Topic: [3.61 linux] overloaded punt froze game  (Read 5659 times)


« on: April 09, 2020, 08:44:39 PM »
This happened before I upgraded to the new version I just didn't get around to posting this until now.

I ran into another issue with Pekka. I had a lot of things on my punt, but I didn't get a message about it being overloaded. When I tried to zoom out with it, it froze, using all my cpu and had to be killed, and then when I reloaded it, my punt and everything on it was gone and I was wading in the zoomed out map. I zoomed in, hoping the punt might be there but it wasn't. This is the last thing I can find in the msglog.txt about what might have been on the punt:

Code: [Select]
(143270):n9h8:[#]{06070063}      | There are several objects here:
(000000):n9h8:[p]{06070063}      | punt
(000000):n9h8:[1]{06070063}      | 16 slender tree trunks
(000000):n9h8:[4]{06070063}      | 42 fistfuls of rye grains
(000000):n9h8:[7]{06070063}      | 73 hemps
(000000):n9h8:[2]{06070063}      | 22 homespun yarns
(000000):n9h8:[3]{06070063}      | 300 dried retted plants
(000000):n9h8:[1]{06070063}      | 116 barleys
(575757):n9h8:[_]{06070063}      | ...and 30 more.

These are some other things that were probably on the punt, lots of plants that I'd harvested and timber stuff, but these things which I will really miss:

Code: [Select]
(3C5A98):i9hj:[:]{06070063}      | You drop the small knife.
(3C5A98):i9hh:[:]{06080063}      | You drop the shovel.
(3C5A98):i9hg:[:]{06080063}      | You drop the handaxe.
(3C5A98):i9hg:[:]{06080063}      | You drop the fine carving axe.
(3C5A98):i9h2:[:]{06080063}      | You drop the fine splitting axe.
(3C5A98):h9h6:[:]{06070063}      | You drop the masterwork woodsman's axe.
(3C5A98):i9hg:[:]{06080063}      | You drop the pot.
(3C5A98):i9hh:[:]{06080063}      | You drop the arctic fox fur.
(3C5A98):i9hh:[:]{06080063}      | You drop the 3 bags.
(3C5A98):i9hh:[:]{06080063}      | You drop the wooden mug.

and some modded stuff that  I will miss
Code: [Select]
(3C5A98):i9hh:[:]{06080063}      | You drop the spindle and distaff.
(3C5A98):i9hh:[:]{06080063}      | You drop the heckling comb.
(3C5A98):i9hg:[:]{06080063}      | You drop the stone hammer.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2023, 08:50:48 AM by Sami »


« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2020, 12:03:17 AM »
Did you zoom out without moving, i.e. directly from a land tile? It shouldn't be possible to move with an overloaded craft, but if you didn't actually move it first, a check may be missing. There also was a recent bug of landing a craft and then zooming out directly after having dropped the paddle on a land tile (i.e. one not belonging to a river/lake). This might be related.

The modded items aren't that hard to make again (assuming the tools needed to make them weren't among the lost items), assuming the logic is close to that of Buiodda's mod, but losing quality items and the only tool of various kinds hurts.


« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2020, 07:57:25 AM »
It will probably take me a few months in game to remake those modded items. It's not Buiodda's mod but a similar one, but my character's skills are low, so I will have a lot of failures before I get the quality back up.

It's mostly all my axes that I'll miss, and my dog, who also disappeared.

It didn't say that punt was overloaded, but I did have a lot of things on it, and that's my only guess for what went wrong.

You can see in msglog.txt that I successfully pushed the punt into the water before zooming out:

Code: [Select]
(143270):n9h8:[#]{06070063}      | There are several objects here:
(000000):n9h8:[p]{06070063}      | punt
(000000):n9h8:[1]{06070063}      | 16 slender tree trunks
(000000):n9h8:[4]{06070063}      | 42 fistfuls of rye grains
(000000):n9h8:[7]{06070063}      | 73 hemps
(000000):n9h8:[2]{06070063}      | 22 homespun yarns
(000000):n9h8:[3]{06070063}      | 300 dried retted plants
(000000):n9h8:[1]{06070063}      | 116 barleys
(575757):n9h8:[_]{06070063}      | ...and 30 more.
(3C5A98):n9h8:[:]{06070063}      | You push the punt into water and jump aboard.
(000000):n9h8:[T]{06070063}      | The female dog withdraws from your way.
(143270):n9h8:[#]{06070063}      | Zooming out ...
(575757):n9h8:[_]{06070063}      | There's land ahead of you. To go on shore first press [ENTER] to zoom in.
(143270):n9h8:[#]{06080063}      | You see female dog here.

and then it froze and my punt and everything was gone:

Code: [Select]
(143270):n9h8:[#]{06080063}      | Zooming in ...
(000000):n9h8:[T]{06080063}      | There is sea here and you take a closer look at this area.
(3C5A98):n9h8:[:]{06060063}      | You feel bitterly cold.
(3C5A98):n9h8:[:]{06080063}      | You are numbingly cold.
(A80000):n9h8:[!]{06080063}      | You can't zoom out while wading!
(3C5A98):n9h8:[:]{06090063}      | You get out of the water.
(AB5700):n9h9:[+]{06080062}      | Use this command also to unpack your pack animal or pick items from your companion.
(A80000):n9h9:[!]{06080062}      | There is nothing here to pick up.

