This is a mod to implement the use of a Quern-Stone, which is a relatively simple grinding tool in use way, way, way back throughout human civilizations. Once assembled, the quern-stone allows you to grind barley and rye flour roughly twice as fast, though more effortful. Other types of flour are more difficult to implement, because they do not have a base item type (this is because all other flours decompose slowly).
If I could figure out exactly their nutritional information, I could probably add them too, but it would be a non-decomposing variety. is ideally used in conjunction with BAC mod, or another mod that adds tools, but can be pretty easily modified to work on its own.
Here it is in game:

And the text of the mod is as follows:
.Mine for Big Stone. "Stone" *COMMON* [effort:3] [phys:stance,arms,hands] /6h/ [noquality] [assist:1]
{[NEARBY_TILE:Big rock]} '+stand next to a big boulder'
{*hammer} 'Hammer'
[NAME:Big Stone]
.Shape Quern-Stone Piece. "Stone" *COMMON* [effort:1] [phys:arms,hands] /6h/ [assist:1]
{Big Stone} (1) [remove] [noquality]
{*hammer} 'Hammer'
{Whetstone} '+grind smoothness of hitting areas'
[NAME:Quern-Stone Piece]
.Assemble Quern-Stone. "Stone" *COMMON* [effort:1] [phys:arms,hands] /6h/ [assist:1]
{Quern-Stone Piece} (2) [remove]
{Wooden stake} (2) [remove] [noquality]
{Board} (2) [remove]
{*hammer} 'Hammer'
{Whetstone} '+grind smoothness of hitting areas'
.Grind Barley-Flour. "barley-flour" [effort:2] [noquality] [phys:arms,one-armed] [patch:10] *COMMON* /20/
{Barley grains} #1# [remove] [patchwise]
{Quern-Stone} [ground]
.Grind Rye-Flour. "rye-flour" [effort:2] [noquality] [phys:arms,one-armed] [patch:10] *COMMON* /20/
{Rye grains} #1# [remove] [patchwise]
{Quern-Stone} [ground]
If using BAC, I recommend putting these in the Mining and More menu, where there is room for them.
If not, then you can put them wherever, but will want to comment out the hammer and whetstone requirements.
Either way, the attached image goes in truetile.
If there is demand for a stand-alone version of this with files (as defined as one person specifically asking for it in this thread), then i will put something together.