Topic: [3.72 p1] Material Iron failed to be Iron  (Read 6882 times)


« on: May 12, 2023, 06:27:30 AM »
Its been reported that the recipe below that specifically calls for the material to be iron is giving leather protection instead

thus for now we are experimenting with removing leather from it and similar recipes


//Spectacle helm
.Iron spectacle helm. *CARPENTRY* %-60% /8h/ [effort:3] [phys:hands, arms] |2|
{Steel dome} [remove] [ground] '+for initial frame'
{*steel billet} #2# [remove]    '+add curved plates'
{Iron nails} #0.25# [remove]    '+as rivets'
{Leather} #0.25# [remove]    '+as suspension and head band'
{Ball iron hammer}       '+needs advanced hammer for complex shapes'
{Pliers} [ground]      '+to hold while hammering at odd angles'
{*anvil*} [ground]       '+to hammer on'
{Medieval drill} [ground]    '+to drill rivet holes'
[ARMOUR_COVERAGE:skull face]
// reference showed price 520 torches = 30.6 squirrel hide
//2023-05 no edits applied
//2023-05-08 restore tool name from tongs back to pliers
//2023-05-08 affirming protection properties


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« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2023, 05:34:15 PM »
I don't know how that outcome of the item becoming out as leather protection is obtained, so I can't really say....
But this:
is completely valid entry and there should be now issues with it.

However, as the recipe creates "iron spectacle helm" item you don't really have to even specify ARMOUR_MATERIAL or ARMOUR_COVERAGE or WEIGHT.
Especially as these don't seem to have changes to vanilla item.
The price has been reduced significantly here for some reason. :/
 .... the player characters seem to be super fast and budget friendly iron crafters compared to the village masters ;)
- Sami | UnReal World creator


« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2023, 06:27:57 AM »
Price is based off the old Wiki entry converted IIRC from torches to squirrel hides

As we don't have examples of build times hard to say. The recipe your seeing though includes things like the steel dome which has its own build time. At this point its attaching the vertical and eye pieces in a spaganhelm style.


« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2023, 07:06:54 AM »
Checked, that phase of the iron helm is at the  maximum of 8 hours. Thats the longest we can really use in the game given that during that time the character can't eat or drink.

There are precusor steps so its not just that 8 hours.

To really change the time we would many more menu steps so that each could be 8 hours. That would take the two tier alphabet menu.


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« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2023, 08:53:13 AM »
Wikis have have tendency to be outdated here and there. It's best for the item values that are intended to be kept in line with the game world eg. price, weight, etc. it's best not to touch them unless there's a reason to do produce something else than an existing vanilla item.

But still wondering how the outcome was found out to be leather protection.
Can you try this again, craft the thing, have it in the character's inventory and send me the savegame and I'll see about the values.
- Sami | UnReal World creator


« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2023, 12:58:36 AM »
We ran some experiments and it wasn't fully confirmed.

Eventually I was seeing iron protection when specified.

Oddly it was grabbing the type of leather used to add to the spec helm's name thus I got a "tufted duct spectacle helm"

At that point I just decided to take the leather out of that step in production.

That is currently:

//Spectacle helm
.Iron spectacle helm. *CARPENTRY* %-60% /8h/ [effort:3] [phys:hands, arms] |2|
{Steel dome} [remove] [ground] '+for initial frame'
{*steel billet} #2# [remove] [ground]   '+add curved plates'
{Iron nails} #0.25# [remove] [ground]   '+as rivets'
//{Leather} #0.25# [remove] [ground]   '+as suspension and head band'
{Ball iron hammer}    [ground] '+needs advanced hammer for complex shapes'
{Pliers} [ground]      '+to hold while hammering at odd angles'
{*anvil*} [ground]       '+to hammer on'
{Medieval drill} [ground]    '+to drill rivet holes'
[ARMOUR_COVERAGE:skull face]
// reference showed price 520 torches = 30.6 squirrel hide
//2023-05 no edits applied
//2023-05-08 restore tool name from tongs back to pliers
//2023-05-08 affirming protection properties
//2023-05-11 leather commented out as was changing protection
//2023-05-14-B testing finding protection okay now but leather
// source gets added to item name like "tufted duck iron..."
// so leather being left out for that anyway

I made add iron shape for the eye holes to also add a production step to slow down the creation of the best helm in the game

