Tired of repetitive spear throwing and arrow shooting? Don't want to waste resources just to upgrade your lacking carpentry? Absolutely done with button mashing for training your skills?
Well fear no more! With this mod, kiss goodbye to everything above.
Adds skill training to the game! Now you no longer have to waste resources/do things on repeat.
Due to the way this is done, you can do multiple crafts at once; no more repetitive button mashing to train a skill!
You will need to get Training Session from the Craft & Lore Training Menu in addition to the requirements listed below. They weigh 0, and each session takes 10 minutes. The max you can do in one go is 4 hours(so 24 Training Sessions at once).
Don't forget, each skill is hardcoded to only go up to max 3% a day, so if you manage to hit that in however many training sessions in a day, you should probably stop.
Installation/update Instructions:
Just put it into the Unreal Game folder. That's it!
To update-just download the latest version, unzip the files in the URW Directory, and let it overwrite existing files.
Agriculture: Needs a shovel and any type of seeds
Building: Axe and a Log(of any type)
Cookery: Raw Meat/Fish and Fire
Herblore: Any type of Flowers
Fishing: Fishing rod
Hideworking: Animal Skin
Timbercraft: Axe and be near a Spruce Tree
Netmaking: Netting needle, Yarn and Cord(With a certain amount of foot/metre)
Bowyer: Axe, Knife, Board, Bowstring
Physician: Bandage
Trapping: Paw-board fox trap
Tracking: None
Weatherlore: None
Textilecraft: Fibre and a Spindle
Carpentry: Axe and a Log
Skiing: Skis and a Ski-stick
Stealth: None
Climbing: Be near a spruce tree
Swimming: be at a Lake/River/Sea terrain, and be in Water tile
Dodge: rock
Unarmed: None
Weapon training will need their respective weapons! Bow/Crossbow will need arrow.
This mod adds 3 menus to your Make menu, each of which show cases the respective skills of that category.
Crafting & Lore Training MenuPhysical Training MenuCombat Training MenuPS: I wanted to attach images to show, but idk why the img tag isn't working... oh well.
Changelog Notes(As of URW Version 3.85 Stable, on 4th February 2025)
1. Pausable crafts being gradually added may cause training sessions to be PARTIALLY CRAFTED, and can't be discarded. There is no truetile for the session tokens, so you are either stuck seeing it in your inventory forever or left somewhere you can't see forever.
This can't be fixed until Discards-discards it, or be able to reactivate the session.
I recommend being as energetic as your character can be before gallivanting off into a 4 hour session of any skill. And never doing a training session unless your character state is above 'Ready to Drop' and your fatique levels are not too low. (I finally managed to replicate the bug. And yes, can't remove it, its perpetually there. ;( )
Opened a bug report
https://www.unrealworld.fi/forums/index.php?topic=7440.msg23893#msg23893, please feel free to add to it.
Changelog v1.1 (Updated as of URW Version 3.82, on 12th October 2023)
- Fixed Club training being overwritten by Craft Club option
- Added description for Fishing training. Fishing can be trained by having a Fishing rod with any hook, or no hook at all.
Changelog v1.2 (Updated as of URW Version 3.84.2, on 23rd May 2024)
- Added Netmaking skill training!
- Added Bowyer skill training!
! Note that carpentry and bowyer skills have duplicate options in their own respective skill menus still. No idea why but it is ignorable.
Changelog v1.3 (Updated as of URW Version 3.85 Stable, on 11th February 2025)
- Carpentry skill training fix due to Logs now having a type(spruce, pine, etc)