Thanks for all the feedback, guys !
I realize that I was too vague with my Patreon-related thoughts. So let me rephrase myself:
Yes, absolutely! Patreon for Enormous Elk is already planned, and will happen! The exact timing of launching the Patreon profile will depend on various stuff, which I won't go in detail now. But it is coming, as a way to support UnReal World development, and what ever other smaller stuff Enormous Elk does.
Friend, you are overthinking it.
Hey, thanks for the pieces of information you wrote in that post! This is something I tried to say in one of our earlier e-mails. That, since I personally don't have that much user experience with Patreon, it has been a bit hard for me to think about it. And therefore I've been reading their own official instructions and guides and recommendations, leading me to "overthink" it, having a feeling that a Patreon profile should be a shiny thing with a frequent stream of special bonus content to keep the audience engaged. But the way you describe it now sounds a lot more like something which would perfectly fit the way Enormous Elk works
On top of that, I might still try a small simple separate campaign for the Ancient Savo project - mostly just to gather that small bunch of early test players to provide feedback during the development phase. I see that as a more focused need, choosing the tools according to that specific need.
Didn't read through every post in the thread, but had the same idea that Patreon could definitely be worth a try. Can of course ditch it, if it doesn't work as intended? Probably less of a hassle than developing a whole new game.
Ah, absolutely no problem with not wading through the entire thread. It has been just different people expressing their different opinions, thoughts, assumptions, fears and also a lot of willingness to support - each according to their own personal point of view. But scattered here and there were few of my thoughts related to the idea of developing a whole new game. For I see it as a good way to boost UnReal World development in the long term, and to unleash some of my own creative potential which has been partially hibernating for too long, being burdened by the duties of my main work. So, the idea of making a side game next to the main title, that stems from the development chambers, so to say