep until the morning during long&dark winter nights.

April 01, 2022, 08:54:56 PM
Re: Feeding dogs New character with Spring start can get an entire elk or bear drying utilizing withes. That takes a HUGE burden of survival away. 
Makes looking for homestead location or vagabond traveling around enjoyable.
For role playing purposes, my characters do not smoke meat or fish using spruce withes, the pine pitch/tar isn’t appetizing  ::)

April 02, 2022, 07:39:53 PM
Re: [Spoilers] Meeting the Forest Spirits After sacrificing some silver, I’ve always waited on the ant hill. Hasn’t failed to summon the Old Man so far with that. If doing this in winter, without moon light, I tend to light up an entire trunk or 3-5 slender ones. Helps with freezing temps too
April 02, 2022, 07:46:13 PM
Re: Skill gain in a skill at 100%? The game course for skill improvement @PALU mentioned is archery, with skill already at 100:
it might be easier to obtain crossbow and improve that instead… my characters tend to have low luck with triggering skill increases in archery above 90.

April 02, 2022, 07:51:23 PM
Re: Companions carrying? Have you tried “Chat & deliver(give? Not on computer at the moment to verify)”?
If you give weapons to followers, and they use them in fight, they might not relinquish them later, other stuff you should be able to get back easily.

April 06, 2022, 12:50:04 AM
Re: Missed paying companion If you go visit the village/settlement you hired him from, you can then give him his payment.
They’ll comment something “better late than never”.
If you don’t pay them, you might not be able to hire him or anyone from their home location.

April 07, 2022, 03:43:35 AM