Topic: [3.63] Bug or RNG anomaly? Fortified vagabond village with single kota  (Read 4977 times)


« on: March 27, 2021, 09:07:22 PM »
In my current game, I've discovered a fortified vagabond village that has no actual fortifications, it only has a single kota. It's one village in a cluster of eight villages on the edge of Islander, Driik and No mans's land. The cluster has three vagabond villages, two Islander villages and three Driik villages quite close to each other. It feels like the map generation is a bit off, because that is such an odd mix of villages clustered very close to each other - could it be an actual bug (the non-fortified fortified vagabond village does sound like one), or is it just an extreme result of random generation?


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« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2021, 06:31:59 AM »
Could be a bug.
I’ve seen forester villages, inside cultural area bubbles before. On the very edges only though.
Never seen a fortified village that wasn’t a Driik though.

Might be worth compressing the save and emailing to Sami.


« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2021, 09:53:19 AM »
I played a bit more just now, and came across items with no name, just a number - suspecting corrupt files, I did Steam verification and it reported a few files that didn't pass verification and were reacquired (in addition to some of the glossary files I had edited myself). So that save had more problems than just this - as I wasn't very far into it, I just started a new game. I did have a complete lock-up while playing URW a while ago (not related to URW, but a background process), and it must have messed up some files. So perhaps just a false alarm, but I'll keep an eye out if something like this happens in this save.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2021, 10:05:09 AM by Saukko »

