Nice writing, and if we wouldn’t practice English (or any other languages) how would we ever improve?
Hunt with ancestors Mikka.
Well, after such a nice reply and a wish of eternal hunt I really do not know if I should continue the tale of Mikka from another time-dimension, as was mentioned earlier

. And to think I just finished writing another bit and thought about posting it here!
Also I am fully aware that save-scumming which took place here, while happened almost involuntarily (I copied my savegame some weeks ago to USB-device when I went to spend an weekend at my girlfriend's so I could play on her laptop), may be considered a cheap cheat, so to say. But in my defence, I grew attached to that character (who wouldn't!) and I felt like he didn't live all the life that he deserved and saw so little of the world. And these days I just cannot contain my urge of writing

, so here goes:
Another time-dimension
Days 54-68(Note from the author: so it seems like some advanced physics theories were right and there ARE multiple timelines in the great Universe, as Paul Muad-Dib Atreides would surely confirm))) At least, in the depths of my gaming screen it is so)) In an absolutely another timeline Mikka Kaumolainen would not go and confront the bear. In this timeline his life would be much more calm. I hope.)Spend those days mostly at home, building, fishing, food gathering. Tanned that superior elk-skin and got 24 pounds of leather. Smoked about 90 cuts of elk meat in the village, rewarded villagers with some. When returning from the village, saw fresh bear tracks in the forest. Climbed the hill and looked around - sure thing, there was the beast about kilometer or so to the north-east. So I went and placed two heavy deadfall traps, one to the west of my settlement, where I had seen the tracks, and another slightly to the north, somewhere around the place where I had noticed the bear itself.
My log cabin is finished now. It has a fireplace, two small shutter windows, sleeping bunk, working table and a bench. I cannot describe how comfortable and cozy it is to lie beside the warm, dimly lit fireplace, wrapped in furs on the real bed, listening to the rustle of rain on the roof! And to think only two months earlier I was merely a wordless slave in the hands of hated oppressors! I should go and pay their war camp another visit of ghostly vengeance!
Day 69I had had the most unusual experience today! In the morning I had armed myself with my new hunting bow (traded it from the big northern village a while ago), javelins, sword and axe, donned my leather armours and iron helm and went to exact some more revenge on Njerpezit camp.
As before, I calmly approached the camp from the east and stealthed to the tree border. But suddenly a saw a dim glint in the bushes. I stood still, not moved for some minutes, but the thing in the bushes didn't budge. So I went and looked. What a sight! It was fully clad in ragged metal, leather and furs skeleton of a Njerpezit warrior, with his sword and spear in bony hands. By his clothes I knew him - he was a proud and cruel taskmaster of me and my fellow slaves back in the day. And here he lied, dead and totally decomposed before me! And then I looked around. God! There were four of them, lying here and there among the trees and boulders, all armed and armoured, but only bones remained of the men themselves. To this day, I do not know what happened and who (or what) did all my work for me and by whom I was robbed of my revenge.
Carefully I examined all the camp (two small wooden buildings, of which one I partially built myself four or so months ago, and two small kotas). But to no avail. Nohow I could discern what fate befell the village and who killed all the warriors. In the buildings I found a battlesword, a bronze bear pendant and some long spoiled food. That was all. Maybe some mysterious enemies attacked and slew all the Njerpezit, while themselves all had left the place unharmed. Maybe Njerpezi quarrelled between themselves and killed each other, last man lying amongst his former comrades, wounded, bleeding to death... I do not know and I guess I'll never know.
At first I began to deconstruct kotas and already packed some 50 lbs of ragged deer furs, but then I had decided to keep the place as it was, may be as a hunting camp or a winter storage facility for me.
And now I became really wealthy. Rich like a knyaz' (prince). Several different swords, Njerpezilai scimitars, axes, heap of knives, shortbows, arrows were all mine. Also a great bundle of clothes, which I with some revulsion gathered from the corpses. The most valuable was somewhat ragged lamellar cuirass and good mail cowl. Trundling it all on my poor back I returned home. What a strange day!
To be continued... (if I may)