Topic: Kaumolaiset to drik Board makeing GET RICH FAST (outdated mostly)  (Read 60316 times)


« on: August 10, 2017, 07:07:40 AM »
     (Hey just a quick future edit here, this guide is mostly outdated now, with the new limit on selling things in the update.)

OK so lets start at the beginning first select too easy then select kaumolaiset or the first culture. then choose you gender and face. for the starting season i would choose spring but summer is ok too. so when you get to rolling your charter you want someone weighing above 270, yes i know it might take long but just keep roiling. you want someone high in agility, speed, and eyesight.
     now the skills, first weapons Take 2 out of every weapon uncept for spear and bow, with these increase by three. take out 2 out of climbing,skiing, and swimming, climbing and swimming are very easy to train anyway, then max out your stealth. for the other skills take 2 out ritual, agriculture, building, herb lore, and weather lore. increase these to max in order
1. hide working
2. timbercraft
3. cookery
4. fishing.
With the rest split them between physician, trapping, and carpentry whatever you think you'll need more.
     now start in Drik territory and select unfortunate hunting trip. loot your father then get out of there, DO NOT ATTACK THE BEST. this will only endanger you. now wander around for a village, once you find one check if you have a axe if you do chop a tree then split it into boards if you don't trade for one. trade your boards for 1. food 2.a splitting axe and a woodcutter axe, masterwork quality. I would then build a fence and buy some cows to live of there milk. and then A masterqualty Spear,bow,and arrows. that is is and remember if you get board don't try to kill a bear or attack a village, just take a breake

criticism is welcome and it you have a question shoot me a email at
have a good day and good Board making.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2020, 10:28:15 AM by cavemanho »


« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2017, 12:13:45 AM »
I don't really see the point in this approach. If you want to be rich, instead of grinding your way trough boards and living off milk, just mod the game and turn rocks into expensive things.


« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2017, 04:44:47 AM »
I see your point, but its more for like a quick start then if want to get to the action of the game like hunting and fighting
And I don't have a single clue how to do something like make rocks worth more. :'(


« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2017, 05:45:35 AM »
Snip..  I don't have a single clue how to do something like make rocks worth more. :'(

Spoiler: show
.Rock. [effort:1] [phys:arms,one-armed]      *COMMON*      /30/
{Rock} '+to polish' [remove]
[NAME:Valuable rock]

To help is it's own reward.
Mods:;area=showposts;sa=attach;u=10 Player Quests, Arrow quiver, Bee hives honey & mead, Massive menus, Fish Farmer, Combat trainer, Player made markers, Weaving, Wood stacks, Chicken coop Fish cuts, string&bone.


« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2017, 05:39:49 AM »
I don't really see the point in this approach. If you want to be rich, instead of grinding your way trough boards and living off milk, just mod the game and turn rocks into expensive things.

Although I see why it may feel pointless to work the game to "get rich quick", I definitely think some people need to feel in control of a game when they are first starting out, just to learn the basics. Pseudo-exploits (board trading, smoking in saunas, pit-trapping villages) will stop some people from getting frustrated and quitting before they get into it, so I think a guide like this is cool.

I know, one day, I will take the training wheels off and make a character who sucks at fishing and manages to survive the early game. One day...

Edit: Added quote.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2017, 08:20:46 AM by spamgoose »


« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2017, 06:28:03 AM »
Although I see why it may feel pointless to work the game to "get rich quick",

Please don't misinterpret my reply, This is a valid method to get a leg up as well as a valid role playing philosophy.
To help is it's own reward.
Mods:;area=showposts;sa=attach;u=10 Player Quests, Arrow quiver, Bee hives honey & mead, Massive menus, Fish Farmer, Combat trainer, Player made markers, Weaving, Wood stacks, Chicken coop Fish cuts, string&bone.


« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2017, 09:16:43 AM »
Snip..  I don't have a single clue how to do something like make rocks worth more. :'(

Spoiler: show
.Rock. [effort:1] [phys:arms,one-armed]      *COMMON*      /30/
{Rock} '+to polish' [remove]
[NAME:Valuable rock]


Teach me your ways Master   8)


« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2017, 08:23:39 AM »
Although I see why it may feel pointless to work the game to "get rich quick",

Please don't misinterpret my reply, This is a valid method to get a leg up as well as a valid role playing philosophy.

Was really a friendly reply to Mati256, and just pointing out "a point" I saw. I edited my answer to make that clearer.


« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2017, 02:17:37 AM »
Beyond the previous argument, my suggestion to edit the guide would be to specifically NOT lower axe skill among the weapon skills, as the higher your axe/timbercraft skills, the more likely you are to spawn with one or more axes. Also, combat will occasionally knock the spear out of your hands, and if your axe skill is decent it can be faster to switch to the handaxe you should always carry anyway and get fighting one turn sooner.

And I consider combat to be the fastest way to make money anyway, one Njerp gives enough loot (if you don't keep any) to buy a cow and enough food to tide you over while you make wooden bowls for milk. An entire squad of bandits (foolish to fight without a save scum/heavy armor looted from Njerps, but I start about half of my characters on Here Be Robbers! and only keep playing with them if they successfully kill all enemies in that first fight) gives enough to set you up with a pretty much full set of gear, almost without trading.
Iiiiii juuuuust want to set the woooooooorld onnnn fiiiiiiiiireeeeeee.... Iiiiiiii don't want to start a flame in your heeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrt.
And with your admissiiiiion you feeeeel the same, I'llllll have reached the goaaaal I'm dreamiiiing offfff, believe meeeeee

Tom H

« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2018, 01:07:05 AM »
3.52 has a response to this thread...Fuggedaboudit! lol


« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2018, 12:22:43 PM »
Spring is a must start. You won't freeze with starting clothes and you can still dry food. Start with Kaumolainen, try to have attributes will, dexterity, agility, speed, eyesight and touch (needed for fishing, dodge and spear) as good as possible, select start location in Driiki region and scenario "I wan't to be fisherman".
Stressful: the first thing you have to do is to check inventory. If you don't have an axe, delete this character and create another one. Axe is the most important thing at the start.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2018, 12:30:20 PM by tedomedo »


« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2019, 03:04:25 AM »
I couldn’t get this to work anymore. The villagers say “no thanks, we don’t need any boards”. Help please! I’ve always found it very hard to get barter items early game. What else could I make? Is the board method dead?


« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2019, 07:32:09 AM »
To help is it's own reward.
Mods:;area=showposts;sa=attach;u=10 Player Quests, Arrow quiver, Bee hives honey & mead, Massive menus, Fish Farmer, Combat trainer, Player made markers, Weaving, Wood stacks, Chicken coop Fish cuts, string&bone.


« Reply #13 on: March 09, 2019, 10:34:53 AM »
I couldn’t get this to work anymore. The villagers say “no thanks, we don’t need any boards”. Help please! I’ve always found it very hard to get barter items early game. What else could I make? Is the board method dead?

I was indeed fixed, finally :)

What about carving those boards in fox traps? A bit more energy expenditure, but the same value as the boards.


« Reply #14 on: November 27, 2019, 05:34:07 PM »
I couldn’t get this to work anymore. The villagers say “no thanks, we don’t need any boards”. Help please! I’ve always found it very hard to get barter items early game. What else could I make? Is the board method dead?

In 3.52 I made wooden cups and bowls for trading, with torches in-between as rest. Villagers buy them, they may say the torch is unworthy for more valuable items, but they still seem to be bought for higher prices than berries or completely edible mushrooms.