Topic: Armor spawn rates in villages?  (Read 1216 times)


« on: December 20, 2024, 06:30:03 PM »
I made a new save file since the 3.85 update and I can't tell if I just got super unlucky or spawn rates for metal armors have changed. I visited almost every Driik village and only found 3 chain cowls, 1 helmet, and that's it. They also seem to lack the abundance of good quality tools/weapons they usually did. If it was indeed changed, I would love a way to get semi-reliable info from villages on where to find foreign traders. Because as it stands currently, I'm at the mercy of RNG and having good sight as a character if I want anything more than leather armor...


« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2024, 09:47:25 PM »
They do restock, slowly, especially if you don't visit them too often.

Give Reemi a try, too, they're relatively wealthy.


« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2024, 10:58:08 PM »
Sartolais and Koivulais villages on initial visit tend to be average/poor wealth. But visit them again in 6, 12, 24... months and you'll be surprised what you can find; swords, axes, metal armors, leather armors, decent to MW. And so many furs.


« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2024, 11:23:54 PM »
You can always get decent armor items and any quality other items by adding recipes in the diy_glossary.

I often do test characters, and don’t have time IRL to grind for basic setup. Is it cheating when I want to test weapons vs armors etc, sure. Is it balanced, no.
Spoiler: show
Code: [Select]
.Battlesword. *COMMON* %99% /1/
{Branch} [noquality]

Takes 1 minute, counts the skill level at 149, you need to be close to a branch (inventory or ground & and doesn’t limit the resulting item’s quality)


« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2024, 03:43:27 AM »
Perhaps I haven't made a new character and went trading right away in so long, that I didn't even notice that on game start the stock the villages have is so meager. Well, I'll play and see.  ;)

