"The Challenge"
This story is long so please sit comfortable
be kind, listen in silence, if you are able
His name was Cosoban, Can I remember right?
Sixteen years old, ready for the trial night!
It was time when he's lost almost everything
way back to village, friends, his family ring
all clothing, all equipage and all conscious too
In start of Winter, badly hurt and that is true!
He woke up after long dream, cold and afraid
(Part of my rules when I've had him played)
But there was one thing he has not lost
his strong will for surviving at all cost
Fire was his friend but hunger, not really
he picked some berries and that wasn't silly
but more important, blade made from stone
easy be done if not pain in arm bone
limping through forest and for water looking
eating that berries, had nothing for cooking
sleep, keep warm, walk more every morning
I know, this part of story is greatly boring
come back next week, I will tell you more
if you don't like it, then please ignore.