Topic: Version 3.63 still the best? Long time no play  (Read 1304 times)


« on: January 12, 2025, 03:22:26 PM »
It's been a good while since I stopped updating my versions since I found out fishing was nerfed out of existence after 3.63.
However it appears that players can now make their own Nets and Fishing Rods which I definitely approve!
On the other hand, if it doesn't matter how skilled one is at Fishing or if one can make the tools, if the mechanic is still busted, it's still an issue.
Can anyone verify that the fishing mechanic has been fixed?


« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2025, 05:02:39 PM »
With nets, you don't need bait, so the mechanic is the same as before. It takes a lot of yarn to produce a net, but that's pretty realistic and you can gather enough nettles for it in the summer.

With fishing rods, you do need to use bait, but I did 100 trials with various kinds of bait and discovered that even bits of useless vegetation like half a nettle leaf is usually good enough for a roach, and once you have a roach you can use the roach as bait to get a pike or salmon. I have had characters survive doing nothing but fishing with poor starting fishing skills in recent versions, you just have to gather some berries/leaves/flowers and be a bit patient and be prepared to get pretty hungry before your fishing skill gets high enough for it to start to pay off.

If your skill is high, then it doesn't even need much patience,you should be fine pretty quickly.

Average results for 100 trials with high fishing skill:

No bait: 30 grams per fishing attempt  -- a roach weighs 150 grams, so this is about one in 5 fishing attempts gets you a roach

Berries: 430 grams per fishing attempt - that's about 3 roaches per fishing attempt, though of course sometimes you get nothing and somethings you get 10 roaches.

Leaves: 460 grams per fishing attempt

Mushrooms: 480 grams per fishing attempt

Flowers: 620 grams per fishing attempt - that's 4 roaches or two perches!

Roots: 630 grams per fishing attempt

raw fish: 1.48 kg per fishing attempt, that's why i said you should always use roaches as bait for more fishing

raw meat: 1.94 kg per fishing attempt! That's a lot!

What I recommend is that you download the latest version of the game and put it in a different folder and make a new character with it and see how you like it. Don't migrate your characters until you've decided that you liike how things are now. Save your 3.63 version somewhere else so that you can go back to it if you want.

In order to migrate your characters all the way to 3.85 you'll have to get some intermediary versions. You'll need 3.72 to migrate the 3.63 characters, and then 3.81 to migrate the 3.72 characters and then finally the latest version 3.85 can migrate the 3.81 characters


« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2025, 03:51:43 PM »
There is also a youtube tutorial to the current fishing system. They also have an advanced tutorial. I'm under the impression that these videos cover a lot of topics including baits, fishing locations, timing, and all the methods from lippo to the nets etc.
UnReal World co-designer, also working on a small side project called Ancient Savo


« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2025, 06:11:03 PM »
Oh, that's a good link, Erkka.

I focused on fishing rods in my speadsheet, but lippos are very useful. You can craft your own. Different fish have different spawning seasons, and if your fishing skill is good, you can almost always get a fish by scooping it up with your lippo at the right spot -- you'll see ripples and you'll hear it from far away.

