Topic: Feb 02, 2020 Steam phantom update  (Read 5551 times)


« on: February 02, 2020, 02:34:48 PM »
Steam freaked me out today cueing a 533 MB  :o update for Unreal World and I was twitching in nervous anxiety at the scope of needing to fix the BAC mod for something that extensive  :-\ :'( :-[. Looking for info though there wasn't any news since the archery. Going back to the steam downloads it was now saying the update was done with Zero of Zero downloaded.

So apparently steam did some minor management or something after all.

Mentioning it here for the devs to be aware of or other modders not to gasp for breath while clutching their chests.


« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2020, 03:43:39 PM »
Thanks for the post Brygun. Will need to update my addresses to accommodate for this.
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« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2020, 08:05:18 PM »
533 MBs. Hmm. That's a lot. If this had happened to all, or even a majority of Steam players I think we had heard about it out loud. And of course, we don't do major updates in silence.

I'm thinking maybe it downloaded videos DLC for you? We have them video greetings on Steam as DLC. Nothing else related to UnReal World on Steam can't be that big.
- Sami | UnReal World creator


« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2020, 08:50:58 PM »
533 MBs. Hmm. That's a lot. If this had happened to all, or even a majority of Steam players I think we had heard about it out loud. And of course, we don't do major updates in silence.

I'm thinking maybe it downloaded videos DLC for you? We have them video greetings on Steam as DLC. Nothing else related to UnReal World on Steam can't be that big.

Addresses (that I have on file) in urw.exe were offset'd by 0x1000. Seemed like a file patch to me but maybe something steam related. Dunno!

Seems to be steam related.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2020, 11:41:54 AM by Night »
URW Character Menu - Cheating menu by a player, for the players.
URW Character Designer - Design your characters sprite!

