2020, here we go! I hope everyone is doing alright.
For me, the last year started with a broken shoulder and the winter was pretty much over before I recovered up to healthy coding condition. This year starts better, with no serious injuries, and wrestling with bugs reported during my lengthened holiday season has been going on for a good while.
The winter hasn't been much of a winter, though. We barely have snow, it's been a very few minus degree periods during the midwinter and the thin ice cover on the lakes lakes keep thawing and freezing. I've longed to go for skiing the whole winter, but that hasn't been possible. Bummer.
But here we go, starting up a new year of game development. Minor bugfix updates to be expected first. Stay tuned.
And if you're up to sharing your own start of the year feelings feel free to drop a few lines. Cheers!